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    timaeus222 reacted to djpretzel in OverClocked ReMix Design ?'s and Issues   
    I've found the setting and increased it to 25.
  2. Like
    timaeus222 reacted to XPRTNovice in Secret of Mana- Mana Burn Remix   
    Secret of Mana is such a great soundtrack filled with so many intricacies to play with.  
    - Really digging that opening bass riffing you have going on up to :55
    - I think the melody after that  could stand to come out a smidge, but not too much more since it's very high Hz.  You could roll off the highs a bit and bring it out more but it might lose the sparkle; it's up to you.
    - the 1:55 section is so RJD2.  It's cool.  I could stand to hear a little more of the sax and flute/looping or whatever that is back there.  It's a supporting role, yeah, but I think it could use some more breathing room and you have the room in the mix to do it.  
    - Same crit on the melody at 3:32.  I would have liked more of it.  It kicks in nice and full at about 3:45 though so I wouldn't ding you for keeping it suggestive there to increase the payoff.  In fact, go ahead and keep it.  
    - My least favorite part was the ending.  It just sort of...dies, almost in the middle of an idea.  Given the rest of the track's greatness, I think you can come up with something much better than that for the ending.  
    - I think the track could use a mastering run to boost the volume a bit and fill it out.  
    In general, a really unique take on the source and I really like your style.  Great job!
  3. Like
    timaeus222 reacted to Hayeser in Secret of Mana- Mana Burn Remix   
    Feedback is most welcome, please- I'm new to the OC ReMix crowd so I'd love to start off strong with my first submission. Thanks!
    I initially imagined going more orchestral since it's such a melodic, fluid piece. Alas, there have been other remixes of that nature, and my strongest suit is bass/groove/vibe. That seems to be untouched territory on this song, as far as I can find, so I embraced a new direction.
    It's got an R&B/Electronic vibe that slowly build while scattering in the notable motifs from the original. I reharmonized the chord structure, and took my own liberties on the bass line, made my own samples, etc. This is one of my all time favorite games that I've played through countless times since I was a kid. Track is made with respect and affection. Cheers!

  4. Like
    timaeus222 reacted to KyleJCrb in OverClocked ReMix Design ?'s and Issues   
    You'd have to take it up with old-school forumite JesusTheDarkLord.
  5. Like
    timaeus222 reacted to noTuX in OverClocked ReMix Design ?'s and Issues   
    Not sure if they have already been mentioned, but I have a couple of things. When I'm browsing through the forums on my phone, the site randomly switches between the mobile and full version.
    Also, I don't see a way to skip to different pages in the mobile version (I may have overlooked it, idk...). I have to go through every page.
    In the full version the page numbers are on the bottom, but in mobile you just have "next" and "previous."
  6. Like
    timaeus222 reacted to Brandon Strader in OverClocked ReMix Design ?'s and Issues   
    Quota of positive votes per day... is that really necessary?? I just got on today and it says I'm at my quota, I couldn't even like ONE post... I must have done some liking after midnight is the only explanation  I can think of. 
  7. Like
    timaeus222 reacted to Nabeel Ansari in The WIP Feedback Checklist (READ BEFORE POSTING)   
    I'd like to urge the inclusion of compositional aspects, such as meandering chord movement, bad counterpoint (where counter melodies are present), bad voicing of parts, lack of agreement between parts, improper understanding of source material's harmonic structure (so when people hear poorly/gratingly harmonized source melody notes they can check this box).
  8. Like
    timaeus222 reacted to zircon in Game of Thrones MAIN THEME & Music Video   
    Jill and I are huge fans of Game of Thrones - her maybe even more than me! - and so we decided to do our own take of the main theme. Jill did a lot of the arrangement, writing and performing the lyrics in actual Dothraki, plus playing recorder & hand drum. I did most of the production and then Jeff Ball recorded violin & viola to make it even more awesome. Really proud of the end result.. but the music video is even cooler imo Check it out below!

  9. Like
    timaeus222 reacted to Chernabogue in Lawn Party! Plants vs. Zombies album project! *CANCELLED*   
    Best metal vocals ever. Let's turn it into a brütal song.
  10. Like
    timaeus222 got a reaction from Chernabogue in Vampire Variations: Volume III - History   
    Gentle reminder that if anyone needs any help on their mixing, feel free to collab; I'll be available!
  11. Like
    timaeus222 reacted to Liontamer in OCRA-0051 - Final Fantasy II: Rebellion   
    Preview it: http://youtu.be/JMy-icaL6RQ Download it: http://rebellion.ocremix.org Torrent: http://bt.ocremix.org/torrents/Final_Fantasy_II_-_Rebellion.torrent A great album is the sum of its parts as much as any social movement or revolution is the culmination of efforts from brave individuals. The sheer amount of dedication that went into creating Rebellion will be difficult to properly appreciate; many of the involved artists worked on their music for months. Some of them worked on particular songs for over a year. At the end of this journey, it was the combined vision, talents, and dedication of each artist that created an album with its own personality. A smooth experience that seemingly has its own narrative, from one song to the next.
    I'm eternally grateful to the artists that returned to work on Rebellion after the completion of the first album, Random Encounter. I am equally grateful to those who are making their first appearance, and those who have chosen to be on the final album covering Final Fantasy 3. Without your hard work and sacrifice, this album would not have been possible. To the fans - I hope that listening to this album fills you with as much joy as it has given me these past several years.
    Thank you for the rebellion, and may our random encounter continue to bring us liberation.
    - Brandon Strader

