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Everything posted by Anorax

  1. Damn. That's it, that's all I can say. Consider this the obligatory ten character requirement fulfillment.
  2. Ok, so I've got another question. Say I were to record vocals, and then chop them up vocaloid-style (with at least some sections intact), would that be usable?
  3. It's only on wednesdays now, but everything else should be
  4. Having some problems with PayPal right now, but as soon as that's taken care of, my gift will be on its way. EDIT: Should be shipping soon! Hope you enjoy!
  5. Only if they're discussing burritos made of meat and sand filler
  6. If community tags were allowed, what if taggers were allowed to pick from a pool of tags (a "mood" pool, a "genre" pool [<--this could get messy], an "instrument" pool, etc.) instead of creating their own (because we don't need a "penis" tag for any reason). This way there's not a large collection of useless tags thrown about.
  7. That's because it was removed from the site during the Pre-OC01500 lockdown (see #67). It'll probably be removed from the torrent in the future as well
  8. whups, you're right. Damn. maybe that should be a community project or something, suggest tags for the current library of remixes
  9. your best bet would be to contact Larry (liontamer) as far as accessing all tags. As for updating all the tags for all remixes, I think that's part of the Patreon campaign, but I'm not sure? That one takes some time to do, obviously.
  10. And by that he means the 1+2 Bundle I already love the LoZ DLC pack, and I can't wait to see what the Animal Crossing pack brings
  11. Hey, out of curiosity, is there any intent to revive the Earning The Crown mini-project? I saw this recently in my "Projects to keep an eye on" subscription folder and was wondering if it has been officially dropped

  12. I wish there was a way for Mario Kart to send you a SpotPass reminder/notification to remind you of tourney activity/inactivity times (but only for tourneys you want to be notified for)
  13. I don't even know what a true representative of GamerGate is anymore. Is the rant of a butthurt cis white male (insert the ever-popular tumblr-originating suffix "scum" here if you'd like) a good view of GamerGate? I'm still trying to figure out what GamerGate stands for, are they against bad journalism in the gaming industry or are they against an increase in diversity, like this rant demonstrates? I don't freaking know man, it's getting to the point of absolute ridiculous bullshit on both sides, imo. EDIT: As I continue to read the following thread, I'm getting more and more confused.
  14. Alright, so I know exactly what my gift is. Everything's in place - except for the funds to buy it Unless I can get cash soon, my gift might come in late (I don't expect to get a paycheck until mid-december at the earliest, once this semester ends and I go back home)
  15. Now that Nintendo has moved to a unified ID system, should the Wii # field under "Edit Details" in the control panel be changed to Nintendo Network ID (so that we can display our nintendo 'gamer' tags alongside our XBox and PSN tags)?
  16. So, I recently procured a Wii U Mario Kart Deluxe Set (thank you Nintendo World NYC!). If you want, you can add me as a friend. Nintendo ID is my OCR username.
  17. Clyp.it is nice and easy to use, but as always, your mileage may vary
  18. https://twitter.com/hashtag/mountainstomacys http://social.macys.com/parademobile/#/lineup/bands/8503 This edit: 3 hours and two and a half system updates later, I'm now registered 'n' stuff! Username is the same as here on OCR (Anorax)
  19. So after being a part of the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade yesterday, I managed to stop by Nintendo World in NYC. Turns out they had several Mario Kart 8 Deluxe Sets in stock, and now they have one less in stock. Once I get back to my dorm, I'll set it up
  20. So I found this today, and I figured it'd be relevant somehow.
  21. is anybody out there?

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