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    Starphoenix reacted to Jorito in Secret of Mana: Resonance of the Pure Land - History   
    So we're in April already, and I'd like to remind y'all that we have a new deadline coming up. The next deadline is April 30! Also a reminder, if you don't check in with an updated WIP or neglect to tell us if you can't make the deadline, we'll unfortunately have to drop your claim. So don't let that happen and check in with us, ya hear?
    @Blake Inc. and @PabloComa are in the clear for this deadline, they already reached out to us with their status for this check-in.
    Really looking forward to seeing the first WIPs from @Sagnewshreds, @JonnyAtma, @Fishy, @dannthr, @HankTheSpankTankJankerson, @HeavyViper and @Kylok. Don't let us down and in stead amaze us with the coolness you'll bring!
    Also looking forward to updated WIPs from @zykO, @Rexy, @audio fidelity, @Harmony, @djpretzel, @Jorito, @Kylok. You're off to a great start, so keep it coming.
    And of course a shout out to @Hylian Lemon, @Chernabogue, @Sbeast, @Starphoenix, @Thirdkoopa. You guys are nearly there and it'd be awesome to see you bring your track to its completion.
    Lastly @Yami and @RebeccaETripp expressed interest in claiming a track. If you're still interested, don't forget to stake your claim
    There's 3 weeks left to that next deadline, so plenty of time to bring the goodness!
  2. Like
    Starphoenix got a reaction from TheChargingRhino in Takenobu Mitsuyoshi may just be Sega's best composer   
    My bad DarkeSword. Didn't even notice these threads were under the music history forum. Just assumed this was the general music forum. Still no excuse for lazy posting on my part.
    Anyhoo, to dive a bit deeper into why I enjoy the Super Monkey Ball 2 soundtrack in context of the game. Besides sounding good, the juxtaposition between these bright environments and characters with music that becomes increasingly more ambient and darker by the time you reach the last two boss worlds gives a unique feel to the game. Maybe if I had a little more music knowledge and experience I could dig into why that is, but just as someone who enjoys games and music the soundtrack did an excellent job of matching the environments, and in a game where you're dying frequently and having to replay stages countless times over, the last thing the music should do is become a nuisance. Perhaps that's why the music becomes more ambient as the game progresses: to not needlessly draw the player's attention as the difficulty of each stage ramps up. May not have been the intention, but definitely an interesting coincedence.
  3. Like
    Starphoenix got a reaction from Arrow in Takenobu Mitsuyoshi may just be Sega's best composer   
    My bad DarkeSword. Didn't even notice these threads were under the music history forum. Just assumed this was the general music forum. Still no excuse for lazy posting on my part.
    Anyhoo, to dive a bit deeper into why I enjoy the Super Monkey Ball 2 soundtrack in context of the game. Besides sounding good, the juxtaposition between these bright environments and characters with music that becomes increasingly more ambient and darker by the time you reach the last two boss worlds gives a unique feel to the game. Maybe if I had a little more music knowledge and experience I could dig into why that is, but just as someone who enjoys games and music the soundtrack did an excellent job of matching the environments, and in a game where you're dying frequently and having to replay stages countless times over, the last thing the music should do is become a nuisance. Perhaps that's why the music becomes more ambient as the game progresses: to not needlessly draw the player's attention as the difficulty of each stage ramps up. May not have been the intention, but definitely an interesting coincedence.
  4. Like
    Starphoenix got a reaction from BardicKnowledge in Takenobu Mitsuyoshi may just be Sega's best composer   
    My bad DarkeSword. Didn't even notice these threads were under the music history forum. Just assumed this was the general music forum. Still no excuse for lazy posting on my part.
    Anyhoo, to dive a bit deeper into why I enjoy the Super Monkey Ball 2 soundtrack in context of the game. Besides sounding good, the juxtaposition between these bright environments and characters with music that becomes increasingly more ambient and darker by the time you reach the last two boss worlds gives a unique feel to the game. Maybe if I had a little more music knowledge and experience I could dig into why that is, but just as someone who enjoys games and music the soundtrack did an excellent job of matching the environments, and in a game where you're dying frequently and having to replay stages countless times over, the last thing the music should do is become a nuisance. Perhaps that's why the music becomes more ambient as the game progresses: to not needlessly draw the player's attention as the difficulty of each stage ramps up. May not have been the intention, but definitely an interesting coincedence.
  5. Like
    Starphoenix reacted to OzGuy in Takenobu Mitsuyoshi may just be Sega's best composer   
    Hidernori Shoji and Haruyoshi Tomita. You're welcome.
  6. Like
    Starphoenix got a reaction from GCJ in [RvK] [2017] Round 2: Squad vs. Squad Battle Block 1   
    El Polar Enker - Pretty nice Spanish flair to the track. Definitely a opposite of what comes to mind for me when thinking of Polar Knight, but you did a good job with a tough source. Song is a little static, and the ending is a little abrupt. 
    Arctic Robot Dance Party - Blegh. This dude should have worked on his mix much more, and the intro is a little underwhelming/sounds off. He also took a lot of liberties with the Polar Knight source. 