  12. Like
    timaeus222 got a reaction from Slimy in Orchestral Remix of Metroid's Title Theme   
    For me, 0:24 was a substantial jump in volume. Maybe a riser or reverse that covers a larger dynamic range could connect this part a little less jarringly. The volume in either part is fine, and I think it's just the connection that's the issue here.
    I agree with Moseph on the brass being boomy at 1:22, but it's just slight on my side. Other than that, at least for me, although I agree with Moseph on the reverb, stereo field, and MIDI CC, I feel like it's not a very big deal. Still sounds quite good to me.
    Try listening to this as an example of a very polished orchestral piece. Maybe it'll help.
  13. Like
    timaeus222 got a reaction from Necrox in A question for multi-instrumentalists (and multi-skilled people in general)   
    I develop one skill at time, doing a bit of it every day to make it more natural, like muscle memory, but I only try when I feel the need to learn it. I don't really play the drums, but I can imagine someone playing drums and that's good enough for me. Similarly, I no longer play the guitar, but I still can imagine an expert guitarist and sequence a realistic electric guitar as if that person was playing it.

    If I do something with an instrument in a day, I usually end up aiming to recreate something I hear.
  14. Like
    timaeus222 got a reaction from Hayeser in Are there any good sites for free reference tracks?   
    Here's a bunch off the top of my head. Surely you can find ONE of these useful:
    https://soundcloud.com/stephen-anderson/i-am-the-sentinel-credits - dramatic film score
    https://soundcloud.com/stephen-anderson/dinosaur-dna - action score
    https://soundcloud.com/stephen-anderson/unity - pretty much perfect bass
    https://soundcloud.com/stephen-anderson/turn-my-crimson-into-white - african cinematic spiritual
    General Electronic:
    https://soundcloud.com/zircon-1/level-bounce - funky electro house/chiptune
    https://soundcloud.com/zircon-1/rise-of-pharaoh-remix-of-lara-croft-and-the-temple-of-osiris - middle-eastern drum & bass
    http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR02367 - drum & bass with vocals
    https://soundcloud.com/isworks/celestia-terrarium-naked-by - ambient/atmospheric
    https://soundcloud.com/isworks/shreddage-2-nuclear-dubstep-by - Dubstep reference 1
    http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR02318 - Dubstep reference 2
    http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR02305 - General middle-eastern
    https://soundcloud.com/ocremix/11-tibetan-tussle-timaeus222 - middle-eastern big beat / dubstep
    http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR02853 - far-eastern cinematic / dubstep
    http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR02094 - meditative far-eastern
    https://soundcloud.com/isworks/shreddage-2-subterrenea-by-ian - Djent metal
    https://soundcloud.com/magnus-engdahl/wing-it - Common metal
    http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR02293 - In-your-face rock
    http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR02625 - Melt-your-face metal
    Solo Piano:
    http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR02962 - Nocturne
    http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR03096 - General jazz
    http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR02954 - "Freeform" jazz
  15. Like
    timaeus222 reacted to Geoffrey Taucer in The song that made you want to remix   
    Actually, there's one more track I should mention:

