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Everything posted by ectogemia

  1. My favorite track of the compo would probably have to be halc's Don't Make Me Cut You. I loved the harmonic quirkiness and the drum processing <3333
  2. BAHHHHH, ALMOST!!! But 2nd place is the awesome, too Sweet results pic, haha. This.
  3. Gotcha. The real tragedy in all of this is that I wasn't able to participate in The Street Fighter Thing 2012 :( :( :( But it's ok because THE HARD MEN won the WCRG!!!! right?
  4. I wouldn't be so sure he's abandoned this, but I really think we deserve some timely closure! I mean, hell, THE HARD MEN may just have won this thing, and that'd be huge for me since I've basically just joined OCR, and I plan on being around for a long time. That'd really be a big confidence booster for me, and it would earn me a little respect from the community which is a damn tough thing for newbs to get around here I MUST KNOW.
  5. I had a lot of kids with strange women and kicked some of my meth habit, so I can't really complain.
  6. Just posting to see how many people thought this thread being bumped was because the results were posted. Don't mind me
  7. Implying Gario is not also a beast? There were no guarantees here, either. I thought the zircon vs. Gario matchup was badass and would really come down to the wire as far as votes go -- vastly different styles, crystal clear production, both great arrangers. And to tell the truth, I probably would have leaned towards voting for Gario given his more chippy edge (sorry, zircon, probably not the best way to reward all the production help you've provided me). So I'm down with Jason's idea. GARIOZIRCONBONUSROUND. Everybody wins. Except one of you two.
  8. That's the route I'm taking. I think I'm "too old to begin the training" to become a viable composer. Instead, I'm front-loading the effort now to become a dentist so that I can have enough money and then some to indulge in my hobby without any kind of monetary pressure on it. I want to take it a step further even and take a dip into entrepreneurial dentistry and hopefully establish a passive income stream that will take the monetary pressure off of working, too Ain't that the dream?
  9. Not trolling or anything here, but why is this series so adored? I've played through both BG games, and I really didn't find much there. I thought they were decent and not much more. WARNING: OPINION ALERT -- I found the gameplay to be awfully boring (although the depth and strategy of magic usage was pretty impressive), and the story wasn't anything to write home about. Just kinda seemed like a vanilla, cliched fantasy novel's plot that unfolded entirely too slowly. What is it about these games that really impresses you?
  10. If this album were a warm bagel, I would make love to it.
  11. ??????????????????????????? How does such a thing happen?!?!
  12. I've considered remixing this game for quite a while now. There are a lot of really cool melodic motifs in it that I learned and tend to work into my improv on piano, so I'm already fairly familiar with a lot of the tunes from DC2. Sooo uhhh, when I get some time and when I finish up my album and some lingering VGM remixes, I'll probably give it a go. Expect it to be a couple of months at least, hah. I'm a busy guy these days D:
  13. I still love you <333333333333
  14. Oh, yeah, I know it isn't pure at all, although I wasn't aware what synths he used in the album, but mainly, the point I was trying to make is that even though he limited himself throughout most of the album to "chippy"-sounding synths (gawd, that man can work a pulse wave), he managed to create an absurdly epic prog rock opera. The limitations are part of the brilliance, and they drive the innovation; that's the beauty of chiptunes in my opinion. That, and I fucking love the NES and Gameboy.
  15. I think you need to listen to C-Jeff's Preschtale album. It wouldn't quite qualify as either 9-bit or pure chiptune, but it lies much closer to the latter, and it achieves some pretty incredible things given the hardware limitations.
  16. Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!! (Enter guile's theme)
  17. I think you and I are on different wavelengths 100% of the time. I was being facetious.
  18. :( Judge my damn remix so I can join this compo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  19. I had a dream last night that Darkesword posted the results to the compo, but it was in a super secret code that could only be read if you ate Mega Man Crunch (a cereal where the kibbles were all the different robot masters) and used the decoder ring at the bottom of the box to decipher the results. Since I don't eat cereal, I was the only one who didn't have the ring, and no one would tell me the results SO WHO WON
  20. Best idea ever. And yeah, this is incredible.
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