    King of the Kuiper Belt - Herbie Hancock's Chameleon says hello. Love what you did with this track. Everything comes together very cohesively, and that bassline is crunchy peanut butter goodness.
    Pridemoor Cat - Really nice, clubby track. Leads sound a little weak at times and could create better separation, but overall still a really nice track. Good job from a fellow Robot member!
  7. Like
    Starphoenix reacted to MindWanderer in [RvK] [2017] Round 2: Squad vs. Squad Battle Block 1   
    Review time!
    El Polar Enker: This is kind of a textbook example of a static arrangement.  There are only two leads, the guitar and the piano, and their thin and artificial character makes them sound very similar to each other.  The percussion is a simple loop that's varied very little from beginning to end, and there's very little other accompaniment; the Enker section has some mid-range piano playing a simple loop, and that's about it aside from an extremely quiet bass.  As for source usage, it's a straightforward A-B-A pattern, which works but isn't very striking. Arctic Robot Dance Party: A good effort at integrating two sources that don't lend themselves to integration in any obvious way.  Some good ideas here, although vanilla synths and simple beats do bring it down somewhat.  Some of the transitions are a little awkward, and the ending is a little abrupt. King of the Kuiper Belt: I had a very hard time identifying the source usage.  On the second listen, I caught some suggestions of both themes, but they're really far afield.  Nice approach with the style, although there was an awful lot of the organ lead that could have been switched up a little.  Bass and highs were both a little light. Pridemoor Cat: Not bad at all!  A little slow and repetitive, but it's trance.  There's an odd effect in the first main section and again at the end where the lead is pushed back a little, which almost works, except that the mid-low arp is supposed to fill in the pauses in the Pluto theme, but isn't quite beefy enough to pull it off.  I was worried about a simple A-B-A arrangement here, but then you started doing the layered thing, and it worked really well!  It was kind of disappointing when that section ended, since it was easily the best part and there was a full minute left.  Solid approach overall though. Fellow Knight: Odd how this gradually grows less melancholy and more trancey as it goes, until the end when it reverses.  The lead is a little static, but it's a good arrangement.  Nice, if brief, layering of the sources.
  8. Like
    Starphoenix got a reaction from Dewey Newt in [RvK] [2017] Round 2: Squad vs. Squad Battle Block 1   
    El Polar Enker - Pretty nice Spanish flair to the track. Definitely a opposite of what comes to mind for me when thinking of Polar Knight, but you did a good job with a tough source. Song is a little static, and the ending is a little abrupt. 
    Arctic Robot Dance Party - Blegh. This dude should have worked on his mix much more, and the intro is a little underwhelming/sounds off. He also took a lot of liberties with the Polar Knight source. 
    King of the Kuiper Belt - Herbie Hancock's Chameleon says hello. Love what you did with this track. Everything comes together very cohesively, and that bassline is crunchy peanut butter goodness.
    Pridemoor Cat - Really nice, clubby track. Leads sound a little weak at times and could create better separation, but overall still a really nice track. Good job from a fellow Robot member!
  9. Like
    Starphoenix got a reaction from HoboKa in MnP 70: Halo 2 - Impend   
    I would but I have other musical responsibilities.
    Maybe next round. 
  10. Like
    Starphoenix got a reaction from TheChargingRhino in "Shaded Land of Funk" -The Dark World Funk remake   
    Hey fellow Star Fox album compatriot. 
    Think you have a great idea to build off, but you have some work to do.
    First off, everything is very far back in the mix. Doesn't feel like there is much depth at all. The lead instruments need to be brought to the foreground more.
    You said you only used Morphine, but I'd try looking through some of the other VSTs to try and introduce some other complementary sounds. 3xOSC is a good one. The instrumentation needs a tad more variety.
    The arrangement is very by-the-numbers. Very little difference from the progression of the original track, and when you do throw in some variatuon it sounds more like incorrectly played notes in a cover. Work on really trying to make the song your own. Chords are repetitive,  so try and add some different fills there.
    Lastly, the song is really short. To be honest this should probably be tagged a WIP and not Ready for Review. No idea if you are intending to submit this, but it'd probably be automatically kicked back to you. If this is just for fun then cool, though it could still use a bit more.
    Sorry if this seems like too much. Like I said, I think you have a solid nugget to build on, but you'll just have to let it cook some more. Good luck.
  11. Like
    Starphoenix reacted to Rukunetsu in SAF(V)E ROOM - RESIDENT EVIL RMIX   
    A little mix based on the awesome theme that plays in the Safe, Save room.

  12. Like
    Starphoenix got a reaction from TheChargingRhino in Lylat System CLEAR: A Star Fox Tribute Album   
    The tears... They're real... After a post like that, there is a teeny bit of pressure... But nothing bad, just a drive to continue working towards a quality soundtrack.
  13. Like
    Starphoenix got a reaction from The Nikanoru in Lylat System CLEAR: A Star Fox Tribute Album   
    The tears... They're real... After a post like that, there is a teeny bit of pressure... But nothing bad, just a drive to continue working towards a quality soundtrack.
