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Everything posted by Esperado

  1. maybe i missed it, but does anyone know of some good taiko samples? i just wanna make a basic taiko sounding drum kit .
  2. whoa, i didnt even think to make channels mono. that would help with some of the noise gate issues i have on some sounds. are there any general no-nos with having instruments be mono?
  3. oh nvm then ,haha ill just focus on my primary mix then, and sub the other one to the workshops!
  4. i just realize that behringer has a super cheap speaker for mono mixing. ive read alot of really good things about going over your mix in mono. But i just cant seem to make the jump just yet for a mono mixing speaker. would a good workaround be to just use a pair of crappy computer speakers? who has experience with mixing in mono? does it work well for you?
  5. not really a sale or anything, but i think its a good deal anyways. if yall are looking for any chinese violin in your productions you should check the kong audio website. they have a free vst for the erhu and dizi. they also have some nice chinese instrumental loops to chop up and sample, or just use http://www.chineekong.com/freebies.html
  6. oh ok thats what i thought . gewd....gewd..... i shall return to the laboratory. hehehe for real though, im probably subbing twice. one entry and one bonus mix. i wanna reup my zelda remix with updates. , but since it won a previous PRC round i didnt feel it was fair to enter it as a non bonus mix.
  7. thats exactly what your people probably said about 90s music. you can always look back at things and see it as being better. i actually have more problems with people hating on modern mainstream music than i do the music itself. sure, dubstep really kicked edm in the nuts, but its not really as bad as people say it is. rock music shouldve theoretically been "old" like 30 years ago, yet you never hear about it. or how the guitar is the most played out instrument of modern times and id venture to say that just as many guitar players suck as amateur "beatmakers" who just make generic dubstep. of course , in all of this, i dont blame you for feeling the way you do. its not like you can force yourself to like something that you just, dont like.
  8. Ok so before I screw this up, does it have to be on the list? Or just from a previous round ?
  9. Hey Zircon, this is definitely a noobish question, but how do you load cinematic drums into kontakt? ive just been drag'n'dropping the wavs into my daw, but using kontakt would be much nicer. i have the free version, i just dunno how its done.

  10. music only sucks when you close yourself off to new things, as goes for most things in life. im sure when rock first was born, older musicians hated it. personally i think its generally a positive step forward. more people have access to music making tools that even 10 years ago they didnt. As a result, theres more juicy music and talent that wouldnt have been possible if the technology hadnt made it happen. i could see why technology makes it harder though. why hire a violin player when someone can sell you a personal orchestra that does the job well enough for most peoples ears for less than the cost of the session, and you can use it whenever you want? but its just the way things change over time. we dont really use horses to get around anymore, but its not like horses dont exist , theyre just used for other things now. its sad but there isnt much to be done to fix it.
  11. what i ended up having to do was screw around inside abletons file manager, which then showed me where the project file itself lies. still baffles me as to why finder doesnt, well, find things .
  12. So the other day ableton blows up at me about product id being invalid. I decided it was a good time to try upgrading to the newer version, and demoed the new version. upon doing so it appeared that my old project library had dissapeared. That is, until i tried opening an old file i had backed up on my external drive. upon opening, it fixed the liscense issue in live 8 , and magically my old project files appear to still exist somewhere on my computer. The problem is, i dont know where. searching finder for song names doesnt come up with anything. my main concern is that somehow the project files are somehow temp files or stored in ram . i dont have much to lose since i recently backed up my files, but ive made some recent things that im pretty proud of and are not completed yet. anybody know of where to look? its probably a lost cause since theres like three ableton users here but i figure i may as well ask.
  13. Edit: just kidding. fixed it. man, that was a hell of a scare.
  14. good to know. ill try to keep that in mind! Ive heard people divide songs into sections too, like passages, and then make variations on those to lengthen things up. as for this mix. sad to say that theres a 90% chance its lost to the void. much to my great dismay , it overwrote all of the folders ableton uses when in reinstalled and i hadnt backed things up since before this mix was made. i remember a few of the sound design bits though for the groovy section, so i *might* be able to recreate this beast from memory and make it better. i hope i didnt lose my spirit tracks remix ... everyone seemed excited for that one.
  15. I feel you. mines pretty obvious. first half is moliarty, second is flame man. im definitley one of the newbs Darke is talking about. not even gonna pretend not to be. first attempt blending two full songs ( aside from that rim elm cameo in my drakes castle remix from way back) and im not proud of it but, thats part of learning. i think it would be really cool if people aimed to make the remixes go along with the "story so far" so this round would be that the remix not only incorporates both sources, but is befitting an epic rocket chase to the moon. edit: also, where are the reviews? i cant seem to find them.
  16. seems like my issue( or one of the many as a newb) is my arranging skills. my songs always seem to either have nice intros, or nice midsections. lately it seems that my intros are really weak and dont do a good job of hooking you in. Ill definitely try to update this with the advice if i can though, possibly for the special prc round for which i can enter it. my copy of ableton broke though, so no guarantees. soooo hoping that my old project files will work if i can get it up and running again.
  17. i dont think i have a "good" composition yet. my sound design is getting more interesting. but my arranging skills and mixing are still awful.
  18. subbed. 12 straight hours, a broken daw and no sleep later. you guys better damn enjoy it. i wish i could have tweaked it a bit more, but im pretty happy with how it turned out. looking forward to the entries!
  19. oh man, thank all things good in the world! (and bundeslang) i still have a week for this, i thought it was done on monday. i can polish up my old bonus mix up to something fierce . but then again, ive always wanted to remix Dollet Landing for a PRC. choices choices!
  20. Id venture to say that a pro drummer on a electric drum kit could still outrock most of us in the beat making department regardless of genre. also, id say that drummers still have a pretty solid standing within the mainstream music world. most bands dont have some guy on a drum machine banging out sequenced loops and i dont see live musicians going anywhere anytime soon. it just makes more sense for home studio musicians to make our own drumlines using software.
  21. jesse checking in to wish jesse a happy birthday!
  22. Whos excited? what do you guys think of it? I think the ipad controller app is an obviously good idea and im assuming its going to be a nice streamlined experience compared to some of the more wonky apps like TOUCHOSC has been. ( could never get the damn midi pads or keys to work properly)
  23. voted. slick job guys! i was gonna enter personally but i found that my original route for remixing didnt quite work so well.
  24. nice and moody. good stuff here! the video is kinda neat too.
  25. Dont really know what this qualifies as. but it has some big beat elements and its full of lfo goodness i might split this into two songs. im not really sure how to work with the ending to this. either way, im super proud of the first half. hit me with some critiques anywho. here you go https://soundcloud.com/jesse-mitchell-3/siren
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