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Garrett Williamson

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Everything posted by Garrett Williamson

  1. Maybe Marth is like Samus maybe after all these many years they will finally reveal that Marth actually is a woman and I shall be disturbed
  2. Hearing of a new Sonic remix album is nothing new, but it also always seems to be a big deal. Sonic Heroes and Shadow the Hedgehog (forgive me for bringing that game up) both had a track in their soundtracks by a band called Julien K. They actually grabbed a bit of attention at one point. They had a song in one of the Transformers movies; I think it was the first one. Let us never forget that Masato Nakamura from Dreams Come True did the music for the one and only original Sonic the Hedgehog hahaha but that's changing the subject.
  3. if we are referring to the actually talented successful artists, I'm calling this statement total bs those guys GO through failure and they learn from their mistakes and only get better lots of the time they will fail miserably spending a buttload of money before they get big but one of the 6 people that see that record will be like "wow, maybe I should try and get a record deal with this guy" and then the rest is history. this actually is a rather common scenario. Katy Perry's first record was an utter failure. it didn't even sell 100 copies. but people saw her talent and she kept going with it and eventually became one of the most successful pop artists of this decade. and I don't care what your opinion is, she really doesn't suck.
  4. Hey I'm not THAT young lol that's like when someone's like "I remember the days of the N64, kid". um, dude, so do I. I was born early enough to clearly remember that glorious generation of video games. granted, I have a better long-term memory than some. though some people won't believe me, I swear I can remember stuff vaguely from when I was 2. I actually started remembering things full on by the time I was 3. listen I remember Mac OS 9 too. I remember our old iMac. it was that big colorful one that was heavy as crap and it broke down all the time. hahahaha I'm not saying I'm like 13. I'm quite close to being an adult, which is part of the reason I'm so frustrated. I'm so close yet I still have to abide by those stupid rules. already there's little kids messing with GarageBand at the age of 4 or 5. GarageBand first released when I was like 8. Logic Pro was freaking expensive. it was like at least 1K bucks. now it's 200 and you download it. little kids already are amazed at one point we actually installed software by putting in a physical disc. I am not even kidding. technology moves so freaking quickly. 10 years ago, what can be done now is almost unheard of back only 10 years ago.
  5. I just came across crap that I am honestly sick of and I think I might bring this point to this forum When I say I'm a teen, I don't mean like an adult teen like timaeus over there. I'm still a minor and I get really sick and tired of contest rules' crap. every time I want to enter a contest, the requirements are always that I'm at least 18 years of age. I consider this crap. I'm going to say this. there are a lot of 25 year olds that suck compared to the stuff I do. I'm not bragging or trying to make myself look better. I am being extremely blatantly honest. there is some stuff by even 38 year old guys that is just bullcrap compared to what I can do. now, obviously, as I've stated, I've been at music for a long time. same with film. I've been doing music for more than half of my life, and film for at least a good 5 years. I'm not as good with film and photography; I'm definitely an amateur, but I'm not crap either. I also do cartooning and animation. and while I actually haven't practiced a lot on that in a bit, I've been doing that since I was a little toddler, and I was way ahead of just about anybody in art for years. obviously there's those occasional people that like came from heaven above and somehow had the perfect gift to paint something 68 year old pros were doing at the age of 7. but in general, I was ahead of myself with art. the same goes for music, and somewhat film (haha). but what I've noticed is that after seeing so much of stuff posted on the internet, I am clearly not the only one. there are tons of guys my age that are way freaking better than some idiots who think they do it so well at the age of 28. to add on to all of this, while the general age of consent is 18, who can seriously tell the difference? there are 15 year olds that are mistaken for 18 year olds, and vice versa. it makes total sense to give specific rights to an 18 year old (even though he/she really is not any different from a 17 or even 16 year old), but to make the age requirement for a little contest 18 just because that's the age of consent and suddenly we're so much smarter? I don't think so. that's crap, the way I see it. luckily, with most music contests (like remix contests and stuff), they don't count age. I think people understand that kids can actually be really freaking amazing with music; this has been very clearly proven in the past. but with film and photography, I seriously think that people still think kids have no skill in it. I think mainly my issue is that people think there's some large difference between a 17 and 18 year old or something. lots of people clearly notice there isn't. most of my friends laugh at how angry I am that I'm not yet 18, because they don't think it's that big of a deal. and from a casual point of few, that's totally true. it's just another age with a few new rights. but to me, it sorta is a bigger deal than they think. I honestly think it's because I'm a bit more ahead and determined in my artistic areas compared to some of my friends, and that's not because I think I'm so much better than them; they just either don't care to be artistic people (like they'd rather have a PhD or something) or they just aren't as anxious about it as I am. I have been told I'm ahead of most people my age in the artistic, film/photography, and especially musical areas. and there are a lot of others my age that are the same way. so it's just a bit frustrating when I'm not qualified for a little contest just because I don't meet some age requirement that truly shouldn't have to be used for anything except for government laws. this is more of just a law because it's been made so. unless there literally is a law saying "minors can't be in music/film/art/whatever-the-heck-else-that's-not-pornographic contests". I don't know the laws very well. I'm sure I've broken at least 70 in my life without knowing (that probably were such stupid or hidden laws that police didn't even know to arrest me). also. it's 1am here. I'm tired and I'm probably going to regret making this post when I wake up later this morning. thanks. bye bye.
  6. Michael Jackson was super screwed up and weird, but artistically the freaking greatest genius in history. Beatles had some drug issues. Greatest freaking band in history. Prince is really bizarre. Freaking amazing musician. Queen was a bit wacky, but they were freaking awesome. Led Zeppelin had a drunk drummer who died of being so drunk. Tightest rock drummer in history. Lady Ga-- oh wait.
  7. I am still a teenager and I've had plenty of practice with DAW programming since I was 10. my work seems to have paid off, cuz I'll admit, people don't seem to hate it.
  8. that's the problem. people used to actually make money off of studio albums. now it's become really hard to do so and the only way artists make a buttload of money anymore is from live performances. so it's really hard to be a studio musician anymore.
  9. no. Spotify is cheap and crap. they pay the artist one cent a play. so if you aren't very popular, trying to make money with Spotify is hopeless. even if you got 100 listeners, that is one buck you are making. it's legal and it's stupid. it should be illegal. for the more popular artists, it makes a lot of sense. for indie artists that aren't very popular, it's pretty much hopeless.
  10. this is really quite good. I like it. random question. why are your posts always in a different font than everyone else's? I just noticed that
  11. dude no everyone uses debit good grief man
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