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Everything posted by Esperado

  1. Luckily i had made one. it wasnt as old as i thought, so while my mix might not be very polished i can still come up with something!
  2. My file corrupted and im stuck with only my very first update to the mix. I may be able to make something thats incomplete, but its pretty grimm at this moment.
  3. what is mod? and the midi file works fine for me. i dunno if ill get much done though. itll be my most subpar remixing experience yet. haha. im trying to make sure i have something submittable for FFCC before i work on anything else.
  4. oh ok! I thought for some reason that timaeus said that dblue did loop slicing too. i was just looking for a loop slicer, but im glad i learned about some glitch fx vst's too.
  5. if im not mistaken, i believe the crystal method use geist for various things, despite the lack of material coming from them in the past few years. what i meant to ask is that when you said "those are buffer effects" , you were referring to effectrix, dblue, and other glitch fx, right? I think im gonna stick with abletons slice to midi function for drum samples for now though. It works well enough for now. for future reference, between dblue and geist though, which would be more useful for the money? dblue is cheaper, but if geist is more powerful(?) then i may as well just save up and grab that one instead.
  6. ecto! have you used those auralex mo-pads before?

  7. effectrix is? i was just curious about dblue's glitch capabilities because i had head of it being used for that before, and was curious, while it was on topic. I think ill probably give dblue a shot. slicex is only for FL and i havent yet learned how to use FL yet.
  8. that lead melody is quite a toughy to wrap your head around. its probably the crystal clash/ finals/the holidays though.
  9. well , i learned that i can use abletons "scale" plugin to sort of auto transpose things when im in a crunch. its hit or miss, but its better than nothing when im stuck of course i learned this after a week of suckage and i only have a few days left... BUT CAIT SITH DOESNT LOSE TO LAGUNA WITHOUT A FIGHT.
  10. dblue does beat repeat/glitch stuff too right? Ive just used abletons built in beat repeat, but it only lets you do pretty basic stuff. you cant do complex patterns or do upwards pitch shifting( only downwards for some reason). I also have livecut, but livecut seems to be pretty random and the GUI doesnt make much sense to me. Ive heard effectrix is pretty nice too for fun glitchy stuff too
  11. most of those are PC only, and you know me, im a glazed eyed apple feind the bright side is that i figured out that ableton has a built in beat slicer that so far, works pretty schnazzy. now i can go back to some remixes and spice up those overly repetative loops i used without compromizing the slick sound design by trying to imitate the loops with my own samples! thanks for the help anyways though guys!
  12. if my old nemesis, different key signatures, were to magically not be an asshole, this would be easier. the songs themselves play nicely rhythmically though.
  13. http://www.musiciansfriend.com/pages/doorbusters?icid=204781 looks like musiciansfreind is having a bunch of super nice deals on random gear for black friday. they have a bunch of native instruments piano sounds for under 50. the plain old upright sound is 19$, which is mighty fine if theres any n00bs looking for a better piano than the stock piano on the cheap.
  14. i dunno if the audience would be big or not, as i have no way to predict such things. HOWEVER, people love concept albums, and not only does this idea have the theme of victory( which are always fun and underrated) it has the rock element ( which can be very victorious) as well as the vocals. i think if done right, the vocals can really top off the whole thing. So all in all, it sounds like a fun idea to me! good luck!
  15. i love this compo, it gives me time to really polish a mix into something more complete than most of the other compos, and as it is i could really use mixing practice. looking forward to the listening trism, im sure its still something worth listening to. oh and since this isnt really AT ALL like the remix path i eventually chose to go with , heres a sort of bonus mix of my first listenable sketch for this round. I was going to turn this into an actual bonus mix once i changed source directions, but never had time to flesh out the idea. enjoy! i might finish it just for fun at some point. https://soundcloud.com/jesse-mitchell-3/chicagos-forest
  16. i have not done much with them yet outside of make a simple loop with them. i didnt realize there was a difference between the free version of kontakt, and the paid one. so for now ill have to build my own taiko drum kit within ableton. so i just havent done it yet. the samples are really good though, and i doubt youd find something for a better price than 24$, if you have a sampler that lets you load the samples, id say go for it!
  17. i get off work by 8pm central, so i doubt ill have much time for last minute tweaks, ill just sub this quick before work! i dont think ive made anything this complex before, my computer could barely handle all the action! i hope trism pulls through!
  18. maybe your birthday be full of cake. many, many, cakes.
  19. 50 for the whole weekend? thats mad cheap!

  20. you still taking roomies for mag? im not against sleeping in bathtubs or anything

  21. just junction a bunch of ultima to squalls strength and ff8 becomes totally broken, no matter the level of the enemy. 100 ultimas on any characters strength equates to 9999 per hit. Just imagine the limit breaks for characters who hit more than once. 9999 X 6 = dead bosses.
  22. Soooooo you can write me in as going! I just need to nab my plane ticket when i get home and then register. is the available room list at the beginning of the thread still accurate?
  23. I don't know why people knock theory. You just need a fun teacher
  24. I was inspired by the discussion in the "are loops cheating" thread and it made me wonder how its done. I think ableton might have a slice and map to midi function with its drum sampler, but im curious what other options there are for slicing up a drum loop and tweaking it.
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