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Everything posted by Anorax

  1. ...Dfadgsgafsaggagahhdsgafdagat WUT damnit I need more work ethic
  2. Oh, we have an idea now? sweet. Because it seems like you want to go with dark, extreme, etc. Maybe it can be like a boss-theme Zelda album? Using themes from several bosses across several games, with the option to mix in sources from other "darker" Zelda tunes.
  3. going to take this as a very good thing which reminds me, I have to get back to work on my claim soon! 'soon' as in as soon as I pull my grades out of the gutter!
  4. I just realized something: this project AFAIK is a single-director project. Did I miss a mention of a second director somewhere?
  5. there are a lot of Zelda albums in the works, all in various stages of development. I don't know how many people would want to join yet-another-album, especially one that is another Zelda album.
  6. For some reason I like it that way. Don't ask me why, but I've never found it to be an issue. However that probably has to do with the fact that OCR was the first forum I ever signed in to, so that might explain some of it.
  7. I'm sure this has been asked a dozen-and-a-half times, but when is the next OCR Album scheduled for release, and what is it?
  8. it seems you're already contempt with some of your work. Maybe being content with your music is the better solution?
  9. giant welcome post inbound... Ah, Donkey Kong Country. Now that game was the shit. Welcome to OCR, we're glad to have you on board! If you're ever wanting to look for some critique for any music you're working on, don't hesitate to head on over to the Workshop forums! You can also find projects looking for recruits or anyone wanting to collaborate with people in there as well! Wow, quite the list of amazing stuff you've had a hand in. It's nice to meet you as well! As I told NARH above, don't hesitate to visit the Workshop forums if you ever need critiques or if you have any questions regarding music! Kingdom Hearts was such a good game, I really need to pull it out sometime and play it again. Also, Hi! Euphophonist? Euphonist? Hmm, not sure on that one (euphonist seems right to me, but hey, I'm a percussionist. I wouldn't really know). And yes, the albums here on OCR are absolutely amazing. In fact, I think I'll have to see which ones I don't already have and go ahead and download those. whoa, stop right there. There's nothing wrong with being British. Now that that's said, carry on. It's nice to have you here Gavvie! Welcome aboard, mate! Why, hello!I've already said this more than once, but it's nice to have you here! If you're working on any music and you need any critique, don't be afraid to put it up in the Workshop forums! And yes, OCR is a great distraction from the middle school noise. I can attest that this works in high school as well Again, welcome to all of you! come on in and stay a while!
  10. You might want to update the OP with this tidbit of information
  11. Cyril's on a roll here- in one day he went from version 4 to version 6!
  12. Shosh Brandon you're making it more complicated than it already is.
  13. is it just me or is this turning into an anti-Nintendo thread?
  14. once again, Nintendo rolls out a completely different game setup that is essentially never-before-seen and no one is really wanting to risk anything with the WiiU, so playing it safe seems like a good idea as far as developers are concerned. It's possible developers are looking at WiiU as a console with similar targeting as the Wii turned out to be, and are making games as such (more family/kid oriented) aaand it's also a bit of playing-it-safe as well.
  15. nah, Emunator's going to do a dramatic reading of all the write-ups and include the recording as a bonus track on the bonus disc
  16. The more I read about the machines Brad builds the more I realize I need one of his computers then I look in my wallet and remember why I can't have one
  17. yeah, no the SP wasn't like 3DS gigantic, but it wasn't terribly small either. it wasn't exactly the easiest thing to fit into your pants pocket, especially if you're wearing jeans
  18. and there were no fucks given that day
  19. my brother probably clocks in at anywhere from 8-10 hours of COD: Black Ops daily I completely agree with you on this
  20. It's the all-new PeNis3 Slim-slim!
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