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  1. Like
    Anorax reacted to Jason Covenant in Mega Man X: The Sigma Fortress Remix Gauntlet 2015   
    It didn't happen last week, but I've been sick a few times trying to do a track for a compo too. Whatever free time you had to spend on your track gets diverted into extra sleep and whatever else you need to do to get well. It really sucks. Hope you get better soon!
  2. Like
    Anorax reacted to DarkeSword in Mega Man X: The Sigma Fortress Remix Gauntlet 2015   
    Round 1 music is available in the first post.
    Alright, please pardon my language for this post.
    Okay now that that's out of the way: voting for round 1 is open. For everyone participating as a voter, PLEASE read the entire first post of the voting thread before posting your vote! Some things have changed, especially with regards to how you should format your votes. Following the updated instructions and format will help me to put out tallies and results in a much more timely manner!
    Thank you!
  3. Like
    Anorax reacted to Eino Keskitalo in Mega Man X: The Sigma Fortress Remix Gauntlet 2015   
    Just sent ours in! What a week. Completely blown away by these two other guys in the team. Ooooompgh. That's the word.
  4. Like
    Anorax reacted to Jason Covenant in Mega Man X: The Sigma Fortress Remix Gauntlet 2015   
    Yay, got Blizzard Buffalo.
    I hereby challenge everyone else remixing in round one to produce a vocal mix. Gimme dem voxies!
  5. Like
    Anorax reacted to The Damned in Nintendo president Satoru Iwata passes away   
    Member of Hal Labs, the creators of Kirby. . Programmed Earthbound. Helped found Creatures Inc., who created a lot of the Pokémon designs, as well as worked on Pokémon Gold and Silver, resulting in Kanto being included in the game (which in turn is often cirted as one of the reason people loved the game so much). Not only gave the go-ahead for the incredibly successful Wii and DS, but also helped out of the designs and even worked on some of the games for said systems.
    Yeah, I guess he had a bit of a role in things.
    Can we get a tribute album? It would be a primarily Earthbound and Kirby songs, but it's still stuff he worked on.
  6. Like
    Anorax reacted to Melbu Frahma in Nintendo president Satoru Iwata passes away   
    This, plus the way he ran his company, the way he always tried to put customers' fun first, and many other reasons, were why he was one of the very few game execs I had even the slightest respect for. He was definitely one of the good ones.
  7. Like
    Anorax reacted to Ethan Rex in Nintendo president Satoru Iwata passes away   
    I already said this on twitter, but the dude was a programming legend. The guy singlehandedly (more or less) programmed Earthbound, and shrunk Pokemon GS down enough to fit Kanto in. As CEO, he halved his pay when profits dropped. Maintained a priority toward gamers throughout his tenure as well. The man was a monolith in the gaming industry, and will be sorely missed..
  8. Like
    Anorax reacted to Bleck in Nintendo president Satoru Iwata passes away   
    screw you, 2015
    fuck you
  9. Like
    Anorax got a reaction from Black_Doom in Super Cartography Bros. - History   
    Ohhh yeahhhh. I can't wait for this one!
  10. Like
    Anorax reacted to Flexstyle in Super Cartography Bros. - History   
    I know there hasn't been a lot of activity on this thread lately, but everything's pretty much done--we're just getting the website built and a few things ironed out. Should be seeing a release this summer!
  11. Like
    Anorax reacted to Nabeel Ansari in End the loudness war - back to the roots of full range dynamics and the best music quality   
    It's all great to talk dynamics in classical music and whatnot, but standards aren't devised with musical ideals in mind; they're devised with technical efficiency in mind.
    The simple fact of the matter is that with TV and radio, you're rarely going to have circumstances where the quiet parts of widely dynamic music is going to heard in detail. This is especially true with TV, where stuff happens over the music. Doubly true when listening to stuff in cars; road noise renders piano and pianissimo pretty inaudible. This is why I can't play, like, the Lord of the Rings score or something in the car. My dad complains he can't really hear anything.
