...Why haven't I commented on this yet.
I'll go on the record saying that this is, without a DOUBT, THE best remix on this site. I am in love with it in every single way possible. I have no quarrel with it. I loved the source, and I love this. I'll be honest, while Earthbound isn't necessarily my favorite VG soundtrack (the Metroid games take that spot), it is probably up there in the top 3 or 4. Or 2 if I can count the Prime series as just the Trilogy altogether. I digress,what I mean to say is this does the source justice. TBH, melodically I couldn't tell the source right away, but that doesn't matter, because this just feels like Earthbound, and definitely feels like a Flash of Memory. In fact, I think this song feels more like a Flash of Memory than a Flash of Memory does. Damn.
This song has meant a lot to me in the past one year or so that I've had it on my playlist. It does its job of taking you away to another place. I remember the first time I listened to it, I was surprised to see the song was 6 minutes and 20 seconds long. It didn't feel that long. Time really does go by faster when you're dreaming
This is also an extremely emotional mix to me. I'm not sure how to explain it without dragging this on too long, though, so I think I'll leave it that.
Thank you so much for creating this beauty Rellik. You are without a doubt the most rockin' dude in the whole world.