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Mak Eightman

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Everything posted by Mak Eightman

  1. First synth is same as original, cause otherwise judges say fck off again:-D I totally agreed about lead guitar(if you mean 1:39). Also, it was kinda pain in the ass for me, to play "that". Lot of timing issues and other stuff like that. Yea. I'm suck in guitar leads. Which is why my answer to this: Is: Blsht! I'll try to rerecord that lead again, when i have some more feedback. Or IF I have:? Thanks a lot dude!! Btw!! You'll be waiting forever if don't PM Mods!
  2. I guess its ok now. Dunno what to do else. Remix: Source: Enjoy if it possible:-D
  3. Thanks! I dunno about synths, sounds nice imo.. Simple, but nice. I'll see what I can do.. maybe. Source link fixed. Thanks again! Btw! Drums better then past remixes? Cause it electronic? Damn.. That sucks.
  4. Magix Music Maker.. The name said everything. FL is a bitch.
  5. Nope. I just need tune my guitar:tomatoface: Yup. Kinda muddy. Fck it! I'm too lazy:< Thanks for your thoughts!!
  6. And again.. RMX: Sources: KOF'99 - KOF 2002 UM - Best of good!!
  7. Updated, changed to Mod-review. Rerecorded rhythm guitars, rerecorded lead at 1:45, re-EQ'ed synth RMX: http://official.fm/tracks/272163 Source: Good day, night, party, walk, ride or whatever guys!!
  8. Thanks for giving your time to this. So still delayed guitars? Damn.. As for ending, maybe i'll change it again after mod's review. Thanks again! FL's ghost:mrgreen:
  9. Thanks! I think i just need to rerecord rhythms and 2:07 lead guitars. Guess amplitube only for bass guitar in my case:tomatoface: But i have some doubts about solo and "swelled" guitar.. Sounds kinda nice. What do you think?
  10. Updated, changed to Mod-review. Rerecorded rhythm guitars, rerecorded lead at 1:45, re-EQ'ed synth RMX: http://official.fm/tracks/272163 Source: Good day, night, party, walk, ride or whatever guys!! OLD VERsION
  11. Ok, i made some changes. - Drums changed - Delay removed(that was not my play issue!! Wow!) - ending changed to voice(I agree about bad ending in previous) - Some changes in balancing and mastering Changing to "finished" for some time, so if someone have any thoughts, no matter good or bad, tell me plz! I love any critics or whatever! Best of whatever!
  12. Great work, great play. I like it. But your mix kinda empty to me. Drums, ONE guitar and bass is a cool sounding thing but my ears wanna hear some more instruments. How about more variated(and louder) clean rhythm guitars? Some transitions with em will be cool, i think. Overall High quality stuff dude! Skills you and your friend showed here is amazing. But i'm not sure about lead guitar - bass guitar loudness level, kinda aggressive different between em. Just MY opinion. As for the source.. I don't actually remember Cool Jam. I always skip this tune in a fight:neutral: But i love what you guys made! Keep it up!
  13. Nothing works too me. gmremix try this:http://tindeck.com/
  14. Wow! I found mine last year's remix!!!! Time to update! I suppose) I'm planning to add some wolf's voice and other sweet horror things in some places. And pleas! Somebody KILL ME for that crap at 2:16-2:29! I love it)
  15. Thank you!! Delay?.. Damn. Looks like this is my suck skills. I'll try to fix everything that you said and come back soon! Thank again!
  16. Yeah! Thanks! Actually vocals still in progress. So probable i need someone who'll fix my english issues in future..
  17. Since i started to learn mastering, i decide to test my skills in remaking one of my old things. http://official.fm/tracks/266575 I'm working on my album(sometimes) so this is wip for it. Not a best place for feedback.. But who knows:-D Best of whatever! Enjoy!!
  18. My main complaint is cymbals. Sounds same as any synth samples. Anyway this is not a big deal to OCR, i suppose. The snare is kinda soft in attack and has sustain only in highs freq, without almost nothing in mids. It is not EQ'ing issue. Most of electronic samples sounds that way. And I dunno how to make them sounds more realistic. I'm not a drum master or whatever, so I can't help or even explain. Actually the only nice thing in this drums is a kick. But in this remix it kinda overpowered. As I said some time ago, you can download Addictive Drums demo version for FREE! It has great snare, kick and some cymbals samples and lot of mastering stuff. You can use it for snare and cymbals, for example. Anyway, do as you like! You making awesome stuff, which is sounds lot better then mine. So I guess i need to shut up and stop annoying you and others:mrgreen:
  19. Not so fast:mrgreen: So what do we have here? From the first seconds of the mix, your drums(rocky) sucks! Not because of kick or whatever.. This drums just sucks) But after this I hear nice(fucking great) electronic drums. So I'd suggested to use ONLY electronic drums. This is it! replace rock drums with electronic, drop in loudness lead synth at 3:40 and DON'T MESS WITH LEAD GUITAR(it is perfect)!! Also I have a strange feeling when choir(or whatever) appears from nowhere around 0:50. After this GO AND SUB IT! You're ahead me in practice and training for years to come.. Good luck Man!!
  20. Ok, fine. I won't say nothing this time. change it to mod-review. Cause i become kinda possessed. You may drop guitar(clean) at 3:12 in loudness to make it sounds like in 8th. And drop a bit that synth at 4:20 or remove it completely. IF YOU WANT! And some over-compression presents i sense. Mods will help you! I'm sure!
  21. I think this is the last time i give you my feedback. Before you'll hate me:mrgreen: Sorry for my fault-finding(stupid google translator). Honestly I like 8th version more then the last one. Sounds better! LOT BETTER! Great balancing.. almost. Take that(prev) version and do this http://tindeck.com/listen/lccc for lead synth and harpsichord. Or maybe no rhythm synth at all http://tindeck.com/listen/uzcb ?? Don't mess with bass line. Out of tune? And one more thing. Listen to your mix and this example. I drop rhythms to force lead guitar. Which one is better to your ears? I'm not talking about rhythm guitars sound(you have better now), I'm talking about balance. I hope you have a backup copy.. Good luck! And.. As I can see this thread have around 1000 views.. GIVE YOUR CONSTRUCTIVE FEEDBACK TO THIS MAN PPL!
  22. Yea! Right direction! You almost there! 20 times listened.. almost perfect! IMO! Some changes and additions you may be want to try: -Rhythm synth at 0:41(and everywhere it appears) will be good to pan it left and right. This will compliment your rhythm guitars and, as you maybe remember, free some space for bass. -Bass-line from 1:01 to 1:28(main riff) kinda empty. Not because of freq problems. Because of writing. Remember my version's bass-liine? Constantly. -1:14 lead synth still too loud imo(not a big deal after all) -At 4:20 lead guitar need some background lead guitar in high notes(something like lead synth at 1:14). Check this lead very carefully, maybe you'll find some more places for backing high lead. -Harpsichordy thing.. Pan it to rhythm guitars. It will free space for vocal, which is muddying by it for now. Damn! I don't know what is wrong with it! But I'm sure something is wrong! Do that only if you agreed with that! This is only mine thoughts. COME ON PPL!! GIVE SOME USEFUL FEEDBACK TO THIS MAN!! You stuck?? Ha!! Try to find in this forum my Alien3 or megaman, or ecco, or doom troopers, or contra hard corps, or.. I don't even remember all of remixes that I'm stuck. I really love your remix, so I want you to make it perfect! You can do it! And you know that I KNOW THAT!
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