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Everything posted by ectogemia

  1. I have never meant anything I've ever said as much as this: touché.
  2. The free edition is really just for demonstration, not for practical use. Maybe torrent it and then buy it when you can afford it? And I thought the free edition had a lot more limitations than just not being able to save the project? Correct me if I'm wrong. In any case, though, that's a pretty crippling limitation unless you're DDRKirby(ISQ) or something and you can pump out full tracks in a few minutes.
  3. If only my wife would let me spend some money right now, I would literally make it rain on you.
  4. Myself, Benjamin Briggs, and Phonetic Hero are prepared to sweep this competition. Team name forthcoming. Anyone know of any words that rhyme with "total victory?"
  5. PRC's model seems appropriate. The winner of the previous week's compo picks the source(s) for the next weeks compo. Very flexible.
  6. And thus was born the next great OCR compo. Brought to you by Image-Line
  7. Woops, just now saw this. I agree. This sounds like a good time. .flp sharing for all!! <3<3
  8. I'm always down for more compos. They seem to be the only thing that motivates me to remix and not just to do originals anymore.
  9. Bumping this for truth. Badass Pandora station.
  10. If you really buy that the best picture of the year is whatever they say it is, then perhaps you're also on board with others saying the Lady Gaga or whoever is the best artist of the year. It's just fodder for the sheep of pop culture. If your interests are elsewhere, there's no point in watching or taking stock in it. I'm also usually like 100% unsure whether you're being sarcastic or not with just about any of your posts
  11. I found the demo project included with FL Studio to be extremely high-quality and high-yield as far as mixing, mastering, composition, and sound design techniques go. Assuming Cubase has high-quality demo projects packaged with it, maybe you should take a look at what those artists did and emulate their techniques in your own music. It's a great way to learn the logic of EQ'ing, what sorts of compressor controls are used and when, how mastering can be approached, etc.
  12. I don't think it went through. My inbox also might have been full... I just deleted like a bazillion or two messages, so I should be good now
  13. I'm not sure. I have one PM from you saying you were about to start remixing. Did you send another??

  14. Oh my god, this. I can't tell you how many time I've started a track with a plan in mind, and then upon discovering that I'm not sure how to execute that plan, I just quit working on it. Every time I've decided instead just to wing the rest of the track without thinking or trying to stick to the plan, I end up with a completed track that sounds just fine. Aaaaand to answer OP's question, the first 'advanced' technique I learned was probably sidechain compression, and I learned that on day 1. Really, the way I discovered most of my mixing techniques is by really delving into the demo projects included with FL Studio and asking artists like zircon and Flexstyle about various ways to improve my mixes. Their advice has really been invaluable.
  15. The VGAs aren't art awards. They're paid advertisements.
  16. Yeah, actually, Debussy and Chopin were my two favorite composers to play on piano back in the day. I really love their music. Mozart?? Ehhhh... not so much. I'm very aware that those two were 1800s composers and that one was Romantic and the other was impressionist, but yeah, I've always just sort of lumped them all into "classical" music. I'm not a music historian at all, and from my layman's perspective, I don't really see the point in making a distinction between the Romantic and impressionist composers and the "classical" composers like Mozart. Maybe I'm missing something, I guess, but again, if you're a layman, it's really not that crucial of a distinction to make
  17. Oh, well fuck me. I had always thought the Romantic period was part of the Classical period. Welp, if that's the case, I'm officially not a big fan of most classical music. All those wasted years as a kid playing Bach and shit when I should have been doing jazz...
  18. Well, doesn't it basically just refer to everything that came before jazz?
  19. I know that's classical music, and that's the only classical music I happen to enjoy.
  20. I think my point still stands, but I'm not exactly a connoisseur. I don't think things get very interesting until the 19th century.
  21. Classical music is ok. You have to remember it was a different time, and that for a lot of the history of classical Western music, it was sort of sacrilegious (literally) to deviate from generally accepted musical theory. I mean, fuck, tritones were once considered by the Catholic church to be the interval of the devil. So now we can evoke emotion in music by breaking the rules. For a while, though, that wasn't an option, and almost all music was pretty conservative-sounding, at least to our modern ears. So if you go into it with the expectation that the composer is going to do something crazy -- which is what you are doing -- you're probably going to be disappointed. Otherwise, enjoy the best of the best of what undisobeyed classical music theory can bring. It's not my favorite genre, but it's great considering the musical limitations composers used to operate under.
  22. Pretty sure the NPR we get in Indianapolis is brought in from Minnesota.
  23. Same as Meteo. I pretty much wing everything. Unless you want to write music of a specific style/genre as a specialist, I think that's the best approach to just becoming an all-around better musician.
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