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Everything posted by timaeus222

  1. Oh, good. Because I was hoping to use it either better or less. xD ------ At first, I thought the synth I used for the last solo that carried on as the lead would be a bit annoying to the ears near the end, but maybe it isn't that bad. EDIT: I ended up adding enough harmony to that synth so that it's better.
  2. Guitar synth? So, at 00:47? (the melody) And sure, I'll do some stuff with variations on the drums and structure.
  3. Yeah, it's been remixed a lot now, but I just wanted to see if this sounded any good and if this needs any improvement(probably does). I'd like to actually submit this sometime later if it gets good enough. http://tindeck.com/listen/vmic ------------- I uh... suck. I don't have a remixing studio or anything like that, this is all FL Studio. Dx I can play piano well, but no synthesizer. :/
  4. I would really like it if someone made an epic guitar remix of this song. Ys: The Oath in Felghana - The Boy's Got Wings Game by Falcom Music by Sound Team JDK Auditory Examples(more than one in case in the time this was not looked at a video was deleted):
  5. Hi. I've been to this site for a pretty long time now, and I've decided to join it. The remixes here are awesome, and hopefully I might be able to contribute some good ones too. I generally don't remix, that's why I said "hopefully".
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