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Everything posted by Anorax

  1. but- but- Killer Studio Chops! Ok, seriously. How old is the KSC joke again?
  2. I honesty didn't expect this to happen the first time I return to compos after a personal haitus, but I found myself fighting against composer's/writer's block. On top of this, my school schedule has left me with absolutely no time. After talking with timaeus, I feel that the only real action is to withdraw from this round. I apologize.
  3. Nah, on the contrary, just starting it (relatively speaking). Looking at a Bach. of Music with a concentration of Commercial and Electronic Music. Who knew that existed in NC?

  4. Life is life, I suppose. Just got to make sure that college doesn't absolutely swamp me. How about yourself?

  5. Hmm... Time to gut my brother's PS3 I see... Really though, I wonder if you can buy and use CELL processors for personal use? Could come in handy in a theoretical studio (e.g. my bedroom) with multiple devices powered by the things.
  6. I am thoroughly impressed zircon. The jealousy is real right now.
  7. Hey, it's just good to know that you're still out and about!

  8. I use Mixcraft 7 (although I might have a copy of FL floating around somewhere?). Haven't used Skype in a while, but yeah, I'll get in contact soon.
  9. Wow, it's great to see RWS back (even if I only participated... once? oops)! I think I'll sign up as a Novice for the inaugural round of season 3. Fingers crossed, we get more stars in here!
  10. I actually can't say I'm surprised Acers are rated so highly. For a run-of-the-mill laptop, my Acer Aspire 5250 has done really well. I've enjoyed using it, haven't had any OEM-based problems, software or otherwise *cough HP cough*. The one I'm using now is about three or four years old this past Christmas, and could probably go on for several more as my main PC. However, it's not the most music-friendly computing solution so I may end up buying a dedicated music computer in the near future, and if I end up getting a desktop I will definitely keep my Acer around. 9/10 Would buy again (not 10/10 because shit happens). TC, I think prophetik misread your post and thought that you were looking for a gaming laptop, as opposed to the inverse.
  11. For SNES games, you can use the C700 VST to load a game's .spc files into the VST, which then lets you play back the samples from the game. (Actually, I think there was a thread somewhere on these forums about it).
  12. I'd say you're spot on; I've done recordings inside of a car before (although, it was more for music intents than VO). The only problem I had with this was that the car in question wasn't exactly the greatest at blocking out sounds. Now, being in a car limits you somewhat. Why? Sitting down restricts your diaphragm ever so slightly, and that can affect your vocal performance. This would probably have a more apparent effect on singing though (especially if you're going for a more operatic style), so I don't know if there would be any effect on vocal performance as far as voice acting goes.
  13. I've noticed a time or two that there have been ads on OCR that are audio-enabled/video ads. These will usually show up on pages that have ad areas that are a suitable size for video-type, with the latest one showing up on an OCR Mascot page (Shantae's). Is this just something that happens due to the advertisement system, or can it be controlled? It hasn't happened too much, so I guess it's not a problem, but I thought that I should bring it up.
  14. Why are there all different characters instead of Mega Man X? I mean, I thought this was MMX appreciation month.
  15. Nintendo recommends using externally-powered HDD for external storage. Thought I'd toss that in.
  16. I think MAG13 was announced this past August, so I'm assuming it'll be around then. This, coming from someone who's never been to MAGFest and hasn't paid attention to MAG-related things until this year.
  17. ...damnit Mirby! The only way that could possibly get worse is:
  18. RIP MAGFest 14 OCR Forum Thread Jan. 31, 2015 9:50PM EST ~ Jan. 31, 2015 11:36PM EST Like the Christians with Christ Jesus, we await your second coming. I'm really hoping that next year's MAGFest occurs on a more university-friendly weekend, as I would have loved to have come this year if it weren't for school.
  19. Cyril, are you itching for some podcast action?
  20. Oh. That's interesting. I never had a GameCube, so I wouldn't know. This certainly explains why it'd be a little more difficult to port some GameCube games though, especially if a GC game used both positions of the L-R triggers as well as the Z shoulder button. @Garrett: You mean the ZL and ZR buttons? Not sure why Nintendo chose Z for the original button on the GameCube controller, maybe because if they called it R1 and R2 instead, it would make people wonder why there was only one L? While I'm not a fan of the Wii U's R,ZR,L,ZL naming system, I suppose it makes sense to adapt something they've had for a while instead of reinventing yet another wheel.
  21. underwhelming* And your comparison (PS2->PS4) is more akin to GC->Wii U than Wii->Wii U (two console generations). Why would there be a problem due to the LR triggers? The Gamecube had two, and the Wii U has two...
  22. I really hope you're being sarcastic, because otherwise that'd be ridiculous. Why am I even replying to this, of course you're being sarcastic!
  23. Holy shit is virt an amazing composer. About two(?) weeks ago, I bought Shantae and the Pirate's Curse. The game was awesome, had a great storyline, and that music! I still have the OST stuck in my head, and I haven't played it well over a week. If you haven't yet, play the game. The gameplay is beautiful and the music just adds to the magic. I feel like that should be a joke. Wait, aren't there several elements of the Galaxy series that rely on using Wii Remote controls, such as collecting star bits? Or did they port that to the game pad so you can use touch?
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