Ignore that little string stab at the beginning, will of course fix that.
Remix: https://www.box.com/s/9e6a7c6063bad34b6205
I'm really posting this more because this is the first time I've ever tried something like this, and would like some advice as I make this.
I have the arrangement pretty much stuck in my head, so that's not too much a concern (I don't think). Soundscape design, instrumentation, and production (especially on how to make things "loud) are my big problems with this one. I'm used to doing very chill, laid-back, verby stuff, so this something way different.
Any advice from people who are used to doing this kind of stuff is appreciated. Hope you enjoy what little I have so far. : D
edit: I feel like I'be made pretty good progress with this and am putting it up for mod review. I've spiced up the drums and also followed some of TheGuitahHeroes recommendations on skype'' so now too see what a mod thinks about this. Thanks for all the help guys so far guys.