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Mak Eightman

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Everything posted by Mak Eightman

  1. Thank you for attention!! I think I understand your thoughts about rhythm-lead guitar mixing. I'm gonna try it. The only thing that worries me in this .. I want to keep that power. And it depends of rhythm guitars loudness, I think.. But I may be wrong! I'm still a n00b) So I'm gonna try your advice and post here later today. Thank you!
  2. Firs of all.. Thanks for review! Update: You right about rhythm guitars, there was no distortion pedal(i used only amp's gain) I had some doubts about that sound. Thank you for force me to change it. I used some EQ on synth to make it little more softer and I like it much more now. Also had some changes in play for guitars section, some drums update, changed ending, and some level-up in bass guitar section. And of course lots of changes in mixing. Thank you again! What do you think about it? How bad is it now?
  3. Thank you guys for your thoughts! Now changed to "Mod-review". Source added to privies post. THANK YOU!!
  4. That is great! The only thing bothers me is vocals. Better cut all of those voices out of awesome sound line, imo:mrgreen:
  5. Update. Rerecorded leads, rerecorded rhythms(now heavier), Bass-guitar recorded. Your thoughts, critics, any feedback will be GREAT!! Thanks! Edit: Drums little up in power:) Edit2: Source:
  6. Uptempo! Fast, crazy, loud and distorted! But NOTHING is better! Individuality..
  7. Agreed with almost everything Gario just said. But I really hate guitar. Sounds too obviously cheap. Still I want to say that I like organ(sounds neat and gentle). The best part of that remix intro, imo. I love that harpsichord sound everywhere in this arrangement(but especially in intro). And yes. Too conservative, empty in highs, and it may interest only those who played that game(thats why I'm here). After all I like this mix as and the game. And good work!
  8. I like it! Melodic-aggressive theme is the best thing in music, imo. The only thing bothers my ears - GLITCH effects. In right places, in right rhythm and fists to arrangement, but too obvious, which cause not pleasure hitting effect on my ears and my head. Still awesome track! Great work!!
  9. Wooo!! FOUR month.. I almost forgot about this remix.. Anyway HELLO!! Some update! I changed.. EVERYTHING!! Solo synth + guitar section added, changed arrangement, rerecorded guitars and lot of other changes, editing. Some problems in first two leads(guitar), rhythm guitars issues and some time issues.. Thats what I can hear right now. REMIX: http://official.fm/tracks/212215 I counting on your thoughts guys! Thanks for attention! P.S. NO EQ'ing at all in this remix, NO compression, NO normalization here btw))
  10. Nice:D Can be used as intro(by someone..)
  11. Splatter House 3!!!!!! Awesome! Dunno about percussion you have now, but some drums(neat-aggressive) plus up loudness for bass line, then some balancing after that and.. It will be children symphony!! I enjoy this track a lot! But it needs some gentle power) Great soul you have here!
  12. Pain one of my favorite bands) As for repetitive.. You right! It is. But it doesn't bother me at all. This song(i hope it will be a song), going to be in album(11-13 tracks). So I think theres no need to make it super-awesome, changing melody or sections or whatever. Some quality upgrade + good vocals and this track will be good, I think.. But maybe I'm gonna cut intro and rerecord bass guitar in closer future. Thank you for giving this shit your time guys! P.S. Read my sig, just in case.
  13. Hello! Another experiment in sound. Any critics, advice, thoughts are welcome!! http://official.fm/tracks/206378 I want this track with vocals in future, but I not even started to think about lyrics. So any suggestions will be GREAT!! Thank You!
  14. Guys, if you talking about someone who starting his way to the top of music scene, you saying difficult things, getting tooo deep in nonsense. Million, trillion, quintillion of backs.. Who cares? FL is good, but for me its difficult in work process. Too many unnecessary things I have to do. Adobe is good for recording live instruments and I never saw something better. Some ppl use Reaper. And saying its cool. I tried.. Awesome real-time vst hosting, but when I wanted to "draw" midi or something.. I failed. But Reaper not expensive and if you give some time to it, you may find something interesting and useful. I stopped on MAGIX for vst-i and pre-masterin(balance), and Adobe Audition for recording live instruments and final balance and mastering. Also MAGIX and Adobe(and FL, and Reaper) don't need super comp to work good. And you may connect your keyboard or whatever to standard midi-in of your sound card(if it have it). After all, you have to try almost everything, before find what fists to YOU.
  15. I gave you some feedback, I hope. I'm sd3's the only n00b!!) Or maybe not anymore.. Waiting for tracklist update, to be sure who(or what:)) I am. And one thing.. Probable I can give you some feedback but AIM sucks and unfortunately, I have it. I'll try to think what can I tell. If you still need it.
  16. Who cares? Everyone knows.. FL studio = Fruty Loops.
  17. Wow! Thats a great work! I love Harp's sound, but my samples sucks, that is way I used it just once in my mixes. It will be more then awesome if you make some Harp vst-inst(which can be used in any daw, not just kontakt). And probable I even buy it! Well probably.. Not so sure.. I'm poor. I like that melody btw! Did you played it on keyboard or "draw" it??
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