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Garrett Williamson

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Everything posted by Garrett Williamson

  1. I actually am sorta liking this. I would say that there needs to be much more of a build up to the drop and you could probably try messing with filters or low-passes on the master right before the drop to really exaggerate the epicness of the drop. at the same time, the drop isn't much different than the rest of the song, so I'd definitely bring it out more and make it more full and louder. The wub-bass could probably have a louder tone to it and normally dub step drops leave you with basically the beat and the bass and random noises and synths are placed in at certain moments in the drop, so like with that chip tune synth that's going on in the back there during the drop, only put that in at certain moments. At the same time, maybe try to incorporate the original Green Hill Zone melody into specific spots of the drop as well. if you're going for a more classic dubstep sound, you're probably doing ok with the wub-bass hahaha, but the beat sounds far more modern and more Skrillex-like, so make your move. it's sounding fairly good, though.
  2. oh it sounds fairly real. there were a couple of mistakes with realism but overall, it sounds really good. specifically the strings. the strings sound so real. but I can still tell it's fake. I am quite aware lots of those tracks are not his own compositions, but he nevertheless did a fantastic job. the stuff he did compose was just fantastic. so yeah, definitely go get that game if you want to enjoy some awesome video game music.
  3. I'm going to confirm ALBW just so you can play it with high-quality $200 headphones plugged in. I'm listening to the soundtrack in HQ right now and I'll be honest, I think it may be in my top 3 favorite Zelda soundtracks ever. it's really quite stellar for being a fake orchestra on a Nintendo 3DS game. it's mainly the songwriting. all the new original songs are quite amazing, especially since it's not Koji Kondo that composed them. it's a guy named Ryo Nagamatsu. the guy is like up there with Koji and I never even heard of him before this point. go buy that game. now. good lord.
  4. is it coincidental that two actors of cheesy tv shows based off of video games died? which is funny because then there's Paul Walker who is a Fast and Furious star and died in a car wreck.
  5. I haven't been reading the rest of the forum except for the OP (I'm not in trouble for not reading that... right) but Super Mario 3D Land, A Link Between Worlds, and Mario Kart 7 are the first that come to my head as really amazing games when I think of the 3DS. also the Fire Emblem game. yeah I just looked at other replies. everyone's saying the same thing. trust me, these games are stellar. I don't even own a 3DS but I've definitely gotten my hands on these games and they are sweet, dood.
  6. geez good god I apologize I didn't know that was such a bad thing
  7. yeah as you can see everyone's suggesting Yamaha hahaha do NOT get a Casio or a Roland. of those two, though, I would definitely do a Roland. I absolutely hate Casio.
  8. well I was wondering what "No Girls Allowed" even meant in this context. listen, this is how it works with me. I am curious about just about anything even when I know that I won't give a crap. I looked at this thread because I'm Garrett and I have A.D.D. actually I don't think A.D.D. has anything to do with it but yeah whatever cuz the things and stuff
  9. I didn't even read it. I'm so sick of people talking so much about the whole thing with females and video games. One of my best friends is a girl and she might possibly be one of the best people to play or talk about video games with
  10. oh yeah definitely a pedal. I somehow got away with not having a pedal for my keyboard, but it became a problem because I had to train myself how to use a pedal properly and it took me a while and I'm still not amazing with it. I don't suck, but I'm not great with it either. don't make the same mistake I did.
  11. no clue what I'd give him, but always Yamaha. aalllways Yamaha. at least that's what I believe. I was given a Yamaha keyboard for Christmas when I was close to 8 years old and I've still got it and use it all the time. I believe it's a Yamaha PSR-275. it's lightweight keys, though. this keyboard is for writing music, not for playing piano all fancily. if he's learning piano, it's best that they should be weighted keys, though I don't think it's required. it's better training for his fingers, though.
  12. EDIT: Available for purchase! iTunes link: https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/christmas-has-awoken-single/id777633305 but if you hate iTunes, it's also currently available on CD Baby: http://www.cdbaby.com/AlbumDetails.aspx?AlbumID=garrettwilliamson2 enjoy! So I'm about to release a new Christmas single, and so here's the 30 second preview off of SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/gwilliamson/christmas-has-awoken-30-second Enjoy. EXCLUSIVE PREVIEW OF SONG ON YOUTUBE: http://youtu.be/76hYYqF9yGY
  13. Ok, so the album is not longer $5.49, but you can get it for still a dollar cheaper right now. I have made a deal that the next purchase of the full album will get a free digital copy of my new Christmas single releasing soon, "Christmas Has Awoken". The file probably won't be pretty; it probably won't have any pretty information like if you were to purchase it. BUT, it will be a very high quality file
  14. if you're just going for USB, I use audio-technica AT2020 USB mic and it's a good all-rounder. I previously used a Blue mic, and for their price, they're surprisingly good. but that's if you wanna go for something good that's a bit cheaper. when I got this mic, it was like either $150 or $200... I forget
  15. http://cdbaby.com/cd/garrettwilliamson EDITED: Ok, so the album is not longer $5.49, but you can get it for still a dollar cheaper right now ($5.99). I have made a deal that the NEXT PURCHASE OF THE FULL ALBUM WILL GET A FREE DIGITAL COPY OF MY NEW CHRISTMAS SINGLE releasing soon, "Christmas Has Awoken". The file probably won't be pretty; it probably won't have any pretty information like if you were to purchase it. BUT, it will be a very high quality file ORIGINAL MESSAGE: Hi there. so this is the only crap I have to sell so I decided to do a Black Friday deal on it, cuz why not. so the whole album is $5.49 just today and individual tracks are $0.69 just today only on CD Baby. normally the album is $7 and the individual tracks are $0.99. this deal is obviously only for the rest of today, and then on Saturday I'm bringing the prices back up again. so please go check it out! thanks, yo.
  16. ^this a few of my friends have been like "is that illegal?" but video game music for free can be a much different monster than pop music.
  17. this Thanksgiving, I thank you for scarring me forever.
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