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Everything posted by ad.mixx

  1. So that's the name of the game? I swear my sister is addicted to this thing, and I see everybody playing it. Could have sworn it was just like the new Angry Birds or something - had no idea it was an older game. The glitching is done very well here, I can see how this sort of nods to Mazedudes track. The glitching on the drums is especially cool. The best part about this track IMO is the sound design. I super dig all the synth and drum choices. The arrangement is great too. Not familiar with the source, but everything sounds fine here, and each section melds together pretty well. I like the way this song develops, too. Very nice drum breakdown after the middle section, by the way. I'm a super big fan of well done drum sections. : D Check this one out!
  2. Yes! When I finally saw Red Rescue Team under the OCR's game list, I was really curious about which one was gonna be posted first. This is a great first remix from the series, the song is absolutely gorgeous. IMO, the length and repetition fit well with the mood this track creates. This song really takes you for a long journey through the sky. It also has a beat that melds very well with the mood, too, which is awesome for the dance floor. Keep flyin' high TGH! And please keep submitting mixes to OCR (even though you already have like, 15 kajillion accepted already )
  3. Don't limit yourself to just one genre. I do think there is that one thing that you should be better at than everything else you do, and that should be your "thing", but also make sure you branch out and try new things whenever you get the chance. Not only is it fun, but you learn so much. edit: but if you're curious on what your "genre" is, then just experiment. it might take a long time to find it, or maybe you'll find it super quick, but once you do find it, then i'd recommend you'd do that thing a whole bunch, and then focus on branching out that one thing to make it something truly unique. i wish i'd done that, instead i'm stuck with knowing how to do a lot of different things, but not really being a "master" or whatever at a single on of them. but that is not to discourage you from trying different genres often because doing that whole bunch is super important too
  4. No offense to the compo but I think I'll probably keep my sig as is. I really like Sanae : D It is a freaking huge sig, too.
  5. I don't get all the hate on the youtube comments, this song is awesome! They say the source is unrecognizable, but if the judges say it's medley like, then it's probably conservative. At least you'd think so. Love folk music so I'm all over this one. Maybe the mixing of the guitar could have been a little better, but the song sounds awesome other wise! This is cleverly done and super catchy. OCR needs more and more stuff like this, for sure.
  6. These two are super nice.I love, love love love it when there's a huge yet fast up and down roll on the scale, especially in cutesy pop and chiptune music. It sounds super cheesy and corny, but is candy to my ears : D. I love it in dramatic sections of songs (like the bridge or something) when there's a crazy cool arp playing. Especially with piano and harps. Also I love a consistent and clever use of the ride bell. Oh and it is the best thing ever when someone plays crazy notes and progressions with the bass and still having it sound good and backing the music very well.
  7. Just searched the entire sheet, and realized that I was the only one that picked Frost Walrus as one of their picks. It's because I'm so edgy and cool.
  8. I'll be done mastering and releasing an EP here very soon and would love some at least decent album artwork for it. I don't really need anything fancy, and if you're willing to do something then I can discuss more details about it over AIM or Skype, or over the OCR PM system if you prefer that. I'm not looking specifically for drawn or designed artwork - if you're good with photoshop and would like to put a picture together that fits what I'm going for, then that'll be fine too. Drawn art would be nice, but it's not necessary. I'm not asking for anything too fancy of course because I don't have much to compensate with - the EP will be free - but I do want something nice to go with the music so I'm willing to compensate with a little bit. (we can discuss that too) If you wish to do something hit me up on my wall or via PM first in case I don't get on skype or AIM, with your contact info of course. Thanks!
  9. So now the brackets are full I guess : O Hell yeah! Lol @ how Willrock joined. But this makes the compo that much more interesting. Let's kick ass everyone. : D Just not mine...
  10. I hope you guys are able to get all your supporters and pledges back. Thank you so much for kickin' so much ass with this djpretzel, while still holding down the site and posting lotsa remixes like a boss. Seriously, you rock <3. And thanks to the rest of the staff to. You also rock <3
  11. This - also the right amount of reverb and EQ will help out your sounds a lot.
  12. Love the dark ambience here - the production on this piece is super cool. Piano is great, and so are the strings. The pads used in this piece feel very good, very mellow but spacious sounding. This piece is very cinematic sounding which I like it. Good job on creating that sort of dark atmosphere! Yup. One of the best Zelda mixes in a while IMO, but I'm a sucker for this type of music anyways . Also did I mention the gating is super cool? Because the gating is super cool.
  13. Still got 5 minutes to say happy birthday Mr. Level 99. (Ignore that silly number my input is all wonky atm.)
  14. Ok, so we can modify the music, but seriously? This is 2012. How much effort could it have been to just include the original OST? What the hell? Also that pic scares me Bleck. D:
  15. I don't think I have to even post this one, but it's schala's theme for those who don't know
  16. Awesome! I'm really digging all the guitar duet / solo guitar songs we get on OCR. Utopia, all of Pot Hocket's works, and this. The performance is probably the best thing about this song - that along with the arrangement makes for something unique. 6 + minutes of guitar love, this is an instant download in my book. You've got yourselves another follower Super Guitar Bros! Excellent stuff here.
  17. i wanna echo 3 things that i agree with so far 1.) a noobflood would be nice *wink wink* 2.) a compo flood is an absolutely awesome idea! 3.) This. Not trying to say that it wouldn't matter what a judge or somebody would have to say (because i love reading judges decisions threads), but when mixes are posted, the coolest part about the post other than the song is the writeup, and djpretzel not only does them super good and in-depth, it's also super cool to hear what the big man himself has to say. hopefully the tradition of djpretzel writeups never has to change. they themselves make the entire process worth the wait. : D (including songs that have yet to be posted on OCR too, not just my own )
  18. edit: Ok, i'm editing this out. I was expressing interest for a particular song, but after messing around with the genre, my samples just aren't going to cut it. If you still need somebody later down the road feel free to message me though you'll probably get a lot interest before then anyways.
  19. Can't quite put my finger on it, but I'm having a very hard time taking this guy seriously.
  20. Try out Radiohead, I think they might be a good start for interesting layers and structure like you said. It's also very electronic vs. acoustic. Try their Kid A and Amnesiac albums. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RmqJ7XijOrI&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vE_xlgoDI30&feature=related
  21. p, I do want to pitch in and say that the periods between post should never be too fast, though. Mixes should be allowed to have just as much splotlight time on the front page as other mixes do.. I'm pretty sure the admins already consider this but just putting that out there for everyone else. Edit: I feel like I completely contradicted this post with a later one, so edited kind of
  22. I'm cool with it if that counts. It is video game related so it certainly does belong in community, and a thread dedicated solely to VN's probably wouldn't get that that far anyways.
  23. I was actually afraid that some Starcraft fans weren't going to dig the arrangement. If I had known the source a little bit more, and maybe even had a bit more time to sit down and put in more parts I would have, but that was ultimately the section that stood out from the get go and what I went with. Still glad that even though I didn't get to arrange a lot of it, that I did get to tackle a song from Blizzard finally. Their WoW soundtrack is amazing, and their Starcraft music is equally amazing.
  24. Fixed it up. Thanks a bunch to both of you then : P
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