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Everything posted by ad.mixx

  1. So I think this is close to being done if not finally done. I think I'm going to mess with the bridge section a little more.. to fill it a bit or something like that. But yeah. its good
  2. I'm going to try to remix one of the short jingles just so I can convince you of a nice, solid arrangement. I like arranging shorter songs anyways. : D I'm not really a big fan of any of the tracks that are left ATM, that's the only reason why. If it doesn't end up being acceptable, I'll just submit it to OCR. worth trying though.
  3. I've been wanting to do Kirby, especially Float Islands since the project just released. There needs to be moar float islands! Its such a good song. Ill consider starting up something this week and let you know. Not sure which genre to do but itll probably be more ambient.
  4. Ok, go listen to the Super Paper Mario soundtrack and tell me this doesn't sound just like it. Because iirc this sounds like it would fit right in. Good stuff as always halc. This would actually be one of my favorites from the pilotwings ep. I love that lead synth a lot
  5. Hey dude, I'd hate to pester you - just curious if you ever got that smurfs remix to The Damned or WillRock or whoever it needs to be? It was just on my mind is all.

  6. I realize with my last couple of Resubs I accidentally forgot to put the information of the mix (title, game arranged, etc), but I think I did provide a link to the original submission for both. That won't cause any problems for you guys, right?
  7. Awesome! Im in Missouri until monday morning anyways, so i wouldnt be able to make the deadline, but all i have to do anyway is export the wav and send it your way when i get back. Cant wait to hear this album when its released. Very excited edit: giving you a finished wav now. this song was fun to do, even though it's super cheesy.
  8. No real full review on this album - I just want to say So Easy is the best song in the world ever. like EVER in the world
  9. I just wanted to thank you for everything on the Kirby Super Star project! You took one of the best vg soundtracks ever and made it into something really special. Good job on that :)

    may the pink be with you. >(^.^)>

  10. Alright, song's finally done. I did a little bit of composition work, specifically adding some variety to the bass at the end because it sounded boring after a while. The piano also has some more to it. This has been subbed, posted on youtube, soundcloud, facebook, etc. So yeah, wish it luck on the panel! Hopefully you guys enjoy it 'till then. And thanks a bunch for ya'lls help with this. It was much appreciated! https://www.box.com/s/f8o3ykmicsis7nl96ekj
  11. Some ports on the wii werent bad, okami, phantom brave, some of the wiiware games like cave story I think a newish ff7 port is bad, but i never played either game - the music just sounded horrible. Edit: i think i actually misunderstood you gmixer. My bad
  12. I don't think I've commented on this, so here goes: I freaking love this song so much. If I had a top 10 list on OCR, this would easily be in the top. There's just so much to love about it. The autotuning works very well IMO, and the way it's written (along with the rest of the song) is absolutely brilliant. This arrangement is great, and this song has great production values on top of that. I get annoyed whenever vocalists seem embarrassed or whatever of their lyrics and try to put their vocals in the back of the song, but this song has nothing to be ashamed of. The singing is great, the lyrics are great, everything's just great. It's cute, catchy, and cool. I hope Poolside has more stuff like this put up on OCR soon. Thanks for this song : D
  13. I freaking loved the Animal Crossing LP. I wasn't even sure how an Animal Crossing LP would have worked when I first saw that, but that one worked out well. And I didn't mean to sound so pessimistic about this, lol. I kind of regret saying that about the SA forums because they are actually really good LP's, not really "bad" or anything like that. I just still find it hard to find ones where I'm really enjoying myself like the AC one or maybe slowbeefs Metroid Prime LP for example. I might just be picky.
  14. I'm so excited for this to finally be coming out. Much love to everyone involved in getting this released - this is gonna be worth the wait : D
  15. This really is good stuff, I would recommend everyone subscribe to this channel if only for a month. It's only production tips, and usually songs with vocals and tracked instruments, but almost everything on his channel can apply to your mix. Check this out. It has been helping me majorly for the past few months.
  16. I plan on submitting Lost in Time sometime this week - did you want to add anything to the submission email? PM me if you do and I'll make sure to add it.