  14. Like
    Starphoenix got a reaction from HoboKa in MnP sexy 69: FF4 - Theme of Love   
    And I know the perfect source:
  15. Like
    Starphoenix reacted to The Nikanoru in Lylat System CLEAR: A Star Fox Tribute Album   
    I didn't apply in the beginning because I didn't have a solid track list and because I didn't have enough 'star power.' And no, I don't mean @Starphoenix.
    I also thought there was a progress requirement for application ... which is why I kept asking for complete tracks before I applied. Once I found out there isn't a progress requirement per se, I asked myself 'then what the heck is stopping me from applying now?' Nothing. So I did!
    I'd still like everyone to stick to the goal of trying to get the 'complete' status for their tracks, as having 12 complete tracks is still a goal for the project for April 1st.
    EDIT 2/23: I certainly didn't mean to offend anyone when I said I didn't have enough 'star power' for the application. What I meant by this is that according to the guidelines, I needed to have at least five posted/established remixers on my list in order to apply for OCR-approval, which I did not have when I launched the project.
    My apologies to anyone who took offense at my earlier statement. FWIW, I think we have more than enough 'star power' from ALL our remixers now, published or not.
  16. Like
    Starphoenix got a reaction from Dhsu in Online Jet Set Radio Station   
    Not sure if anyone else knows about this, but I figured I'd share.
    There is an online radio station themed after Jet Set Radio. Been listening to it for awhile now, and not only do they play songs from the two JSR games, but they play a lot of similar sounding music. They've since added various individual stations with tracks falling within that station's theme.
    Managed to discover some pretty cool tracks. Hopefully some of you can have fun with it:
  17. Like
    Starphoenix got a reaction from TheChargingRhino in Lylat System CLEAR: A Star Fox Tribute Album   
    Awesome! I'm going to overhaul my Boss B track a bit, so hopefully I can get to that in the near future. While not as major, I'm also going to change Macbeth around. Composition is still bugging me in places.
  18. Like
    Starphoenix got a reaction from The Nikanoru in Lylat System CLEAR: A Star Fox Tribute Album   
    Awesome! I'm going to overhaul my Boss B track a bit, so hopefully I can get to that in the near future. While not as major, I'm also going to change Macbeth around. Composition is still bugging me in places.
  19. Like
    Starphoenix reacted to The Nikanoru in Lylat System CLEAR: A Star Fox Tribute Album   
    Well, we're into it now ... I have now submitted the application for this project to become an official OCR release. Or, to become OCR-approved, as I like to say.  
    It will likely take some time for processing and review, so don't expect changes tomorrow; however, I will let everyone know ASAP when I hear back from the Projects Team.
    Once again, great work everyone - we are (hopefully) one step closer to @Thomas Neil's vision. Let's continue making this an album to remember!
  20. Like
    Starphoenix reacted to Jorito in Secret of Mana: Resonance of the Pure Land - History   
    Excellent choice, it's a lovely tune. Dibs hereby granted, looking forward to your first WIP!
  21. Like
    Starphoenix reacted to HeavyViper in Secret of Mana: Resonance of the Pure Land - History   
    Welp, Fear of the Heavens was the one I had been eyeing up. Best of luck with it, Kylok!
    I guess I'll go ahead and call dibs on Spirit of the Night instead.
  22. Like
    Starphoenix got a reaction from DJ H0us3C0rP3 in Reef Palace Of Hidden Lava   
    Really like this track. Love the FM bass growls and the synth lead. Out of the works of yours floating around on the forum, this is probably my favorite.
    As much as I like the lead, I feel like it wears a little thin by the time the halfway point of the song arrives. Maybe trying to layer or switch to another lead might keep things interesting. Kick also feels a tad weak, so maybe boost that a smidgen.
    Can't wait for the next update.
  23. Like
    Starphoenix got a reaction from DJ H0us3C0rP3 in Ducktales: The Moon ReMix   
    Listening to the track, I think DJ H0us3c0rP3 (had to look at the username a couple times to make sure I got it right) pretty much hit the nail on the head with my takeaways. If the arps are intended to be swung, then it isn't really apparent because it's just coming across as off-rhythm. Also think after :28 the song just kind of meanders. Don't know if the saw is a placeholder or not, but I'd work on softening it a bit more or looking at another instrument because it isn't really lending itself to the atmosphere you're trying to convey.
    Not a bad start. Can't wait to see where you take this on the next update.
  24. Like
    Starphoenix reacted to HoboKa in MnP 68: Megaman Battle Network 3 - Shine in the Dark (Secret Area Blue)   
    Round extended to...
    Round ends: Feb 19 1PM
    Vote ends at Feb 21 11PM
    If no one else enters, Necrox gets another freebie  
    Sorry about the delay...had work at a very awkward time.  Shift work kills man.  
  25. Like
    Starphoenix got a reaction from Necrox in MnP 68: Megaman Battle Network 3 - Shine in the Dark (Secret Area Blue)   
    Just submitted my bonus. Definitely not MnP, but I figured since it's a bonus I had room to flex a little.
    Oh, and given the pre-requisite for next week's source, I looked up Rouge's Theme from SA2 and have had that stuck in my head since. lol
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