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Everything posted by ectogemia

  1. Seriously Team Meat makes excellent games.
  2. Wonderful, you preempted my sarcastic response. Thanx. Uhhh, probably nothing. I went as Buckethead once in undergrad. That was fun explaining my costume to people.
  3. If I can find another damn weapon, this might just be my winning run...
  4. Awesome. I've been waiting for this forevz. Thanks for the hard work, Lar-Bear <3
  5. Anyone want to explain Soundgoodizer to me? I think it's a multiband compressor, but I really have no idea what's happening when I tweak that knob...
  6. Enjoy. Also, there's a guy on Youtube by the name of Seamless (if I remember correctly) who made a video tutorial series called "How to bass" which is really excellent and thorough, and he also has video walkthroughs of how he made some of his dubstep tracks. He also has .flp files of his tracks available for free download. He's a really amazing resource, although admittedly, I haven't spent as much time learning from his tutorials as I would like.
  7. Now you have me interested. The native FL effects plugins are just awful.
  8. U n me both, brudda. I have no idea why the hell I thought farming + monsterdestruction would be fun. I'll stick with action-packed farming on its own, kthx.
  9. chthonic and I just played this for a couple of hours. Cool stories, bro.
  10. These aren't exactly my most recent, cutting edge tracks, but they're the most recent ones I have uploaded to soundcloud, so it's the most convenient for me to post them. In any case... http://soundcloud.com/ectogemia/spitting-fire http://soundcloud.com/ectogemia/preview-for-upcoming-chiptune http://soundcloud.com/ectogemia/becoming-the-forest-link-to So uhhhh... novice or star? I have much to learn, but I have plenty to teach, so I'm ok with either role.
  11. What if I took your spot bubble crab never die!!!!!!
  12. That rarely works, spice. But I'll trust you just this once.
  13. Things in school have just now quieted down a little, so I think I can give this round a go. Uhhhh, am I star or a novice? I feel like with my abilities being where they are, I could be either?? Let's go with novice, I guess.
  14. Patrick Swayze would be proud. So you have the game?
  15. I'm ok with this. Go buy it and support the developer. I read a little bit about him. Cool dude. I admire his lifestyle... most of it, at least.
  16. o_O On my 2nd jump just now, I fought a pirate who bribed me for surrender with 6 fuel, 6 missiles, and 19 scrap. AND SO I KILLED HIM. (i didn't kill him) Best 1st sector find ever or best 1st sector find ever? You be the judge. edit: On the last jump in sector 1, I just got essentially the same surrender bargain. WHAT. I can't wait to see how badly I get shafted later in this game. Good things aren't supposed to happen in roguelikes. Granted, though, giant space spiders ate my shield guy halfway through the sector. edit2: "Holy crap! A weapon is just floating in space!" Best encounter message ever. Also, this additional bit of good fortune has only heightened my fear of impending destruction. edit3: Same old shit. I coasted all the way til the final area, then I ran into a really nasty auto-scout and teleported my pilot and shield mantis over to its shield room to soften it up a little. No one told me auto-scouts have 0% oxygen on board, what the fuck. They both died... jesus christ.
  17. All excellent advice... except, as the Kestrel, I already do every bit of that minus the scrap recovery arm and the crew teleporter I had a diverse crew of 8, all for free, by the final sector. The crew teleporter could have been the key. Nothing else seemed to work at the time. I think perhaps I just got shafted with the RNG. I mean, I fired two simultaneous breach & hull missiles THREE times at the stage 2 final boss, and both were either shot down or missed each attempt :/ My defense drone just ate shit that whole time. I don't think it shot down a single missile. 7 simultaneous lasers did minimal damage. Ugh, the worst patty (meant to say "part" but I love this typo too much to correct it) is that my ship was untouchable up until that battle. I blazed through all the sectors just slicing and dicing bitches. Stage 1 of the final boss only managed to do 1 damage to my hull. adsl;fjawveo ifaj dsfkl Ugh. FTL has its mind-controlling, roguelike tentacles wrapped firmly around my brain. All I do is die in the most soul-sucking manners, but I keep coming back. God, I love roguelikes.
  18. What the literal fuck. I have no idea how to beat stage 2 of the final boss. Missiles are worthless, and shooting 7 simultaneous lasers did only 1 damage per volley. Ion cannons, I guess??
  19. Hah, actually, the first Disgaea is the game that put the final nail in the JRPG coffin for me. I gave it an honest chance and made it to the end of the game, but it sorta just seemed like it was a big grind. The item world stuff was just... ugh... I haven't played a JRPG since, and I'm not sure I ever will again. If that's your thing, though, Disgaea is certainly a good choice
  20. OMG CASTLE OF THE WINDS. I *LOVED* that game. Well, both of them, really. I tried to download it recently, but it won't run on Windows 7. What is this shit.
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