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Profile Information

  • Real Name
    Jesse Deacon
  • Location
    Indianapolis, IN
  • Occupation
    US Army - I cook food and jump out of airplanes.

Artist Settings

  • Collaboration Status
    3. Very Interested
  • Software - Digital Audio Workstation (DAW)
  • Composition & Production Skills
    Arrangement & Orchestration
  • Instrumental & Vocal Skills (List)
    Vocals: Male

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  1. OP has posted a whole bunch of music in the Discord since asking this question.
  2. This just came up on a playlist I was listening to and I realized I never saw it posted. It's been a long time since I kept up with these forums regularly, but I had to drop in to say this has been one of the gems that always comes to mind when I think of the WIP board. It's a gorgeous piece, and if you're still around, Chris, thanks for sharing it. (Also, it's still not too late to submit!)
  3. Looks like it redirects to https://ocremix.org/info/Pilotwings:_Take_Flight If there never was an actual page at http://flight.ocremix.org/, then that makes sense.
  4. I finally found them! For years, when I've wanted to share an album with somebody, I've wanted to direct them to the beautiful sites with all the release info and artwork rather than the home site's album page. Think, for example, http://lucid.ocremix.org/index.html as opposed to http://ocremix.org/album/30/nights-lucid-dreaming. Sometimes, for the less frequently referenced albums, it's a bit of workout to remember/find the prefix used for the site. I have always been confused why they weren't posted on the album's page; turns out, they are! It's just not in a place that I'd ever thought to look. Currently, the link is through the HTTP option that pops up after you click 'Download'. I'm wondering if it would be worth the bother to move or add that link to some place a little more prominent. (Also, I haven't gone through all of them, but it looks like 'Pilotwings: Take Flight' doesn't have it's own site. Is that correct?)
  5. Digging the art. Crying at Gario not getting Wind Man.
  6. I'd recommend listing your picks just in case.
  7. I initially signed up as a last resort, and still am not confident I'd have time to get much if anything submitted. Arrow is more than welcome to have my slot.
  8. The teams do matter a bit, of course, if you have one source that you'd like to try multiple approaches with. If you're Team Robots, for example, you'll get your one Mega Man source three times, and three Shovel Knight sources one time each.
  9. I'm sure the Game Boy MM tracks are great, but they don't have the massive familiarity and nostalgia that the NES ones do for me. I do love me some Shovel Knight, though. In any case, I've taken a spot and been unable to produce more times than I'd like. If the roster fills up, I don't want to take someone's spot. But if this somehow comes up short on mixers, I'll make myself available. Either way, very much looking forward to the results!
  10. Happy Birthday! Have a good one! :)

  11. Don't forget about Darangen's "Falling Back."
  12. Been too long since I've made a track. Been waffling on this since sign-ups were opened, but I think it's time to take the plunge. Will gladly help fill out GrapplingHook's team if he wants. 1) Chill Penguin (X1) 2) Sting Chameleon (X1) 3) Storm Eagle (X1) 4) Armored Armadillo (X1) 5) Launch Octopus (X1)
  13. I've had some noteworthy gaming achievements in the past year or so, but none remotely as satisfying as my most recent one: The Legend of Zelda minimalist challenge. Wooden sword, 3 hearts, and no items that aren't absolutely necessary to beat the game, including boomerang, extra bombs, red candle, wand, book, potions, and rings. First five levels were a breeze. Six and seven were nice tests. Eight and nine? Ridiculous. Recorded it on twitch for anyone who wants to witness the madness: http://www.twitch.tv/xarnax42/v/5308760
  14. I've really been enjoying speedrunnning and focus most of my efforts on The Legend of Zelda. I've got a few other runs in my speed repertoire, and change it up with casual gaming from time to time. I stick with my trusty NES for the most part, although I've been known to branch out particularly for a good RPG. I am always willing to entertain requests if I'm not in the middle of something. I also really love challenge runs; I've done SMB3 with Frog Mario only, and just yesterday finally attempted (successfully!) the legendary minimalist run of Zelda 1. Come drop by and say hello at www.twitch.tv/xarnax42
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