  17. So I've updated this, and I'm going to put it on finished because there's no reason for it to still be labeled as WIP IMO. I was gonna wait to get an opinion from a friend on this.. but he hasn't responded so yeah.. I brought the sax up, took off the delay, took back some reverb, rode the volume on the sax so that it could be a little louder in certain parts where it's too quite, fixed the bass notes, messed with the synth a little bit so it doesn't sound as "awkward", added some drum variation, did some stuff to the EQ and piano, and mastered things a bit better. I don't know much of anything else that can be done to it at this point. I've listened to this on a couple of speakers now, and it sounds clear. Any other opinions? I want to submit this sometime this week when my two week limit is up.
  18. Even though you already have your answer, PROTO, just gonna put my 2 in for the topic. Lots of systems and people listen to mono, more than you might think. If you're just catering to the guy who's going to come on OCR and listen to your mixes on his headphones while playing games, then sure, don't mix in stereo. But my thing is that you should always mix like a professional does, taking into consideration everything your mix plays of - from your crappy labtop speakers, to those cheap 1 dollars headphones (which by the way are GREAT for listening to midrange in some cases), to your car speakers, professional headphones, iPod headphones, monitors, to your tv speakers, etc. Pros mix in mono - so mix like a pro IMO. Of course you won't always have the resources (or the time) to do what a pro does, but do the best you can. Especially if you make money off your music.
  19. Keep the Touhou coming OCR! I'm telling you, there has got to be an OCR Touhou album one day. These games have so many doujin arranges because the source material is just too good. Someone get on that! This is probably my favorite Touhou mix on the site right above Prototype's version. The downward synth slides are ear candy : D and the lead synth writing in general is very sexy even though this is a pretty conservative arrangement. Good countermelody writing, too. Instrumentation feels good - you really step up the source with your sound choices (which to be honest, is not too hard to do with some Touhou music..), but the instruments gel together very well. Not much fault to find with this mix. It's the perfect length, too. I could find myself listening to this on repeat for a long time. Good job with this mix! Listen to this even if you aren't really a Touhou fan. It's good.
  20. Man, this is a fun remix : D I love the treatment you gave the source. This was also one of my favorite route themes from Ruby and Sapphire, and I'm glad the music isn't going unappreciated. In my opinion, the 3rd generation has some of the best music in the series, including the remixes in FR and LG, but that could be because I'm a sucker for the sounds/instruments they used on the GBA. Classy chiptune break in the middle. Those always sound good no matter what kind of song you're doing. You use the piano in this mix very well, too. The overall synth use was really good - I especially like the bass and the bass writing in this song. It's used in a catchy way, but still supports the song very well. Nice outro with the piano. I don't think you could have ended in it any better. Good job!
  21. I love this song! The electronic-orchestral style works super well here. The drums feel super rock to me, and that's just awesome : D I like most of all how this song progresses. It starts of soft, then as it goes on, it gets more and more energy, while constantly changing things up. The climax at around 2:03 was super fun to listen to, and it really gets you pumped, although I felt the transition to the ending could have been better with the drums. Not a dealbreaker though, this is a good song and I recommend it.
  22. Great arrangement, and kickin' beat. The synths work well here, and the section that comes in at around 1:04 is lovely to my ears : D Also 2:26 - dubstep before TGH even knew what dubstep was. This gem is probably my favorite from you in the Mega Man remix competitions. It's super catchy, and I found myself humming this for quite a while after it was posted. Good job! Recommended!
  23. My only quarrel is that maybe that first lead synth could be a little louder. That might just be youtube's compression messing with me. The lead synth writing is where this really shines. You really exploit that lead for all it's worth, and you do it good to. This is one of my favorite songs from you arrangement wise, actually. The source tune is awesome, and this mix really shows it love. Also, those chords at 3:11 and onwards are great. Recommended!
  24. This should be getting reviews : O I remember hearing this as a WIP. It's gone through a lot of changes, but for the better of the song. The mid-genre switch IMO sold the mix. I really felt the intensity rise in that section, and it gets you super pumped - kind of like you're making that final stretch to get to the bottom floor. I don't agree with that that mix lost any energy either.. I mean, maybe it did, but I that the last section was perfect and I perfect by my book. This is an old song from you, you've definitely gotten better since, but this is still once of your most interesting mixes. I really dig this remix and I'd definitely recommend it to everyone!
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