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Everything posted by meccaneer

  1. For real, this sounds like some RPG overworld theme. I ain't no ninja but, if I were, I wouldn't be gettin' my stealth on with this tune. I really can't dig it. Even some of the samples were pretty weak. The guitar is slick. The rest is hick. The drumming and violin at the end is redeeming but, not quite enough.
  2. I'm gonna hafta sorta agree..? It felt like I was tip-toeing around some glass roses or something. I certainly didn't feel like killing evil robots. It's kinda elevatorish with some very predictable drumming. Kinda British sounding. I just couldn't get into it.
  3. Is this a MegaMan game or Tropico? Medhead has some excellent points. Per usuality, I dig the tune but, must offer criticism: 1. It's lacking the energy of the typical MegaMan mix. Who wants to kill evil robots when they could sip Pina Coladas on the beach? 2. The varying use of instruments from around the world is unique and done well. However, they all sound kinda... not real. The bags, for instance, have no drone. I believe that's been mentioned.
  4. The piano sounds great; kinda flat and muted. Perfect for a creepy track. Then the drums came in and kinda ruined it! Now it's just new-age bullshit. Technically, a very pleasant soundscape. Emotively, where is DOOM? Don't get me wrong; I enjoy it and it's staying on the playlist. It's just not DOOM.
  5. Very cool intro; nice and slow. The wavy style to this remix is really unique. You got yer tonal balance and volume contrast under control. And the emotive force is retained! Makes me feel lonely and amazed all at once. I really dig the intermittent lofi elements. Carries the ball all the way home, baby.
  6. Quite angelic with the strings and piano at the beginning. Sounds like a soap opera. It doesn't seem to fit with the drums and the staccato bass blip. Plus, it's dance! The arpeggiation and filtering is pretty sweet on that slick double-synth halfway through. The drums need work. They seem kinda weak towards the end when everything is seeping together. And they don't work with the angelica. And what is that wind-sweep?
  7. Damn, Nesky. You know jazz. Unfortunately, I'm more of the Miles Davis school. This is just way too laid back. Technically, though, it's damn awesome. But, I don't need to hear elevator music at home.
  8. Ah, 80s love. Although stylistically accurate, it's still nothing I care to listen to. The effects and sequencing are fantastic, though.
  9. I'm sorry, I know you meant well, Chronosis. But, your remix isn't as good as the original. It just doesn't present anything new. It's kind of a dreamy, drooly reverb cespool. That sounds too harsh... I'm just bored. It's still pretty.
  10. I friggin' love MegaMan. And I love listening to old game tunes. But, seriously, the oldskool synths were overused. I don't even think they were programmed well. The piano in the middle was vastly redeeming. But, the synth stuff on either end was just too much.
  11. I am so tired of Chrono Trigger remixes. Remix Chrono Cross! I really dig this mix... and all of unknown's stuff, really. Solid arrangement, tonal balance and emotive force. I can't complain much... except for some of the brass... I don't like brass. And the climax is different than expecting. Like your get to the top of the roller-coaster and just roll straight ahead.... It's different; not bad.
  12. I'm really impressed with the composition and sequencing. Though, there really isn't enough volume contrast. That's made up in length. Some of the samples are a bit weak but, overall Iam very impressed.
  13. Normally, this level of chez wouldn't be tolerable. However, the vocals can be ignored. The song is pretty funky otherwise. And, for the most part, they aren't overpowering.
  14. So, my girlfriend is a traditional middle-eastern dancer by trade. And your song didn't entirely turn me off so, that's a good sign. I suppose you were going more for Indian. It's a fun listen... A bit simple but, definately different as per usuality.
  15. I'm sorry, DJP; I wasn't impressed. The orchestral samples were good, don't get me wrong. Those drums, man; they pop out to bite ya, though. I don't wanna be bitten... There's just not enough velocity variation or something. And the piano is like... muted or something. And everything else isn't? No, I can't say I like this one. Epic ending but, no filler.
  16. Not really sure what's going on here... It's kinda country and jazz and just plain weird... Not a huge fan; there's just no balance between the instruments. And the emotion is lost. Those tend to be my two biggest complains about remixes, don't they? The guitar at the beginning is fantastic; stick with that next time.
  17. Yeah.. I wouldn't call this industrial. The drums are a bit crunchy. Ok, there too crunchy. That's the only part that is remotely industrial. I love the quick pans; that is a totally under-apreciated effect. But, the drums, oh, the drums... they have to go. They were sequenced well and you're obviously good at that. Tonally, they need work. Get rid of the filter and the crunch and the VERY repetetive HighHat. Otherwise, the mix is decent; nice ambience and reverb. Could actually be a bit longer, methinks. And with a bit more filler.
  18. Solid orchestral work, dude, and nice mastering. It's a bit predicatable and I don't like the electric guitar AT ALL. It starts out all sorrow and ends in schlock: no good. Even the acoustic guitar, which fits the theme better (though it should have been spanish imho), isn't really neccessary. I'd venture to say it even detracts from the overall mix.
  19. The opening ambience is slick as hell. And then the mist pulls a rhythm out of the ether...Very nice guitar programming; simple and dirty. The remix is tonally balance and retains emotion. I love it!
  20. Although, I wouldn't describe it as 'fag-core,' I'm certainly sick of dance music. It's just too easy to make and doesn't really describe any musicians true abilities. This is no exception; Beatdrop has much better work out there. Also, the synths used in this one are somewhat grating on the ears. And it's too repetitive and lacking in variation.
  21. Damn this is dope. It's REALLY dirty and really simple. I'd totally drop it at a ghettolicious party. I actually recommend this tune in a local mag.
  22. I friggin' love this remix. It's definately one of my favs. That synth line is killer: tonally balanced and not overpowering. The drums are simple but, driving. And the emotion stays with the track! It's a bit short but, download it now!
  23. I dig this tune. I dunno what people are talkin' about with the weird noises and ears hurting... You people need to go listen to more music. For this song, it might be a little weird... The organ is purty slick, though. And the drum programming is timeless. Download it. Do it now!
  24. --revised after many more listens-- This is one of McVaffe's earlier tracks, yes? For this reason I can be forgiving. I really don't like this song too much. It starts with a nice poundy whumping and a Metroid-like whistle. But, all the keys used in the song are kinda cheesy and tonally out-of-place. It sounds to me like there's an organ, harpsichord and a piano used, though, I can't really tell what they are. I don't like them - they don't work. I really, really like McVaffe's other work - this is pretty weak. Please, stop making dance tracks, people. I'm not dancing' to them.
  25. Waaaaaaay too short. Way too short. It sounds good; keep it up! Contrary to Midee's belief, the pizzicato didn't bother me; I thought it was quite fitting and used just the right amount. The synthiness, however, did bother me.
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