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Mak Eightman

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Everything posted by Mak Eightman

  1. Thanks for your thoughts! I started to learn how to use mastering stuff, so here is update: I think it may be a bit hot in highs and maybe i need to drop rhythms in loudness.. But still i think it is ready for mods review.. Specially sources use. Sources: KOF'99 - KOF 2002 UM - I'm counting on YOU guys! Best of whatever! Thank you!
  2. Loud:-D Over-compressed. You can hear it clearly when your rhythms comes in and, some other places. Lead synth at 1:14 louder then lead guitar, sound not good imo. Overall I have a feeling of two different mixes. First you made electronic stuff(synthes,drums,etc), mastered it and saved. Then you recorded guitars(all of them) mastered em and saved. And after all, you put this two mixes together and compressed. To much different between guitars and rest of the mix. Also vocals sounds kinda distant(as and guitar leads(solo at 4:00 too) btw). At 2:01 rhythm synth killing your vocals completely. Again balancing issues, plus over-compression. I forgot to say you before.. That harpsichord sounding thing at 2:44 is too loud and some incorrect EQ'ing on it, i think. Try to drop mids a bit. Cause with rhythm guitars it muddying your mix. That is all I think.. Mastering issues. Also I love that 1:00 transition!) Good luck dude!!
  3. I'm collaborating with 3 ppl at this moment.. I think that you can be the 4th:D

  4. HI everyone!! I'm back. Updates: OFF VOICE - (I was too lazy for make some transitions, so..) VOICE - Sources: KOF'99 - KOF 2002 UM - So what I've done.. Rerecorded ALL guitars(rhythms/leads/solos) Recorded BAss Guitar AT LAST! Some small additions to arrangement. Lot of EQ'ing, NO limiting, No compressor use. Only pure balancing. I think I destroyed that stupid over-compression!! I hope.. Well i don't hear it now.. I have some bad feeling about ending(again), but I love what I've made, specially solos and bass guitar. Also I think voice works well and source's usage in right place, but I may be wrong.. as always)) Enjoy if you like!
  5. Yup. Something like this. What did you used for this?
  6. This is the example of sound: I don't understand how did they do that: LOUD, CLEAR, NOT over-compressed. You still can hear each instrument, but rhythm guitars sounds close and heave. My main question is: What did they do to rhythms guitar? Why the are so loud BUT not causing any issues? EQ'ing? WHAT? Anyone know?
  7. OK to me. Just reminding) Make things you need to do, I can wait until the END of the days:D

  8. Hello!! Update: source: KOF'99: KOF 2002 UM: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eKIrm...eature=related I changed bass synth. Quad rhythm guitar, rerecorded leads. Removed rhythm guitars from 2002 source's theme. Remade some voice parts. Changed ending. Some sound upgrade in a good way i think. Edit: OK. I'm too lazy or whatever, I think it is nuf good for mod-review.
  9. Hi! Are you still alive?

  10. Agree. Most of musicians write music, which makes money. Or which they can write or make, because of their music education for example.
  11. Thank you guys for feedback and review!! This ending was an accident) Bass line was just experiment, now I record bass guitar. Also I completely agree with mastering overcompression! I'll try to fix something. Thanks!!
  12. Go to beginning. I forgot turn off repeat and your track played again. It was good. Btw. At the end bass and drums remind me this: (starting from 0:29)
  13. Hi ppl! I made this crap before I joined OCR and just started to play(understand how to play) guitar. Also that was my first exp with vocals Sound is crap, play is crap, samples are crap. BUT! It was fun! Lyrics kinda stupid, I guess.. I'm bad in english. I'm working on my album and thinking to upgrade this "song". It will be awesome if YOU hit me with your thoughts! Thanks!! Try to enjoy:mrgreen:
  14. Check your inbox dude!D

  15. And one more time.. RMX: Sources: KOF'99 - KOF 2002 UM -
  16. This is beautiful! Never heard this before, so can't say anything else.. just AMAZING! mp3 link pleas!
  17. Hello! Are you still recruiting? I think I have something for your vol 2.
  18. Hello! Here I am! Again.. This mix was on the Judges Panel and NO, was an answer. But awesome judges said RESUBMIT! Now Im gonna try to resub this mix! Little update: I made some balance changes, some EQ'ing and changed synth lead at the beginning of mix. I have doubts about 1:30 lead guitar(loudness) and same for led synth at the very beginning. Also probably I have to redone drums section completely, because of "overcompression". Your thoughts ppl? Appreciate anything YOU say! Source:
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