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Everything posted by ad.mixx

  1. Oh my gosh. Earthbound being rereleased. Oh man oh man oh man oh man. Life is love. And alttp2 sounds freaking awesome. Can't wait to see the pictures at home.
  2. I like that flute that comes in at the opening. Need to get me some samples like that! Then those drums come in and things really kick into gear. The synths are a nice touch, too. Man, I really am digging these Japanese instrument samples, though. You sequenced these very well and made them sound very well performed. Great sequencing in general here. You've got your own style here, too, which makes things interesting. The jazz section was very welcome, and melded pretty well, and the song ended out great too. Good debut. Can't wait to hear more!
  3. That is the coolest baby in the whole world.
  4. Well thought out survey, by the way. I took it for you. Good luck on the project
  5. Congratulations! : D Here's hoping that your son/daughter can professionally whistle by an early age : D
  6. Oh wow, thank you so much for bumping this. I just realized that there was a synth that was missing during the solo that took a lot of energy away from the track. I'm usually against updating tracks while they're on the way to the judges panel but this one hasn't been opened yet fortunately so I'll do it anyways (since it's a small fix). I'll also put an update here too. Quite embarrassing lol.
  7. Though I'm finding the snare or clap or whatever kind of annoying throughout the song (maybe it's too bright for my taste? Idk), the rest of it I like and I hope this does well in the judges panel. Good luck!
  8. edit: ahh I see people have already turned stuff in. Nevermind then. Good luck with this!
  9. Ahh why haven't I commented on this yet? It's so good. If I remember correctly, this song was my first encounter with dubstep of any kind, so I thought those wubs were the coolest thing ever when I first heard them. They still are. The sound design in this song is what sells in my opinion. The arrangement is great, but the synths and all the detailed automation put in really put this over the top. This song sounds so trippy and cool, and it takes my imagination to some craaazy places while listening to it. You know you've made a good song when you can do that without a lot of words (or none at all). Thanks for making this song. This is a super cool song and I recommend it to everyone right now : D
  10. Thanks, I'll take in that advice and sub soon. The thing about the drums sounding clunky is weird though... to be honest I didn't even mess with the timing on them because I thought they sounded fine as is. I'll see what I can do though
  11. To be honest, I didn't like the use of the sound effects at all. Didn't sound like they fit too well. But other than that, this is sick. I saw this was in the to be posted section and can't wait to see it : D Good job.
  12. Wow this is super good. I'm loving the ambience here, it helps all the instruments together very well. Don't know the source, but I do like the arrangement of this song. At some points I was expecting things to get extremely epic.. but this song took its time and stayed with the peaceful flow it had and it's much better for it. Great performance, too! No complaints from me. Awesome remix!
  13. Ok I usually wouldn't do this for this type of mix, but I'm putting this up for mod review (and bumping so that it may be seen). I'd especially like feedback on the use of the xylophone in this mix. I feel like too much humanization especially in timing makes the song sound weird, and think it's fine as is -- but more ears on this mix in general wouldn't hurt. Thanks a bunch! edit: oops link wasn't updated, but now it is.
  14. Just a little something I started yesterday (Posting now because it's easier getting feedback while working on the song). I really love this soundtrack, and really hope I'm showing that love through this song well. Source: Remix: Old: https://www.box.com/s/qnk40kn5oqktbkj1n5p0 Retry: https://app.box.com/s/3c6lo7oak4wnk9bbsuffrxxvezudldm2 It's very conservative so far, but I'll do some arranging as I go.
  15. Worth the wait. Im going to share this with all my friends and facebook so they'll know what overclocked is really all about! That's right: being awesome!
  16. It's just Gabe announcing he finally found the keys to HL2 Episode 3's development studio. Well, something like that.
  17. The only thing that throws me off about this song is that some of the lead synths just won't play on certain devices.. most notably phone speakers and some headphones. It's a weird mixing issue.. and this also happens in "Great Job" iirc. Not sure what could have caused that, but it sounds good on headphones at least. Regardless, I like this mix! : D It's catchy, and the drums are super fun to play to. It's got a jazzy-esque feel to it, which I'm diggin'. All the synth choices, mixed in with the piano and rhodes, are perfect. They meld together very well. I especially like the drums, though. They are catchy, and in this particular song you do a very good job at using drums to accent the music, which is probably why it feels a little jazzier. Much love to this song. Recommended!
  18. This is what I imagine was going through Koji Kondo's head when he was composing the original Mario World theme. This is probably one of my favorite Mario World mixes on the site. The production is solid, the performance is perfect IMO, and the arrangement is enjoyable so much so that I found myself putting this on repeat a lot. It's Mario but you definitely put your own twist in it. Great stuff Mr. Pretzel!
  19. I didn't really remember Mario Kart's music before I listened to this mix. It never stood out to me.. but this mix in particular does a good job in taking the source above and beyond. There's a lot of emotion put into this mix, and the main melody hits me hard every time I hear it. I kind of feel like this would work well as a credits theme to a main series Mario game. The section at 2:50 is really beautiful in particular. Great arranging here. The textures really brought this song to life. Great job! Thanks a lot for making this remix.
  20. This is probably my favorite Red Brinstar mix on the site. The other ones are good.. but I think this one hits the emotion of Metroid very well. It's very lonely sounding, which I like. Great job here.
  21. Sorry to keep pestering about my subs D: I just have something else to ask: I accidentally sent in a resub about 2 and a half weeks right after another sub, and I completely forgot that it was a 3 week waiting period and not 2 weeks . Should I send in this song again or would that be redundant since I'm mentioning it here? Also, Liontamer.. since we apparently live in the ATL, if I came to your house with a McRib offering on a silver platter, would you be willing to pass all my songs through the panel?
  22. Our mix got accepted. Yay for Blizzard/Starcraft 2 on Ocremix! :)

  23. Wow, im trying to get something started up for the starlights festival song and im curious as to why you didn't make this a claimable track. this is a really cool song once you shorten the chord progression. Going super coldplay with this mix. Hopefully it'll be acceptable, though.
  24. Ok cool. Well I see im late now but happy birthday. Hope you're enjoying the 20th year of your life :)

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