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Everything posted by ad.mixx

  1. source: mix: https://www.box.com/s/91f0e3de9dd2c660b6d9 I was mostly addicted to the drums of the source. So there will be a lot of more experimenting in that department. Just a start to the mix. Hope to get a good arrangement out of this/soundscape out of this source.
  2. Ahh sorry. I should've said the full name - Donkey Kong Country. Not actually Touhou lol.

    I think our styles would fit well with this. If you want to, I should be on skype all day today, so if you get the chance to get on, hit me up.

  3. Sir, I saw your post in the Sonic zone thread (

    An idea for a DKC mix has been a brewin' in my head. Would you happen to be available / interested for a collab on something like that? : O Or maybe really anything?

  4. I submitted a saxophone heavy track to OCR a while back (https://www.box.com/s/57xp66377r2k33tolrjh it's here), and well, it got rejected. I'm finally going to try and up this to the standards they were hoping for - one of the things mentioned in the rejection thread was the lack of humanization on the saxophone. This is a piece that I really want to get the best out of, so I was hoping to find a live saxophone to put over the piece of. I still have other things to work on and balance out to get the be fully ready for OCR, but wanted to go ahead and try looking for any willing saxophonists now. Feel free to send me a message on my wall and we can talk over a messenger or something. Thanks for taking the time to read.
  5. Quote from this thread: http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=38283I remember seeing this pop up in a few other threads too, iirc. I'm curious as to the extreme of this though. Does this only apply to big production issues, or does it also apply to small issues too? It seems like it would be fine for small things like small volume issues or maybe panning issues. Or maybe even compression issues in a particular part of a song. Since they're quick fixes, should that really warrant them to go through the whole submission and evaluation process completely? Unless I'm misconstruing the extreme of this like I mentioned earlier.
  6. I will be getting this eventually. I absolutely love this music, and it's cheap. Just atm, I pretty much blew all the last fun money (and more) on Tales of Symphonia on ebay so gonna wait a bit.
  7. https://www.box.com/s/9e6a7c6063bad34b6205 aaaand update! I'm going to have to mix the snare in my car stereo - it's the only true place where I can get a feel for if it's powerful but not too powerful. Because at the moment I think it might be too powerful. It's hard to tell with my headphones though. I did up the kick again, and I also unfiltered the higher frequencies so it could be heard a little more. It took me a while to get used them, but I think it might be working. I'll probably up those frequencies. It was also recommended I mess with the high end hats a little bit, so I'm going to do that some either tonight or tomorrow. I want to get this snare working first. And the kick. As for the piano thing.. well, it's kind of used to build up the intensity. I changed the frequencies a little bit to make the piano a bit more exciting. I might improvise with it a bit more. Maybe some high notes playing to give it more energy at the start. It's supposed to be used to kind of start off the mix, and the chiptune melds in with it, and I have them layered throughout the song because the chiptune lead is a bit too much just by itself. I might bring in some chiptune counterpart writing over the piano in the piece earlier. I'll ask others for what they think too. Cause I can kind of hear what you mean when you say the piano parts are a bit less interesting. also better fadeout! and better fade in!
  8. The World of Warcraft soundtrack (Vanilla and BC's specifically) do nicely for me. I found Chrono Triggers soundtrack to be very comforting, as I was in Indiana working a job, and I didn't bring my mp3 player for whatever reason, so I only had my DS with me. So every day after those long 15-17 hour shifts I'd listen and eventually sleep to the Chrono Trigger DS music box. This is probably how I grew attached to the soundtrack after only a week. And two other series I can think of: Animal Crossing and Metroid.
  9. FYI, your soundclound link isn't your own. It's a bunch of rappers talkin bout girls and money.
  10. I would definitely be interested in this. Since I'm not yet accepted I'd love to be the newb, and learn new stuff from already posted mixers who've been doing this for a while. You should totally run this by the way MindWanderer. It's a good idea.
  11. I'd also like to mention that Tales would probably be more popular with Nintendo fans than Dig Dug or Tower of Druaga anyday considering a few (3 off the top of my head) of it's games have been on Nintendo systems exclusively. And even more that were later ported over to Playstation consoles. Unless you were saying you'd personally prefer those games over Tales and Tekken. In which case ok.
  12. I'm really hoping to see some Tales series action. Lloyd Irving would make a freaking great Smash character, IMO.
