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Garrett Williamson

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Everything posted by Garrett Williamson

  1. Yeah if we're beginning to suggest LPers, then Game Grumps (even though I still liked Jon better), markiplier, and I even suggest TobyGames, even though everyone and their mother knows about TobyGames and has probably seen at least one of his videos. He was most entertaining with his Skyward Sword playthrough, though, which he never finished, like half the games he plays. No, I do not suggest PewDiePie, the somehow most successful LPer out there. I don't get it. I think he's a repetitive idiot who just says the same crap jokes and uses profanity horribly just because he can. Game Grumps sorta does too, but they make it sorta worth it, in a way. PewDiePie is just stupid to me, honestly. I'm almost disappointed in the world for that. smosh being the most subscribed was ridiculous enough. PewDiePie then taking over is just disappointing. No offense, but this is how I seriously think of it: are we really all that stupid? do we seriously have 13+ million people who find this stuff funny over and over again? Really?
  2. I have a close friend who is starting back up his channel blinkkandyoumissit ( http://youtube.com/user/blinkkandyoumissit ). it was once quite a bit more popular but because he thought he was done for a year, he lost a lot of his subscribers, and only his loyal ones stayed. from the stuff I've seen, he's gotten way more entertaining and while he used to only do LP's, he's now doing shows that have a PBGGamer and JonTron feel to them. he's only got two episodes of that right now and a KH Parody song (which I recorded and produced and sung a bit on hehehe along with being a featured YouTuber in the Harry Potter episode he did) this probably totally feels like I'm advertising my friend and myself. that wasn't the original intention hahaha. he's just the first guy to come to my mind after PBG and JonTron.
  3. Well, I could race forever in Mario Kart Or I could punch people or go flying forever in Smash Bros or I could run forever in Sonic or I could jump forever in Mario
  4. which is funny considering the last generation where it was pretty much backwards
  5. so how big are the sales for this thing so far I would think that this would be Nintendo's equivalent to GTA V don't kill me and start screaming at how stupid I am if I'm entirely wrong that's just how I look at it I don't actually know much about Pokemon; that's not one of those series I ever paid attention to
  6. so is Crowbar Man here to give us technical specifications on things related to the Wii U
  7. I'm not talking about how much money they're making. I stopped caring about how much money is made (with every industry) a long time ago. If the game is good, but it sells poorly, I don't care. I hardly count it. Maybe infinityward knows what they're doing marketing-wise. Or maybe it's the fact that there are a lot of sad, stupid 10 year olds playing those games, or that everyone happens to play those type of games nowadays more than anything else. But releasing the same crap over and over again and just adding in a few new things is not my idea of "knowing what you're doing". Aonuma states that he wants to make sure he isn't doing this and that every game is entirely original. ALBW actually wasn't originally planned to be a direct sequel to ALTTP. Overtime during development, they decided that it would make most sense to do so. Unfortunately, it looks like a lot of Nintendo franchises, including Mario himself, have this idea of "well it worked last time so might as well just do it again".
  8. Aonuma knows what he's doing better than any idiot at infinityward or EA, I can give you that much. I am a bit afraid that the difficulty level of this game is going to be for 5 year olds, but look at all video games now. when was the last time a popular franchise was hard. everything is too freaking easy nowadays. that's why I'm not a huge fan of the most recent Mario games. they're too freaking easy. Lorule? really? we're going to complain about Lorule? good lord, people. the game looks fine. maybe not great, but it looks fine.
  9. That's one thing I remember reading. Forget where, but Aonuma stated he would like to make a non-linear Zelda game.
  10. Aonuma won't shut up about trying to stay original and actually go toward a different route with Zelda.
  11. a turning point for me is just constant practice just constantly doing it all the time and over time I have obviously gotten way better than I was years ago
  12. well I mean they obviously don't focus entirely on the story the story is created through the development of the game but I read all of Hyrule Historia and I really loved how they put the story together
  13. wait are you serious is this are you serious
  15. you're opinion is wrong. the story for Twilight Princess is outstanding; I don't understand how the storyline was bad. I'm sorry, that just doesn't make sense. of course, this is the opinion of someone else, but that just really doesn't make sense to me. additionally, the controls are pretty similar to Ocarina of Time. so that doesn't make much sense either. even with the Wii remote shaking, the general idea is the same as that of the controls of OoT. I just still haven't gotten used to having to change the direction of my sword every time I want to hit someone in SS. I'm just a lazy buttface who doesn't want to think about that.
  16. see, while the motion control thing was a great idea with Zelda, I have never liked motion controls I like pressing buttons. so it was already a bit aggravating with Twilight Princess when I shook the Wii remote. I personally just wanted to press a button. The GameCube version is what Twilight Princess was obviously meant for, but it was still great on the Wii. Twilight Princess, honestly, might be my favorite Zelda game, even over Ocarina of Time. but that's the thing with Ocarina of Time. all I had to do was press buttons. I liked that.
  17. my friends said they saw the trailer and them and everyone else in the theater started laughing when the trailer was done. they then went and saw it for the fun of it and said they were really disappointed that it didn't suck.
  18. yeah I freaked out when I saw this, honestly. it looks like it's still not entirely concluded, but I think this is the closest to evidence that we're getting. this is it right here.
  19. it just surprised me. it's rare for someone to explain Skyward Sword as that much better than Twilight Princess. at least by the way he worded it. I am extremely opinionated (this is very obvious), and lots of the time I seem to be a little weirded out when someone has an extremely different opinion, but hey, I try to respect 'em and let 'em go anyway except I'm sorta enjoying just stating random crap on this thread right now.
  20. whooooaaaaa hold up there. that game is no match for Twilight Princess obviously this is a matter of opinion but I am a little amazed that you find Skyward Sword "superior to Twilight Princess in nearly every way". I think Skyward Sword is an amazing game. I have yet to play a Zelda game I do not like. Zelda is nearly flawless, I'll say right now. to hate that game or complain over the whole thing is crap. it's got its things in it that I don't like, but it's still a truly great game. but dood, Skyward Sword being that much better than Twilight Princess from your point of view is extremely debatable.
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