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Everything posted by ectogemia

  1. I think I got this on the day it came out on Steam?? Thereabouts, at least. Great game, great music, great rogue-like sense of SHIT I AM ABOUT TO DIE at all times. I still haven't beaten it after about 30 attempts, and I've only gotten to the final sector once D: What does this say about me? zircon, you were into roguelikes back in the day? Which ones?
  2. Yep, good ol' dungeon crawlers are hard to come by these days. That's why I'm into roguelikes. Infinitely different dungeon crawl experience every time. Have you tried the Avernum/Exile series? Fantastic games with an extremely imaginative world. And yeah, Etrian Odyssey sucked. Why would anyone want to play a game that glorifies grinding?
  3. LINK in case you're not familiar with it. It is a pay-what-you-want game with a minimum price of $1.75. It's basically a 2-player ONLY game in which one player is "god" (the Controller) who builds a small world full of objects and people, and the other player interacts with that world in any manner imaginable by indicating to the Controller what he would like to do or say, etc. The result is basically story generation that is a compromise between the interactions of the two players. The game ends whenever someone decides to end it; rather than a GAME OVER screen, you get a THE END screen. The session is recorded so you can watch the story you created unfold in real time. You connect to the other player via a direct IP connection. I think there's also another option for connection, but I'm network illiterate, so I don't know. Very cool concept, I think, and there's plenty of creative/hilarious people in the community to get a lot out of this game. If anyone's interested in playing, let me know.
  4. Go download them I basically had a year off my last year of undergrad, and I spent a good chunk of that year playing old Wizardry and Might & Magic games (along with a fuck ton of classic Everquest via Project 1999). Nerdiest year of my life. It was awesome.
  5. I think an Ultima-type game with more interesting combat would be nice. IMMERSE ME. Oh shit, these guys designed Wizardry and they have developers from Jagged Alliance on staff? OK, yeah, the combat system should be well taken care of, then. Get ready for an old school TACTICAL RPG, peoplez.
  6. I used Fitocracy for a week or so, then got sick of entering in all my lifts D: Cool idea though... I miiiiiiight join up if I can bring myself to type in all those little numbers. I mean big numbers.
  7. AWESOME idea. I'm going to listen to this when I get home tonight, and there's a 100% chance I'm going to enjoy it.
  8. Considering I have 2 RESUBs at this point, I would say "too soon" is when I hit the submit button.
  10. Welp, I was working on an album for Ubiktune, but now I feel like I don't measure up D: Thanks, guys! (no really, these albums are amazing; every one of them)
  11. poopsocking -- camping a rare and valuable mob in an MMORPG for an absurd and life-disrupting period of time; name derives from Chinese gold-farming sweatshop incident in which a worker who was forced to work long hours was discovered dead with a sock full of poop nearby, presumably because he was not allowed to leave the chair until he had reached his farming quota.
  12. Yeah... I was winning 5-4 at one point, I believe. Then, like... shit. I need a serious c-c-c-combo breaker at this point. I was originally going to make a funk track. I should have gone ahead with those plans D:
  13. Welp, looks like I'm boned already in this compo :/ Sucks. I must take my rock-crushing hat off to Theory of N for being brutally funky. ... BUT WHAT IF THE VOTES TURN AROUND AND I WIN?
  14. Why not? Is there something wrong with emphasizing a point?
  15. OUTRAGED. Anamanaguchi is legitimately my favorite band. This is horseshit, and it's a terrible adaptation of Jetpack Blues, too.
  16. Pretty much the same crits I have of my track as well, really. I'm not a strong arranger. I don't have a good grasp of song structure, probably because I spend way too much time listening to prog and jazz jams and improvising when I play music myself, so I just kind of roll with ideas and that's that. I think I make it work, though, and Adhesive_boy is a huge inspiration of mine, and she has a similar arrangement style. The drums are mechanical in the metal section because I just layered some one-shot samples. I think with drums that fast, it's necessary to use some sort of realistic kit with velocity mapping, and I have EZdrummer or whatever it's called. Probably should have used it, but meh, it was a busy week. No time.
  17. I know I didn't mind. I listened to that remix the other day. I want your skillz. edit: wtf, first ever double post. I am a pathetic human being.
  18. HOLY CRAP, I CLICKED QUOTE AND JUST SAW YOUR INVISI-TEXT. DON'T SCARE ME LIKE THAT! you might as well start a c-c-c-combo and change my reply to all lower-case letters.
  19. Oh, it will be. It will be. I have some 240 BPM shredding worthy of Dragonforce, haha. BEAT TAHT.
  20. REMIX DONE. I think you'll all enjoy it Faces will be melted.
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