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Status Updates posted by Rukunetsu

  1. Happy B-Day Dyne. Hope you have a good one.

  2. Happy B-day Suzume Bachi

  3. Many thanks for that! It's much appreciated but I do hope you keep up the good work on your end. Noodles or not, you've definitely got skills man.

  4. Thanks a ton for support m'friend! Keep up the great work on this end as well....had no idea you were here : )

  5. Thanks for the input there Rockos! I'll ensure you're recognized for your help : D

  6. Happy B-day Pokemoneinstein - hope you had a good one.

  7. Happy B-day Crowbar Man : o

  8. Happy B-day : o

  9. Happy B-day : D

  10. Happy B-day : D

  11. Welcome to OCR Odra.

  12. 'ello MW - just messaging to say that there was some Rockman World II love shown (musically) about a year about by me.

    ; It's a tad old, but thought I'd share it with you.
  13. Happy B-day Blur

  14. Happy B-Day Fusion; hope you have a good one.

  15. You were one of the first to comment on my first few uploads here - never got around to thanking you for that.

  16. Glad you enjoyed the mixes Melody - and keep up the great work.

  17. How've you been man?

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