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Everything posted by Esperado

  1. you could get one of those akai synthstation 25 keyboards. theyre designed as iphone keyboards, but nobody (except me) apparently wanted one, so they slashed the price and now they only cost like 19$ or something at guitar center and they work pretty darn well. 25 keys and pitch/mod wheels and at 19$ youre not even really cutting into your workstation budget. plus you can get on the music right away instead of waiting, which will prepare you for your workstation! future proof! plus i mean, if you have any itouch devices , you can use it as a synth, kinda nifty.
  2. how do you get -1 plays on soundcloud? or is that a photoshop?

  3. i would like that shadow of the colossus sequel to finally fucking come out. tease us with a super cool trailer and then never release it. jerks.
  4. craigslist, so i could be getting ripped. but it sounds like one of those G.A.S purchases. Someone who felt inspired, felt the need to buy something fancy and expensive, and then never used it. Its supposedly NIB, so ill see when i meet up with them. I feel like my style seems to stay in a relatively mellow mood most of the time so it should work well. thanks for the advice guys!
  5. Im curious about this. I just found a copy of NI's "Alicia's Keys" for 40$ and im curious if its worth it, or if theres some other piano vst out there that sounds pretty good for the same or around that much. im using 4front piano now, and it works sometimes, but is pretty boring sounding.
  6. do it! if there isnt one already, someone might as well. its pretty tough organizing an album though. alot of work.
  7. i think my most popular song was the second full song i ever made. none of my others seem to catch up with that one in terms of popularity. i dont hate it though. I wonder why it is that big hits are often songs that the artist doesnt like. maybe the process to just banging through a song in a few hours keeps the flow of the song more natural and less complex?
  8. Title might be missleading but its hard to fit the concept in the title. Do you guys find that the songs which you enjoy the most end up being more successful or does there seem to be no connection at all? Personally, it seems true that my more personally enjoyable remixes end up being the ones that garner the most interest from others. The same isn't as true for my originals though.
  9. congrats on the post!

  10. I was thinking of trying to set up a tekken remix album someday, when im more capable of remixing. i think people would enjoy that sorta thing. the games have excellent OSTs and the songs have plenty of interesting material in them to work with. The main problem is that there arent many tekken Midis which Is not an issue for everyone, but still an issue for many of us.
  11. ive thought about using the mixing room in pro audio section before. they have lots of toys set up in there to play with on a remix. I also brought my laptop in once when i was shopping for a midi controller. so i dont see why they wouldnt let you. you just have to sign in your gear when you go in so they know its not stolen from them.
  12. Im just curious as to which of you guys played any of the old classic text based games, which ones, and what you liked about them. I suppose now that im older i may not enjoy them as much as i used to, but theyre still nostalgic. Theyre almost like a choose your own adventure book taken to a new level. My favorites were zork, enchanter and this old ghost town game where you collected *treasures*. i never beat any of them, but the mind boggling puzzles combined with frustratingly simple two word commands always was enjoyable. it was also fun drawing maps of the locations within game. I wonder why they havent made many good text based games for kindles and the like.
  13. feel free to spam me with hatemail for not voting. i always listen to the tracks up till the deadline and then i forget its saturday and not sunday.
  14. so can i get a quick explaination behind the compression bit? i dont feel like i fully understand it. like how does it help by putting it on those instruments? edit: im also using some krk monitors
  15. I think stating who is best is generally pretty silly , its all opinion at the end of the day. state talent is fine, but there is no such thing as the best. even fame isnt an indicator of skill, for all we know there could be a dubstep genius out there who just never shares his craft because its extremely personal for him/her and they dont want to share. i agree with timaeus and garpocalypse though, sometimes complexity adds to the respect of a song, but on the other hand, sometimes you just like the way a song plays out, and no reasoning can or needs to explain why.
  16. Ok so ill admit i wont probably update this one. but, i definitely could use some critiques on how to mix it better. i think this one has a lot of mixing errors, particularly in the low end that could use some proper direction so that i can handle bass ( and juicy taiko samples) better in the future. ive come to realize Low end is a huge weakness in my mixes. anywho https://soundcloud.com/jesse-mitchell-3/last-stand-of-dollet-dollet edit: its a remix of Dollet landing from final fantasy 8 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Leog1FnIO98
  17. i honestly think people hate on dubstep just to hate dubstep. why do we always have these kinda bias threads? music is music man. just chill and open your ears and enjoy it. if you dont like it, move to the next remix. edit: just gonna leave this here
  18. oh, well, i dont remember the feedback i made so ill just vote without feedback this time haha.
  19. looks like theres some paid ones but not free ones. ill just add it to the list of sounds i can buy later on, haha. this one looks nice. http://www.ninevoltaudio.com/products/taiko2.html
  20. nice sig. my roommate showed me that song, it was pretty interesting

  21. i should probably clarify that my track source is "the landing" from final fantasy 8, if you didnt catch that.
  22. poo that looks like its windows only. dang, you guys get taiko, AND the erhu plugin. i guess people dont make eastern influenced music on macs.
  23. in just under the wire, like, 2.5 minutes left! never cut it that close before.
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