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Everything posted by Esperado

  1. Last I checked Ableton, Reason and Pro Tools all had watered down versions of their DAWs for like 99$. which I personally think is cheap as far as audio related programs go. you dont get all the whistles and vsts and and such but its enough to get you started, especially if youre more into recording and less into the electronic stuff. Ableton live intro is also 69 something on musicians friend, which is a REALLY nice deal if you ask me. you can also pick up demo versions of most programs if you wanted to feel around for what you like. Otherwise i second Reaper, its free. I think theres a free vst thread on this forum too if you , you know, wanted some of those
  2. Short answer, because the only portable device to play music with on car rides and was my gameboy when i was younger, from there the rest is history. Ill take the survey though
  3. with all this talk of I-device music making I am curious how many people ACTUALLY use them to make music? I know the midi sequencer apps are a bit gimmicky, but some of the synth apps seem like they would be useful and are sometimes cheaper than buying a real moog or something. I also use Touch OSC as a control surface and i find it to be useful. I was also curious which apps, if any , you guys might use! To list some of the fun ones: Rebirth- a fun step sequencer app that was ported over, its a bit cramped on the iphone though. touchosc- nice customizeable touchscreen control surface app. its also a bit cramped, but still useful, and its cross platform! imaschine-more of a toy than anything, but good if you wanted to experiment with pad based beatmaking without paying a bunch for a controller or mpc. i use it to make comedic beats using things my coworkers say alchemy- i guess this is a vst , but i never got the vst to work, but its got a few neat sounds. theres a bunch of others that i havent tried , like animoog, the electribe emulator(s), nanostudio. etc
  4. Im suprised there arent really any legaia or legend of legaia remixes. i like songis battle theme alot. the game had really energetic music too.
  5. I once heard someone say in an interview(crystal method i think it was) to also NOT try to sound like your favorite artist. i mean, take what you can from songs they make, borrow transitional idea or things you like, but dont try to sound like them.
  6. native instruments has a free deal on the komplete FX "driver". im not sure what it does yet, but hell, its free until the 31st! They had a deal on some traktor sound pack things too, but i cant find the official posting on the site, i just got an email notification for it. i could try posting the email link if you guys were interested and think it would work. Edit : oops. xprtnovice already posted about this dont hate me.
  7. I think its interesting how simplistic alot of peoples studios are. Alot of online sites would have you believing that you need thousands in gear to get anywhere in making music. so its cool to see alot of other artists i look up to who also have humble studios that still produce great music. Personally, i have too damn many midi controllers (a fluke of poor planning). i have an oxygen 25 and umx610 that i never use. though, the umx i use for learning to just play the keyboard. i just dont currently have room to set it up in my room . http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/843/imag0462d.jpg/
  8. ill try dent du midi, if that doesnt work, i might try other midi converters until i find something. the tempo syncing seems to be the most annoying part. ableton does have an "original tempo" feature for syncing tempos of samples/clips and such, but it doesnt really seem to work so well with the midi files. Otherwise i would just surgically pick the files apart and seperate them by melody, harmony, etc. and tempo sync them. I might end up having to go that route and then just replay the parts on my keyboard. tedious but it would work i guess. Ill let you know what i figure out in case anyone else is curious. thanks EDIT: i cannot for the life of me find a working copy of dent du midi, and it seems like the creators website is down. anyone know of any other good midi conversion programs? i have virtualbox on my laptop, so if its windows , i can use it as well. i hope they fix this issue in live 9.
  9. i will say i find alot of inspiration from remixers on this site, and all the people willing to share the love they have for this hobby.
  10. any hint on when it'll be out ? I loved the last two albums, all good stuff . unless of course its a sekrit
  11. Hello all, I decided its time to get serious about all this music stuff. so here I am, the place that inspired me! Anyways, so here I am trying to import a midi file into ableton, and BOOM all of the notes for the WHOLE SONG show up in one giant midi clip. But then when I load the midi file in garageband or logic it loads up each bit into a seperate channel (although, with seemingly random synth sounds).I wanted to just take the melody and other recognizable bits, chop them up and mess around with them. I know the obvious choice would be to just use logic for the project, but I have little idea how logic works and have been using ableton since I first starting fooling around on my own little music projects since I enjoy its alternative workflow. So Im left with two real questions : 1. For any ableton users out there, is there a way to import the midi source file without it mashing it all into one clip? or 2. for any logic users out there, is there a way i can just export each individual midi clip to a folder ? Either way, thanks and I hope to get to know the community better
  12. ok so is a midi rip using a midi of the original source tune as the starting point to start a mix? also , where do you find out what songs have been mixed on prc? either way, these compos seem like a fun way to get more involved and start making full mixes that are more than just 16 bar loops, which is where im stuck at currenty
  13. I feel like someone could easily do a nice mashup of various dragoon songs. like the boss theme , the battle theme and darts theme, all in one.
  14. Im excited, I just bought a behringer umx 610, a shotgun mic for my camera, and an NS design WAV 4 violin . One step closer to the dream i guess! To give the credit to OCR I just had to follow the link that was in the OCR store right ?
  15. either way, im excited to hear what they will come up with. I loved the previous assassins creed themes, and im sure with this being the supposed finale of the series, theyll make something fantastic to end things.The trailer music sure was good, even though they didnt actually produce it specifically for the game. Im glad jillian got in the finals though, thats gotta be exciting to even get that far.
  16. that funky bassline is keepin me awake! i dont hate it.
  17. well i didnt mean to be discouraging or anything. I figure any track made by anyone would be perfect if you tried hard enough, so why not give it a shot ? worst thing that can happen is you dont like it and you learned more about how to make music.
  18. not bad. you should use some bagpipes in there somewhere. I figured if/when i remix it im going to go for an epic sound, with a really atmospheric intro.
  19. I botched the title. Way to make a good impression i guess!
  20. I always did like the knight of lodis soundtrack. It might even be why i like VGM so much. Before i had an mp3/ cd player of any sort, i just jammed to music on my gameboy by loading up my favorite areas. Anyways, they didnt give specific names to any of the battle tracks (if i remember right) and just numbered them. I never did figure out how to unlock all the music in music mode. However I feel like Track number 4 would be a deserving track for some remix action. If nobody else gets around to it by then, its number one on my list to try and tackle once i learn more about HOW to remix.
  21. In Crusaders of might and magic for PSone, they dont tell you at all how to beat the final boss and it took me 7 years to figure it out. After playing and replaying the game like 3 or 4 times thinking i had missed some magical weapon needed to defeat necros, i found out you just use any ranged weapon of your liking and shoot at the random towers around the arena in which you fight necros. If you didnt , after a while necros would just get "stuck" on a random spot in the level and run in place. No amount of hacking at him did any good. It was just such an obscure thing to do that it even took people writing walkthroughs a few extra months to figure it out. Overall that game ending was a let down though ( even the pc version). On a similar note, In Castlevania aria of sorrow you can skip the entire clock tower segment of the game by hopping on the back of one of those stone breathing bull things and backdashing into a wall. It teleports you to the arena , but good luck beating Balore at such a low level.
  22. it isnt by the same team? one thing im not a fan of is the battery drain but i guess thats to be expected
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