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    Anorax reacted to prophetik music in Star Wars: The Force Awakens (Spoilers Inside!)   
    i loved it. i thought kylo's performance was stellar - he's not some implacable foe (which we didn't need more of), he's this deeply conflicted dude who is not necessarily the strongest of jedi, or even the strongest dude. i mean, look at him, he looks like he should be cashiering at a discount shoe store, and he's trying to live up to this galactic badass. his acting was fantastic, if you recognize that being awkward and difficult to get along with and riding the struggle bus emotionally is good acting  (in this case, it totally was).
    i love the concept of finn's character, as well as rey. i like that there wasn't one major character who realizes that they're going to save the galaxy and becomes awesome just in time to suck in the sequel. finn's groundwork is set for him to eventually be a hero, but they didn't need to make him blossom in this film, and that'll make it better when he eventually does. and rey's just phenomenal. great acting, great character, great job fitting the role and the actress, etc. i don't think it's strange at all that she was able to pick up concepts of the force quickly (it's not like they had her creating a lightsaber from scratch, the concept of imprinting your will on someone else is something everyone wishes for and 'practices' from young childhood), or that she was good at dueling since she had the stick and was obviously trained at it. once she remembered to draw from the force - which, according to ep 5, comes as naturally as breathing to someone who has the potential - her actions were fluid, defined, and not desperate at all. conceptually difficult to render on a screen but i'm sure that a well-written book would be able to make that be clearer without assistance.
    someone else mentioned how lived-in the world felt. i think that's a great way of putting where the initial series succeeded and the prequels failed. they were so sterile, and here it was much more realistic that the areas had existed for a long time.
    i loved it. i want to watch several more of it. i wish my thread (which started on thursday night!) was the main star wars thread though
  2. Like
    Anorax reacted to Bleck in Star Wars: The Force Awakens (Spoilers Inside!)   
    yeah it's totally disappointing that they didn't waste time explaining this totally mundane thing for needlessly fastidious people, what a bad movie, ugh
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    Anorax reacted to Bleck in Star Wars: The Force Awakens (Spoilers Inside!)   
    It was because he embraced the Force (though unlike Rey in her duel with Ren, he tapped into the Dark Side, which is what the Emperor wanted).
    Obi-Wan explains in A New Hope that you have to let the Force guide you - the overwrought fencing of the Jedi in the prequels is meant to demonstrate how out of touch with the Force they really are. Note the following;
    how of the four Sith in the prequels, Maul fights in a very acrobatic but very direct way (nothing he does is without purpose), Tyranus and Sidious straight-up fence, and only Vader relies on exceedingly acrobatic and flashy fighting (remember that one scene in Vader's duel with Obi-Wan where they're literally just spinning lightsabers around for no reason? There's a reason for that). how the only time any Sith in the prequels lose a fight, it's because a Jedi gave into rage or hatred or fear - Obi-Wan overcomes Darth Maul in a rage after he kills Qui-Gon, Anakin kills Darth Maul after Palpatine insists that he do so, Sidious loses to Mace Windu because Windu fully intends to kill him, and Vader loses to Obi-Wan because of Obi-Wan's rage and despair over what Vader's done.  how Grievous is capable of fighting with lightsabers (exceedingly well, if you watch Clone Wars) despite having no Force powers, and Obi-Wan only manages to defeat him by shooting him to death. Luke doesn't become a full-fledged Jedi and then fight Vader - he becomes a full Jedi, and the first true one in decades, after he decides that life is sacred and refuses to kill his Vader or the Emperor. The prequels make it clear that the Jedi ideals are corrupt - even the sequels, so far, understand this.
  4. Like
    Anorax reacted to The Damned in OCR Secret Santa 2015   
    You better fucking like those gifts. I had to sift through your Steam account, your post history on OCR, and then finally I asked Darkesword for hints. Took me three days of (kinda-sorta) detective work to figure out what you wanted.
    Seriously, people: the form on the first page, where you fill out your address, also has this big section for a wishlist.
    Also, crack those babies open and let's see some action poses, Arrow!
  5. Like
    Anorax reacted to Garpocalypse in A Christmas Epic   
    Hey everyone,
    In a never ending obsession with trying to achieve the largest wall of sound possible I did this track for the holidays this year.  After noticing a rather severe lack of Upper mids and highs on the album version I decided to try to push this version's strings and brass a bit higher.  However with it being EWQLSO Gold (and only having stage mics available) I was only able to get the samples brightened so far before becoming abrasive.  Definitely going to be saving up for EWQLSO Platinum.
    It consists of 3 variations on Sonic 3's Icecap Zone Act 1  Sonic Advance's Ice Mountain a secret source, We 3 Kings and I saw 3 Ships.  Here's a hint. The secret source occurs in the middle.
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    Anorax got a reaction from YoshiBlade in OCR Secret Santa 2015   
    Oh, wow, what a warning label!
    Glad you like it! Part 2 should be en-route, as I mailed it off earlier this week.  Really hoping you don't already own a copy, though...
    Got another notification just the other day on another package arriving. Either I'm ordering things and promptly forgetting about it, or more stuff from my Secret Santa is arriving, and I won't get to see what it is yet...
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    Anorax reacted to Supercoolmike in OCR Secret Santa 2015   
    Got this package a while ago, but was away atm. Now I'm here to open Up this package From my Secret Santa Anorax! 
    For My initial reactions, I had laughed pretty hard twice  and here's why:
         1) Something tells me he's giving me that look for a reason... As if he know he was trapped in that package for a week, just chilling in my room unopened like a mint condition action figure. XD
         2)Then there's this reason...Who the hell, that is 15 years old...Just chokes on this. XD
    Thx again Anorax for this cool gift! The Anticipation for the upcoming goodies is killing me. 
  8. Like
    Anorax reacted to Arrow in OverClocked ReMix Design ?'s and Issues   
    Just as a heads-up, DJP wants issues with the new forum upgrade to be reported in the Community thread specifically for it, over at http://ocremix.org/community/topic/42360-notice-forums-upgraded-to-ips-41x-report-issues/.  Makes it easier to tackle all the resultant issues in one spot.
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    Anorax reacted to The Coop in What are you listening to?   

