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Mak Eightman

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Everything posted by Mak Eightman

  1. In 2010 I discovered enternet.. Thanks to enternet I found AMT. Thanks to Amt I found OCR. Thanks to Rozovian I improved from ZERO to 1 out of 100:mrgreen: Thanks to Judges I'm still here. End of story for now. I'll tell more when I take to 3(at least)..
  2. Ha-ha!! I have no idea!! I used for your mix -5dB trashold and 0dB Out celling. Then I drop down freqs in 128Hz-1KHz range, because this range was the most loud at your mix. The i busted lows(16-64Hz), because it was the most quiet range. You changing Trashold and Out celling depends of sound(bad, overcomressed, quiet, loud) and always keep in mind the most quiet part of your mix. It will help you to work with it. But actually, I using only my ears:mrgreen:
  3. Actually I don't think EQ is the problem here. As you said "instruments goes on top of each other". It's more writing itself, rather then EQ'ing. Instruments choice, note's harmony etc. Also reverberation causes some bad effects to overall mix pretty often. And, almost the most important thing is BALANCING! Right, left, center, right-center, left-center, louder or quiet.. Here: I used multiband compressor for your stuff. Is that better, or just louder? EDIT: If tinDeck doesn't work HERE::http://www.datafilehost.com/download-fbc344fe.html
  4. Dunno. It was just a ten minutes of lazy. So.. Probably I'll mess with it again. Thanks for attention guys!
  5. Couple of days ago I stumbled on SOR Remake ..

    Just wanted to say how awesome you are!

  6. Hello!! http://soundcloud.com/mak-8/skilltest Rhythm guitars obviously sounds TOOOO loud and overall mix sounds tooo quiet. Also I think it need more gain to bass. Suggestions, critics, any other thoughts ARE WELCOME!!!!!!! THANKS!! Sorry for my english.. EDIT: fixed link and some changes in balancing and mastering
  7. Hi everyone!! I'm collaborating with some vocalist for one remix and i'm the one who should make mixing and mastering. So I have a problem, cause I never tried to make vocals sounds good. So before I have vocals to work with remix, I decided to try something else.. Original song can be found here: I know how sucks my vocal is, but I have nothing better to work with for now. Any suggestions, advices or whatever you feel like to give me is very appreciated!! Used tools: Waves RVox compressor DSound compressor(hard) Waves EQs Waves Truverb Waves L3 UltraMaximizer And cheap karaoke mic(simple rag used as pop-filter:mrgreen:) Critics is also welcome, despite I'm suck vocalist. NOTE: I didn't try to emulate original or whatever and some out of tune or other cheap stuff is possible. THANK YOU in advice!!! sorry for my english
  8. Thank you guys!! Now changed back to WIP. I'm not sure I can fix timing issues and sequencing. Actually the only thing I can try to fix is mixing. Here is my try: Rhythms are louder now, some changes for kick and snare.. Now I feel over-compression. Damn.. Dead end. I'm stuck again. Better luck next time:mrgreen: Thanks again!
  9. It looks like doomsday is closer than anyone thought.. Sixto on a WIP forum.. Anyway, not sure you find it useful but: Drums and lead guitar sounds out of mix. More High freqs to drums and reverb with freq cut somewhere around 8kHz and probably same thing to guitars.. Damn.. Who am i saying about production? Not sure I want to hear acoustic guitar lead here. 2:36-3:36 section sounds empty, but i'm sure you'll fill it with solos or something. And sometimes I have a feeling that heavy rhythms will blow my brains out, but nothing happening. Sounds very potential! Want to hear it finished! Sorry for my english.
  10. Lot of thanks to you!! Interesting idea about bass, i'll try it. Snare probably lost some "punchy", but I like it. We have a different sense for it. The matter of taste i suppose)) But thanks for point it.. again:mrgreen: And you well know my guitar skills Brent.. I guess I reached my limit. If this lead doesn't work.. Well thats to bad. Nothing more I can do. Not sure where should I add a breakdown and not sure it'll necessary. I'll think about it. THANKS again! Much appreciate!!
  11. I'm here to say I'm still alive and probably, I'll give you something interesting at next weekend.. I hope. We still need more remixers. Come on PPL!!
  12. Changed to Mod-review.. Source: Just a little changes at 1:28- 1:44 section,now little closer to the source. I dunno guys.. I can hear source well. But i may be wrong as always. Still not sure about rhythm guitars and probably something wrong about bass.. Thank You for you time. Thanks! And sorry for my english
  13. Hi! Latest Version: [url = http://tindeck.com/listen/qkqf] Sorry for my english:-?
  14. Guitar and viola is amazing combination!! Great music as always! Love bass guitar tone in here!! This kind of production is my dream.. Awesome work Sixto!
  15. Check your mail) Glad you with us!!

  16. Dude! THANK YOU!! I've being using this thing around 3 years.. And I didn't even thought that I'll need more then 16 tracks someday.. Damn.. I am dumb:mrgreen: Thanks again!!
  17. Yeah.. And MM 14 Pro Edit have 96 tracks(according to info) But I don't see them!! Actually all of Magix's Music Makers have only 16 tracks! But they say it have 96!! Thats why I asked this question. But thanks for reply!! Any Magix's users here??
  18. Hi! Here is the deal.. I'm using Magix Music Maker 14 Producer edition(download version) as my primary DAW, but it have ONLY 16 Tracks to use!! WTF?! Someone used Magix? Is there any way to increase the number of tracks? I love this thing so I don't want to search and LEARN new daw. I appreciate any help!! Thank you!
  19. Better then me! You playing 4-6 hours every night, am i correct?
  20. Hello!!

    I wanna offer something to you)

    If you sing in english, I have a remix with lyrics.

    So if you able to record vocal, tell me and I'll send yo materials.

    Lovely voice btw))

  21. Thats funny to edit my own request after year. In case someone had interest. This game is OVER HORIZON: composer Masaharu Iwata entire OST: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qZvviDUSczA I have a good memory8-O ----------------------------------------------------- Hello! I have a problem. I can't remember NES's game name(it was japanese actually and I was 7-8 years old). It was like Gradius, Thunder Force, Life Force etc. The only thing i remember is this melody: Also at the and of that stage there was a Spider(like) robot or something and I think it was white:whatevaa: I know it's almost imposable with this sort of information, but if someone remember.. Pleas tell me the name of this NES game! Thank you!! Sorry for my english.
  22. Very very interesting! Loving it! But it sounds like off-vocal stuff. Some emptiness haunting me all over the track. Vocal!! Not lead guitar or bass solo. Vocal! I don't think that splash need to be wider or something, but pan it to right or left will be nice) Just imo! One question.. Dude, why you put all of your guitars at center? @SoundBoard: It's not the tone or Eq. He has a awesome tone and freqs choice. Problem is "mono'ing"
  23. Keep going with it! Definitely! And start with drums. I'm not strong in dubstep stuff, but i have a feeling that it must be some kind "ragged" snare or just little more aggressive in attack and mids sustain. It could be personal. I really enjoy this track! A bit louder and it'll fuck ya brains out! Nice!
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