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Everything posted by ectogemia

  1. I can't help but feel like this is a sex joke, and that's ok. ... and if that's the case, 8 hours of it would probably be fatal to everyone involved.
  2. I hope it doesn't start up for another couple of weeks. School is insane right now... Just spent the last 8 hours drilling. asldfjasdlfva;sldfjewo
  3. I don't think I've ever made two tunes that sound like they fit into the same genre, and I've written dozens of tracks. Just write stuff; you'll improve all-around.
  4. Awesome. I can't wait to shed the burden of my Elec Man avatar and sig banner. Elec Man can go die.
  5. r we gon 2 get sig banner/ i had dis 1 4 like a yr lol
  6. Soothsayer by Buckethead, especially the live versions.
  7. Are the brackets up somewhere? I feel like I'm missing something...
  8. I never played any of the X games beyond the first, and I can't even remember what my #1 pick track sounds like... ... I am going to win this thing.
  9. I started getting it around issue 30 or so, and my best memory of NP is when I got a VHS tape in the mail from them with EXCLUSIVE FOOTAGE FROM THE NINTENDO ULTRA CONSOLE. I fucking shit my pants so hard when I saw gameplay from Super Mario 64 for the first time. FULLY 3D M A R I O?????? ? / AND WITH TOUCH SENSITIVE MOVEMENT?!@?!?123@3 That was way the hell too much for my young brain to handle. And that's how I got my first boner.
  10. It's enough to make me want to come back and play some... especially during class. I've found pathology lecture to be a particularly good time to farm.
  11. YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. Thanks!! I understand FM well enough to make decent patches, but being that I'm working on a chiptune album for Ubiktune, I thought I'd try to make some instruments with VOPM. Fuck, I had no idea what I was getting myself into... ... that being said, if you have any Super Secret FM Synthesis Tips, toss them my way ;o There isn't a single ounce of intuitive nature to FM/RM as there is in subtractive or additive.
  12. Welpf, I'm getting this error message: Not Found The requested URL /lou/VOPM.pdf was not found on this server. Soooo, yeah! Go ahead and send me a link, pl0x
  13. This plugin is so god damn baffling. Does anyone have the manual that was available at www.gorenfeld.net/lou/VOPM.pdf before that site went under?
  14. Mkay, so while looking over FL Studio demo files to pick up some production tricks, I found something in the deadmau5 remix That's Not True (dream electro mix) track that I can't figure out. The "whatthefuck" pattern plays a short sample. It has some processing on it. Cool. Now go to the playlist and mute everything except for the track with "whatthefuck" on it. Listen to the delay. The audio just kinda cuts off a few beats before the next "whatthefuck" trigger. I went into the mixer and created an identical Fruity Delay and muted the original Fruity Delay. When I did that, the audio did *not* cut off just a few beats before the next "whatthefuck" trigger, so I think there's something unusual about the original Fruity Delay that cuts off the audio?? As I said, I coped and pasted all the values off the original onto a new Fruity Delay and muted the original. It changed the whole sound. Why? I tried looking for little hidden volume, mute, or cut controls somewhere. Nada. I'm stumped. While I'm on the topic of this project file, maybe someone can explain how the IEF works in Fruity Love Philter on mixer track 6? I think deadmau5 basically just used love philter for waveshaping and noise gating. Waveshaping, I get. Noise gating I've never experimented with at all. Was he just kinda making do since he was limited to native plugins when making this track? Would a common noise gating plugin be able to accomplish what he did with that IEF business?
  15. You can use any of my music. My soundcloud has just about everything I've published.
  16. omg omg omg omg omgggggggggggggggggggg book 3 is best book
  17. OCR pillaged my lands and burned my crops. I am going to starve when winter comes. Thanks, OCR.
  18. 1. Bubble Crab - X5 2. Dark Dizzy - X5 3. Storm Eagle - X 4. Chill Penguin - X 5. Gravity Beetle - X3 I've only ever played X1, so this should be interesting??
  19. I think there's already a thread about this, and I'm not 100% sure this is the right forum for this thread... but I'm also not the type to care about that sort of stuff, so here I go: I played piano from ages 9-15, but if you took my sheet music away I was useless. I played alto sax in band from ages 12-15, but I never really took it that seriously. I played guitar from ages 15-19, but like when I played piano, if you took my tabs away, I was useless. Up to that point, I would say I wasn't a musician, I was a technician. I couldn't *be* musical, I could only play others' music. I didn't do anything musical from 19-21, but I kind of missed playing music in the summer of 2010 (when I registered here), so I bought a Yamaha electric piano and something possessed me to start playing by ear instead of printing off a bunch of sheet music. So I started playing the tunes that were always stuck in my head, various VGM themes mostly. I started off being useless. I wasn't really playing by ear. It was trial and error mostly. Over the next month or so, though, I got much better at playing one-handed melodies . Then, I trial-and-errored with adding in the proper chords. Eventually, I got that down pretty well. Next, I changed the melodies up and kept the chords the same, then eventually, I changed up the chords and kept the melodies the same. I was doing something that I had thought was impossible for someone who didn't have a ton of musical talent. I was improvising, and I was playing by ear, and I did it all without sheet music and without teachers. There's a lesson to be learned in that, I think. So within a few months, I had developed more musicality than I had in the previous 12 years of playing music. Right around when I got the piano, though, I got bitten by the OCR bug and just HAD to make a remix. So I "obtained" FL Studio, wrote my first remix ever without really knowing what I was doing, an "Another World of Beasts" (FFVI) remix", and had it summarily crapped on by everyone in the remix forum... especially Rozo . That discouraged me because the people who had written all of this music I had fallen in love with thought my music sucked. bawwwww D: So I left OCR til about a year after my join date. Next came learning FL Studio and electronic music production and composition. I actually didn't do this until almost a year after I had started improvising. It was May of 2011 when I wrote my first track "Sunspotting". The day before I wrote it, I knew NOTHING about writing in FL Studio. The next day, I went through zircon's "Just Hold On" demo track a zillion times, analyzing how he did everything. I used that knowledge to write my first track the same day. So I guess I've been doing this for about 15 months now, but I started dental school a few months after my first track was written, so I haven't really had the time to be as committed to music as I would like. Honestly, going through FL's demo projects was HUGE in learning how it all worked. And they're cool tunes, too Various tutorials on youtube helped. Lots of advice and feedback from OCRfolk has been instrumental, and getting to be friends with Ben Briggs and halc in person and analyzing their project files has also been really constructive. So yeah, in conclusion, in about 2 years, I've gone from musically useless to being able to produce remixes that are OCR-worthy (yes, I'm not posted, but I have several RESUBs that I've just been too lazy to polish up and resubmit) to being featured on albums, commercials, podcasts, etc., and even having Ubiktune interested in me finishing up a chip-funk EP I started so they can publish it. Considering how long/short I've been at this, I'd say that's not too bad And looking back, the most critical thing I did was throw away the sheet music and start using my ear and not being afraid to suck in the beginning.
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