    Life isn't a concert hall where everyone sits down and admires in silence, and recordings with dynamics need to be listened to in proper environments like silent rooms with speakers (lazy sunday afternoon in your living room, maybe) or headphones in order for the quieter parts to be appreciated. For the world at large, dynamic music doesn't really cut it for the way people listen to music/audio. Technical standards are designed with those kinds of considerations.
    That's probably also a small factor in what affects mainstream popularity. The popular stuff is the loud, bassy and in your face stuff. Rap, pop, rock, etc. It can be listened to anywhere, while jogging, driving, in a gym, etc.
  12. Like
    Anorax reacted to Flexstyle in End the loudness war - back to the roots of full range dynamics and the best music quality   
    I like big sounds and I cannot lie. An EDM track that doesn't have a brickwall on it just doesn't fit into the rest of EDM, and that's not going to change anytime soon. Like Avaris said above, it's subjective and should be handled on a per-case basis.
    Meanwhile, I'm gonna be over here with my limiters and my compressors making phat and tasty sounds.
  13. Like
    Anorax reacted to Sir_NutS in Mega Man X: The Sigma Fortress Remix Gauntlet 2015   
    Well this compo is stacked.
  14. Like
    Anorax got a reaction from Necrox in How did you get your handle?   
    The best name for a heavy metal band consisting of ex-swimmers.
  15. Like
    Anorax got a reaction from Cam3leon in Mega Man X: The Sigma Fortress Remix Gauntlet 2015   
    ...damnit you guys.
    I expect at LEAST one (Never Gonna) Give You Up-style submission per block.
  16. Like
    Anorax reacted to DarkeSword in GrayLightning   
    I'm going to lock this thread. A lot of it is just speculation from people that didn't really know him. Gray was a great guy and a real friend, and he had his own reasons for exiting the community which we'll probably never know. I feel like a lot of this "he's probably dead" or "he's just someone's alternate account" is being disrespectful to one of the best members this community ever had. He was an amazing musician and one of the most dedicated staff members we had when he was with us. I'm not comfortable with people in this thread diminishing that with random, uninformed speculation.
  17. Like
    Anorax got a reaction from Melbu Frahma in GrayLightning   
    GrayLightning sounded like a really cool guy. I wish I had been here to know him.
  18. Like
    Anorax reacted to zircon in FEEDBACK NEEDED: Additional Artist Profile Fields for Plugins/Libraries??   
    Option 1 sounds good though I also like the idea of auto-complete/suggestions based on what other users have done.
    Maybe "Preferred" instead of favorite plugins/libraries?
  19. Like
    Anorax got a reaction from djpretzel in I want to build you a computer   
    Got my new machine from Brad Saturday morning, and it wouldn't boot. Called him today and after an hour or so, we figured out that the RAM had become unseated and caused all sorts of mayhem when it attempted to boot.  Now it's up and running and working like a charm! Thanks Brad!
  20. Like
    Anorax reacted to Bleck in Splatoon   
  21. Like
    Anorax got a reaction from Brandon Strader in Welcome to the New Forums!   
    Nope, only you can see that. But thanks for sharing!
  22. Like
    Anorax reacted to Brandon Strader in Welcome to the New Forums!   
    Woah really? That's odd/interesting Now everyone knows I have 1 warning point because I was like yo get rid of it whyfor art thou.
  23. Like
    Anorax got a reaction from Brandon Strader in Welcome to the New Forums!   
    So I'm guessing everyone has a warning level visible, but only on their own posts? e.g. Timaeus should see a warning level on his posts, Brandon on his, etc.?
  24. Like
    Anorax reacted to SnappleMan in Advantages of Reason over FLStudio   
    I use Reason as an "instrument" more than a standalone application. You can't really compare the two because FLstudio is trying to be more of a full on DAW and Reason is pretty much a one trick pony (though it's a pretty nice trick!). Think of Reason kind of like a synthesizer with a built in sequencer where as FLstudio is like a run down studio that still somehow works...
  25. Like
    Anorax reacted to Brandon Strader in Welcome to the New Forums!   
    Why does it say Poop on my mix page 
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