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Garrett Williamson

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Everything posted by Garrett Williamson

  1. the one. the only: http://youtu.be/8gXk8y7_qxY
  2. no that's entirely true don't joke it sucks why are video games not as awesome anymore why maybe that's why I cried
  3. have you people seen the PS4 advertisement which I think is called "for those who have been playing since 1995" I nearly cried from the beauty in that video I know even Nintendo has admitted it themselves, but they just suck at doing commercials and marketing compared to Sony
  4. actually I'd be more interested in buying it if there was a physical copy version
  5. I'm just waiting for the day when Nintendo walks over to ocremix and is like "WE LOVE YOU WE WANT AN OFFICIAL REMIX ALBUM FROM YOU" which will never happen but I can dream
  6. I would think stuff just looks cooler when it's for sale for some reason but free stuff is still more convenient lolololol
  7. this is what I got from the original post: I have to pay for something so therefore I shall boycott since when did I pay for music
  8. gaming market is a bit larger here in the general Nashville areas. some of these seem fake, others seem real. I think it all depends. I could easily go and buy a buttload of Genesis games and N64 games and SNES games and such at an indie game store and I think that depending on how many games I got, I could end up only paying like 50 or 60 bucks for a good 10 to 12 games or something.
  9. gee it would've been great if Sonic Team would've actually done that with Sonic '06 "sorry we can't release it yet. cuz it sucks."
  10. yeah eventually I'm planning to have a PS4 and Wii U I'm probably going to get the Wii U first
  11. Project Chaos is how I figured out about ocremix. Of course, as you can see in the "date joined" thing, I didn't join ocremix until 4 years later. Before that I just looked around the site; I didn't care to be part of the community.
  12. has anyone messed with the Fire Temple song from Ocarina of Time? it was controversial for its Muslim lyrics that were removed in later versions of the game. it'd be fun if someone messed with that.
  13. I shouldn't think there'd be a problem, but unfortunately with the way "politically correct" works nowadays and things related to that matter, the judges also have to be sure it doesn't offend anyone. Obviously, my assumption is that from a general perspective, it shouldn't offend anyone. Obviously wouldn't offend me, I'd be all for it cuz I'm a Believer.
  14. needs drums and like upright acoustic bass I like the lead synth and the chord progression is pretty sweet
  15. so I'm not the only one? I've been noticing that on my pages as well, and I thought I was just unlucky and nobody gave a crap about YouTube videos, which surprises me because it seems that would be more attractive than stupid text.
  16. ^^^^this, except it would be most magical if Theophany directed it
  17. I don't want it to be. I wanna make a remix and be happy.
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