    Say what you will about PSY, but I'll be damned if this isn't a catchy and infectious tune.
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    Anorax reacted to Jenz Drake in OCR Secret Santa 2015   
    Funny story.

    I asked Beth a while ago who her Secret Santa was and she didn't tell me who. Wonderful thing after a long day... I found a package in front of my door. I was so excited to see who it was from. Seconds later I could not stop laughing.

    Trying to find the gift was an adventure. I honestly believed she trolled me until I ripped the damn thing apart. haha

    I found this:

    Not going to lie. This made me cry like a baby...but that's not surprising, right? I've always been the emotional one. Getting the gift made it harder not to go to MAGFest. Unfortunately I had to cancel it. Thank you for this, Beth. I had no idea you could make such a beautiful thing. I'll definitely wear it to MAG 2017. I promise. In the meantime I'll take care of these. I love them. I can't wait for gift #2.
  11. Like
    Anorax got a reaction from djpretzel in OCRI-0008 - Heart of a Gamer: A Tribute to Satoru Iwata   
    after listening to this album:

    Wonderful job, you guys! I think this is, truly, a fitting tribute to Mr. Iwata.
  12. Like
    Anorax got a reaction from timaeus222 in OCRI-0008 - Heart of a Gamer: A Tribute to Satoru Iwata   
    after listening to this album:

    Wonderful job, you guys! I think this is, truly, a fitting tribute to Mr. Iwata.
  13. Like
    Anorax reacted to Jorito in Kingdom Hearts ReMix Album Project -- Cancelled   
    No use beating a dead horse I guess. I liked working on VVIII a lot, so if you have new album ideas, feel free to reach out to me.
  14. Like
    Anorax reacted to The Damned in Jessica Jones   
    Man, there's this great show on but everyone's not watching it because it's exactly like a shitty movie based upon a shitty book based upon a shitty fanfic of a shitty series of novels about vampires fucking werewolves.
    Even if you don't like the few pg-13 sex scenes, you still have:
    1. a good premise (superhero that never got to be one, turned against herself and innocents, trying to find the man that made her a killer)
    2. a really good villain (Killgrave is just sooo hate-able. You want him to get punched, but you love hearing him be an asshole)
    3. decent drama (the scenes where Killgrave takes Jessica back to her old house, for once)
    4. some funny as hell dialog between characters ("Killgrave? Why not just... Murderhole?")
    So even if you are somehow magically turned off by sex scenes that are out-paced by friday-night rerun movies from the 80s, the rest of the show is still perfectly good.
  15. Like
    Anorax reacted to Black_Doom in Super Cartography Bros. - History   
    So much hype!