  13. Now that's just cute. I want that for any children I may incur in the future. Using words like incur makes me feel smart.
  14. https://www.box.com/s/9e6a7c6063bad34b6205 And....finally! The arrangement is finished off. Again that little string stab cutoff is at the beginning. Will fix that in any future update. Will wait on any crits or production ideas now, and if none get posted I'll put this on mod review. Naming this finished for now, though. edit: also yay for my first triple post ever.
  15. Want to drop by and say I'm really liking this. I'm not sure if you're planning on changing this (like a final master or something), but I do want to say: That first lead synth you bring in might be a little too loud, maybe try lowering the volume and beefing it up with another lead synth on top of it? If you can. Other than that I like this. The drums are a little on the weak side in terms of mixing, but I think they sound good like that, like something you'd hear on an RPG or something. I really dig this song. Great writing in pretty much all aspects of the song.
  16. I appreciate dragonavenger for the cool, smart, and awesome person that she is and not for her money. I promise.
  17. This is very good for me. I've never really been into RPG's until recently (except for maybe Pokemon and Final Fantasy X until it stopped working on me half way through the game.. that being the last time I played a true JRPG about 10 years ago) I played Chrono Trigger for my first time a couple months ago and it was freakin' awesome. And just today I beat Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World (and I just ordered the original ToS in mail today, so hopefully that comes in by next week ) So yeah, this Xenoblade game might very well be the next thing on my list to play. (Either that or FF6) It looks super different from most other JRPG's, but as long as it has a focus on a good character driven plot, then I can't wait for it. : D
  18. https://www.box.com/s/9e6a7c6063bad34b6205 Right, so I have an update for this... and unfortunately the arrangement is still not finished. D: It's so close, but the genre I'm writing this in has made it hard to bring the song full circle. I do want to post this update mostly because I have gotten much further with the song. I upped the kick some (it's still mostly in the bass frequencies.. I couldn't find a way to put it in the mid range and make it work), fixed the snare a little bit, and added the hat patterns like Jamison mentioned. The little solo that finishes what I have off might have a different lead.. or maybe something added there to kind of support the lead because listening to it now, it doesn't work entirely by itself. I plan on going strange to an upped key version of the main melody (starts at 1:28 after the drum roll at the end... having another drum roll bring the full kit back in, and finishing off the song with that. But making that work is proving to be a little bit difficult.. hopefully I can at least finish that today.. I'm not using to making all these bleeps and bloops xD After that I'm going to probably do a lot of production work.. mostly on making the song loud without having it sound weird or over compressed. tl;dr it's almost done
  19. I didn't notice this post before, but thanks man! I love the music of the series, always fun to listen to all the remix albums out there by doujin circles. I love collaborating so that sounds like it'd be a fun idea. Cool idea dude : D also thanks, your entry was pretty freaking rockin also. it had to be to make me vote it over a brandon strader song. (because mr. strader makes pretty good stuff yo)
  20. 24 effects actually, so there's no confusion i actually tried remixing this song a while back.. made it into a trip hop song.. but i didn't end up finishing it because it's just a super hard song to remix. though it's something that i do want to finish, if not just restart all together with a new piano sample i have. take this barracks settlement remix though: https://www.box.com/s/lp9yr0fdaunyk0b4obnd and you can listen to the wip for the ending remix if you want to https://www.box.com/s/mmp3dxofbkm457szb7ry basically what i want to do with it.
  21. I must have this. Whatever the cost.
  22. Hard choice with SuperiorX and Rexy, because I preferred the production values of Rexy's song, but SuperiorX imo had a superior arrangement (at least one that I enjoyed a little more). Phonetic Hero and Amphibious' match was also tough. Went with Phonetic Hero mostly 'cause I like da chips. : D
  23. Are physicals being shipped out for those who pre-ordered? Just making sure there's nothing extra I have to do to get it.
  24. Thanks for the comment guys. I put in a little progress update (really not much has changed). The wub section you recommended, I actually added in last night after posting. I'll be doing the rest of the stuff y'all recommended too. Trying to find a new kick is gonna be the next step, but I think from this point I'm going to try to finish out the arrangement before I get distracted with too many things. Hopefully by tomorrow I'll have a good, finished arrangement.
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