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Everything posted by Anorax

  1. oh man... the soundtrack for this game is absolutely amazing!
  2. the whole album is being rebranded to only reference sanic the hedgog? Or in the release notes, are all the track comments going to be written by Bleck so that they're snide and ridiculously short and possibly off topic? I dunno, I guessed.
  3. Deadlines are being scaled forward to have the album completed one year earlier than planned, causing mass panic among remixers? No? ok
  4. Rather, I think you'll find it easier to scan the tag lists for the ReMixes under each tag. In theory, these tags should have overlapping results, giving you more precise information to work with, akin to the way Pandora has its massive network of tags. So if you want something that's downtempo, jazzy, and contains acoustic guitar, strings, and saxophone, you search these tags and find overlapping results. Rather rudimentary compared to Pandora's crazy system, but it's a start. And to answer your question, the tags are pulled from the corresponding comments thread for each remix. As far as I can tell, there are no tags directly on the */remix/OCRXXXXX/ pages.
  5. This is actually a valid point. The size of this thread makes it next to impossible to simply jump in with full comprehension of what's going on. Even I'm not sure what's going on all the time
  6. Whoa, I share the same birthday as Sanic! I'm guessing "Run like hell" has been suggested for the album title?
  7. for those of us with the 1-3000 OCR Torrent, we might not be that useful to you
  8. Happy birthday! Here's to another year of PRC with you at the helm! Compos here on OCR wouldn't be the same without you!

  9. Due to igNoring thE craSh, I'm guessing this is going to be sitting on the backburner for a while, eh?
  10. He's baaaaaaack! I really like your remix, it adds a whole new element to this track! On a side note, I've got to go see this film sometime
  11. But then you'll learn the awful truth that your mother sleeps with so many random prepubescent Mario Kart players from all over the world! or was that Call of Duty players?
  12. I don't think the intent was to prevent an army, I think as you said further on it was to enable the citizens to defend themselves from oppression via their government. If you look back at the US' history, you'll notice that the US of A was referred to in the plural sense ("The United States are _____") up until the Civil War, when it came popular to refer to the whole country in the singular ("The United States is _____"). When you look at it this way, you'll notice that the Second Amendment was written to protect each individual state from, well, whatever. If one state got invaded by a foreign power, another state could defend its borders through a militia of its own civilians while help arrived from the national military. Same goes for interstate warfare (which never happened and at this point really wouldn't be able to), each State can defend itself via the Second Amendement. Best. Metaphor. Ever.
  13. I don't believe your number of 6 years is very accurate. If you really want to look at it, you could go back as far as the Reagan era. Pretty much. Comcast has already played the censorship game with Netflix, slowing down their customers' connections until Netflix buckled and gave in to whatever it was that Comcast wanted.
  14. I'd rather that the government regulate it than let Comcast have the ability to throttle - or block - my connection unless I pay for an upgraded package.
  15. sweet. Now I just need to find a drum line... Although, to think about it, attempting to make a drumline arrangement would break from the book-ending idea you guys had (first track being 8-bit, the last being fully orchestrated), but dropping 10 Yard Fight does the same thing. Either way, the original idea seems to be unusable. What's your take on this?
  16. There seems to be a rhythmic percussive element, akin to that of a high school or college drumline. Would an interpretation like that allow for a remix? It's a simple enough rhythm and could actually be translated into a drumline cadence, with embellishment, of course.Also, a question regarding the game list in the first post, is that supposed to be a tentative order of tracks as sorted by source game?
  17. They clearly are, but in order to address that problem gamergate would need to recognize that many of their ranks are the problem, and then actively attempt to stop it. But that's ridiculous because "it's all Anita's fault, she deserves it, etc."
  18. Pray tell, what would be a productive alternative to this question?
  19. necroposting just to share that every time I look at the favicon I'm reminded of Team Rocket. Team OCRocket? Blasting off at the speed of 60fps, or 50fps if you're in Europe!
  20. I sat here for a good five minutes attempting to process this joke correctly.
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