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Everything posted by Esperado

  1. pretty rockin stuff, even for the time time period. imagine what live instruments would do!
  2. I think its Big Beat? Anyways, here you go! its a remix of Crystal Tear Drops from Symphonie of the Night. I had alot of fun with this, so im looking to see what i could do to fix it up. the drums need variation, and i think i should do something with the intro to fill in the space between sounds, it still feels a bit sparse to me. It also doesnt have an ending yet. remix: https://soundcloud.com/jesse-mitchell-3/crystal-tears-remix-wip source:
  3. yea! whenever i get something completed for it ill let you know!

  4. no problem. gratitude is the leading cause of happiness in the world.

  5. Welcome! well. the first question i would have is, how many keys do you think you need? do you intend to learn how to play piano? if so youd probably want 61-88 keys. If you just want something thats better than clicking in midi notes on the piano roll, 25, 36, or even 49 key keyboards would be good options. that said, theres quite a variety even within those. My personal recommendation, while a bit strange, is to pick up the akai synthstation 25, and solely because its DIRT CHEAP. something like 19$ and you get a fairly compact 25 key keyboard with pitch and mod wheels. plus if you have an old ipod or iphone youll have a cheap synth interface for all your ios synth apps. neat stuff. if you think you want better quality keys and more features though, theres numerous compact keyboard options with all sorts of neat perks or software bundles. the novation launchkey mini is great for ableton users, or the arturia minilab is quite nice, and comes with some nice bundled arturia synth sounds. Other options to look into would be the mpk mini, or the mpk 25 if you can find one used for cheap. if youre willing to spend around 99$ you have a plethora of options. it really comes down to your workflow, or your interest. do you want to use knobs? do you think youll integrate faders into your workflow? do you use ableton? do you want to learn controllerism? etc. one point i want to make here from personal experience, is that often newbies tend to get carried away on the gear aspect, when it really comes down to the music and not the gear so much, at least in the beginning. I spent probably 400 dollars buying random midi crap thinking id use it, when i never did. thats 400 that could have been spent on mics for an album project or something i WOULD use later on. so keep that in mind. do you really need a keyboard with leds and faders? or would just some basic functions do for now until you really want to get into it.? maybe info overload, but maybe it helps!
  6. I just want to thank you for being so informative and helpful all the time :)

  7. this is actually helpful to me. I find that I want to be more helpful in giving feedback to other artists ,but when confronted with a mix beyond my production comprehension level, i tend to just stay quiet for fear of sounding uneducated. But thinking of it, a more green perspective can actually help differentiate what a listener gets, from what the producer hopes the listener gets.
  8. This community is actually a really good one as far as forums go in my opinion. we have fights, and certainly drama ( especially over in that off topic section) but the forum itself really shines as being a solid community if you ask me. ive grown more as a musician in the less than year ive been active here, than i ever did at any other hobby ive tried in my life. Its all because of how supportive some of you guys are and how much talent lurks here.if you have patience and good ears, its like jedi school for musicians.
  9. is this supposed to kindof be a cover? it seems to stick pretty close to the sound of the original. props if you made all these sounds from scratch though! some of them sound very similar to those used in the game
  10. oh cool! thanks for updating this. Its good to see a non musical art subforum added into this! maybe we can garner interest for non musical art compos now.
  11. this track is so up my alley! its got the perfect creepy vibe to it. Really excited for this one. im in!
  12. i heard something about this earlier. Im not sure if its the same technology, but they were working on a paperlike multitouch surface that could be used in things like this. Its a really cool concept i hope takes off though. An inexpensive midi touch cover for tablets would be pretty handy, especially with all the tablet music making thats happening.
  13. im all for a tekken remixing tournament. but like i said earlier, it would still be tough because of the lack of tekken midis. i know not everyone uses them, but many of us newbies still need that crutch. that said, i think the newer tekkens dont have as nice of music, and by newer, i just mean tekken 6 and tt2. Im more amused than annoyed by snoop dogg having a stage. just goes to show that nothin is sacred to the dogg. that man probably has more money than bill gates by now with all the shameless snoop advertisement he does. if only he was a playable character whose sole move was "smoke blast" which makes the opponenet so high that they automagically lose. older tekken games? totally awesome music. I love yoshimitsu's theme from 3.
  14. What musical device or element most fascinates you guys and why? For me, It comes down to drum programming, and melodies. Im not so great at either of those so i find it amazing to see people who can make melodies and drum patterns that really click with a song. more specifically though, well tuned snares, and hi hats always draw me into a song.
  15. that piano sound haha. Its totally actually a really nice piano vst that i just picked up but i have some learning to do with making it sound more rich, human and enjoyable. thanks for the reviews so far!
  16. Guitar amps, and piano sounds. im just not sure how you work those bad boys. but otherwise, i had a great deal of fun this week! looking forward to what you guys come up with!
  17. and by randomized you mean using the "noise" setting on the lfo's oscillator ?
  18. happy late birthday fellow minnesotan. hope you got out to the fair or something fun.
  19. everything went smoothly! alicias keys for 40$ now i just need to do it justice by learning how to program piano parts.
  20. i used x6 , but theres barely any flame man in there. im proud of the first minute, but after that it got kindof ugly. However, i learned more about how changing a songs key works. im still a bit confused by it, but i know i cant avoid learning how to do it anymore. edit: oops, topic change. I should probably refresh my page before posting things. topics change quick in this thread
  21. this sounds promising. but thats all the feedback i really have. looking forward to this if you decide to finish it!
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