  16. Like
    Anorax reacted to Nabeel Ansari in Tropes vs. Women / #GamerGate Conspiracies   
    We're not disregarding it, we're more or less saying "make a better argument before we join you".
    Burden of proof falls on the people making the claim; if someone is making a claim, and they can't substantiate it, that doesn't make the claim wrong, no, but just because the claim has the potential to be right doesn't mean we should go ahead and validate it without the proper thought.
    Is women's portrayal in games a problem? Abso-fucking-lutely. Even if you argue that there's nothing wrong with objectification, there are people who feel attacked by this kind of stuff, and their voices need to be heard. Pretty much anyone besides white males has the potential for having a problem with their representation in media, and that's fine, because it's okay to want a fair equal society.
    But that's not the issue we're attacking here. Anita is making a claim that we can't validate, which is that the stuff we see in games is translating to sexist thought processes and solidifying the poor treating of women in society. Is this an outlandish claim? Absolutely fucking not, it's absolutely plausible to believe that could be a thing, knowing what we know about human society and how much media can affect us on a deeper level. It's also an incredibly strong claim with profound implications, so it needs to be treated as such and scrutinized as such.
    So don't spread it around if it hasn't actually been proven and mask it as if it has been proven. That's stupid. Because even if you get the dregs of Tumblr following your shitty logic, you won't get people who know how to think twice to follow you. I'm not a fucking asshole, and if it needs to be said, if there was evidence (that Anita mentions but never shows) for her claims, I would say "yeah, that's kinda messed up. I'm on your side."
    Instead I don't really take her seriously because while her intentions are good, I can't really have a peace of mind that the specific details of what she's doing are in any way valid or helpful. I don't really right now personally think that fixing game representation is in any way going to have any impact on commonplace social misogyny in real life, so I don't really care about fixing games. Because ultimately, it will do nothing, because my understanding of art/history serves me the idea that art is symptomatic of cultural problems (absolutely the opposite of being one of the roots, if not the root). It could be a feedback loop (between art feeding culture and culture feeding art back) in some circumstances, but again... the claim that big boobed characters somehow connects to passive breeding of real life misogyny seems like something that needs some serious review.
    She disagrees, but is offering nothing I can latch onto for her to persuade me. The "we don't need you anyway" argument is laughable. If you're trying to do good, and you need to build a cause, you need all you can get.
    So that's a bad thing if she's right all along. Because damaging her credibility damages her cause.
    I think she has her causation backwards, and I think she has her cause backwards. I think to fix game representation, we need to focus on methods to fix misogyny in society. Things like improving education for kids and whatnot, both in clinical/health areas and better social conditioning. The art will naturally improve by consequence.
  17. Like
    Anorax reacted to Bleck in Tropes vs. Women / #GamerGate Conspiracies   
    there isn't really a functional difference in those sentences
  18. Like
    Anorax reacted to Bleck in Tropes vs. Women / #GamerGate Conspiracies   
    I think you may have misunderstood my post and as such I also don't understand yours
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    Anorax got a reaction from Native Jovian in Tropes vs. Women / #GamerGate Conspiracies   
    I think it has less to do with the action of portraying women in games in and of itself (i.e. the inclusion of the female sex/female gender/whatever have you in video games and related media) and more to do with the implementation of portraying women in games.
    If Female-Character X is portrayed as some fuck toy and little more than that in Game X, then it can potentially perpetuate sexist culture, although the effect would be more profound if almost all the female characters in Game X were portrayed similarly.  If it's just one character that is objectified in-game out of myriad characters (the rest of which are not objectified), then the problem potentially still exists, but to a much lesser degree? Sorry, I'm just adding in a quick thought; I'll need to sit down and do a little info digging later.
  20. Like
    Anorax got a reaction from timaeus222 in Kingdom Hearts ReMix Album Project -- Cancelled   
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    Anorax got a reaction from Chernabogue in Kingdom Hearts ReMix Album Project -- Cancelled   
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    Anorax reacted to Chernabogue in Kingdom Hearts ReMix Album Project -- Cancelled   
    The project is cancelled due to the low interest in a KH album. Thanks and sorry everyone who wanted to help and/or supported the idea. Peace.
    Project description
    Kingdom Hearts has AWESOME music by Yoko Shimomura, and its soundtrack is really, really underrepresented in terms of remixes (which is a shame lol). So what would be the plan? Remix the soundtrack from the first KH game. The soundtrack is very diversified as the heroes travel across various different worlds.
    How to participate?
    You're a posted mixer on OCR or have some interesting experience in the VGM scene (DoD, YouTube, etc.): you can directly claim a track and start remixing it.
    You're not a posted mixer: send me a PM with some of your work (as an audition), and we'll discuss the possibility.
    You want to do art, video, etc.? Send me a PM and we'll discuss how you can help.
    Legal Note
    Since OCR made an agreement with Square Enix during the FF6 Kickstarter, please, don't use any SFX from a KH game or directly sample your remix from its source.
    Deadlines & WiPs
    Tentative release date: whenever the hell KH3 comes out lol -- The first deadline will be announced when I get a lot of claims on the tracklist.
    Each time a deadline is reached, I'll need an update on your claim(s), with a WIP track. If you miss a deadline, no problem -- I can understand that real life can be busy. But don't sit too long on a claim either (even if I already worked with some last-minute rushers ) -- If you fail to give me updates several times, I'll have to remove your claim (meaning someone else can take it -- You can also retake it by sending in a WiP).
    Collaboration helps a lot. Don't hesitate to ask someone for help on your track(s)!
    - Chernabogue: orchestra/drum programming, mixing, mastering
    - timaeus222: mixing/mastering, dubstep/drum & bass/EDM drum programming, atmospheric and synth-lead sound design, rhythm/lead electric guitar, orchestral strings
    If you have any question, send me PM or post here.
  24. Like
    Anorax got a reaction from Chernabogue in Kingdom Hearts ReMix Album Project -- Cancelled   
    I've been waiting for an album like this since I first got on OCR, and that was... oh, just right after the DKC2 album dropped.

    Oh, no, you don't! Leave some for the rest of us!
  25. Like
    Anorax reacted to Tuberz McGee in Kingdom Hearts ReMix Album Project -- Cancelled   
    Tuberz is coming here to say again that I will support this wholeheartedly. 
    Like seriously. Favourite game series. 
    pls guiz lets do this

    One more thing. Can I put a tentative claim on... um... everything? 
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