    Gentle Wind by Ailsean (from the Time and Space album) was the track that made me want to get good at electric guitar. To this day, when I am testing out a new guitar or pedal or amp or pretty much any sort of electric guitar-related gear, the very first thing I do to test it is play the chorus from this track.
  16. Like
    timaeus222 reacted to Crulex in OCR03144 - Gunbird 2 "Signs of Lust"   
    This right here. Both DJP and Timaeus nailed it on the head with the fact that this has many musical cues that an anime show or a game with poppy soundtracks like Phoenix Wright has, which is great for an uplifting ReMix like this one. Generally, with the energy and positive vibes running through a mix like this, it's kinda hard to not to enjoy it. Nice work, man.
  17. Like
    timaeus222 reacted to prophetik music in Mad Max: Fury Road   
    hahaha, the salt is real. what's wrong with watching a movie and not caring about the agendas that may or may not lie behind the movie? mad max was good. it was fun to watch. the action was entertaining, the show-don't-tell style was breathtakingly fun to experience, and the characters weren't cookie-cutter characters. i didn't go to see it because of the triumph of women over oppressive male entities or something, i went to see it because they had a flamethrower guitar and the movie's a freaking two-hour car chase combined with dune and borderlands, and that sounded awesome. did it have feminist underpinnings? maybe, a lot of the arguments both for and against are pretty solid. that said, who cares? i don't, and saying that i don't have a ball in that court doesn't make me sexist any more than not really caring about r&b makes me a racist. just pointing a finger and spouting hot-button words doesn't make you look educated and relevant. it makes you look ignorant and puerile.
    the endless need to ascribe a crusade to everything is abhorrent.
    edit: the fact that an action film with a script the size of a child's flipbook is raising this many questions about the intentions of the writer(s) is actually pretty cool. as i said, i don't really have a ball in this particular court, but the noise that's being raised (on both sides of the issue/question/whatever) is definitely interesting.
  18. Like
    timaeus222 reacted to Nabeel Ansari in The song that made you want to remix   
    There was never a song that made me want to remix. I got into music out of inspiration from my beloved brother Shariq "DarkeSword" Ansari. When I was little (we're talking like 10 years old), he wrote all kinds of music at home, using Fruity Loops. After I saw him do video game remixes, I basically wanted to copy him and do it too. He and OCR both taught me basic musical concepts (comp and production alike), and then I began college to study music and mathematics, and now I'm here.
  19. Like
    timaeus222 got a reaction from Nostalvania in The Legend of Zelda - Fairy Fountain (Jazz/Funk)   
    The kick feels pretty muffled to me, and the snare isn't really coming through the hi hats. Other than that, this is sounding pretty rad!
  20. Like
    timaeus222 reacted to Clem in OCR03139 - Doom "Helljam"   
    fair point duud. it's not really dnb. straight up helljam
  21. Like
    timaeus222 reacted to Chernabogue in Vampire Variations: Volume III - History   
    BMC_WarMachine opens the WiP season, and blends metal + orchestra for something that sounds epic!
    Frendly reminder that the next deadline is in ONE WEEK! And that the final one is in FIVE WEEKS!
    Check the spreadsheet: http://tinyurl.com/VV3OCR
    RED: Tuberz, Sixto, and Brandon (and Nick Cage) -- need to turn a WiP and/or finished track asap (@Tuberz: you claimed the track recently, so you can have a lil' extension).
    ORANGE: Eino, Dj Mokram, and AngelCityOutlaw -- a substantial update is needed asap (contact me if you need help with arrangement/production)
    GREEN: Rexy, BMC, Existence Zero, and aensland -- an update by the deadline should do it ; try to get me a finished track by mid-June if possible
    PURPLE: Jorito, Sbeast, Timaeus, Slimy -- a finished track by next deadline or mid-June is needed ; it's time to finish your tracks, isn't it?
    Everyone (including people who are done): I will contact you by next deadline to get your artist bio, track notes, and other stuff OCR and the website needs.
  22. Like
    timaeus222 reacted to Sam Ascher-Weiss in Shnabubula VGMCAST Vol. 1 - 14 New Piano Covers   
    https://shnabubula.bandcamp.com/album/vgmcast-vol-1   Isolated Warrior - Ending  Jaga Jazzist - One Armed Bandit  Link's Awakening - Tall Tall Heights  Project Diva F - Negaposi Continues  Nier Geshtalt - Wretched Automatons  Super Mario RPG - Beware the Forest Mushrooms Bloody Roar 3 - Mystery Relics  E.V.O. - Birthplace of all Life  Gimmick! - World Map and Good Weather  FFXIII - Dust to Dust  Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time/Darkness/Sky - Crystal Cave  Silver Surfer - Stage 2  FalseSTOP! - Mellow Caverns  Fantastic Star-Friend - ...I can come with you?!   
    All of the songs here were performed live on stream atwww.hitbox.tv/shnabubula, you can watch the full performance here:www.youtube.com/watch?v=25ubGHRTrK0    These 14 Songs were all requested 2 days before on the regular weekly stream held every Friday from 12 PM to 8:30 PM EST (GMT -5). Part of the fun is learning all this material for the first time in front of a live audience watching me struggle and occasionally triumph, one tiny 5 second long portion of the "Bloody Roar 3" song took me more than a half hour to be able to play with any kind of consistency, but it all paid off in the end that Sunday. A good friend, Tadd Nuznov a.k.a. Rushjet1 (rushjet1.bandcamp.com) managed to save FLACs of each of the individual songs played and since I hadn't expected them to come out so well, I didn't properly prepare.    In the future, all Sunday streams will be recorded via direct audio to my computer, unfortunately, since that was not the case this time, the audio is not as good quality as I would have liked, but it's pretty good and definitely better here than on either the hitbox or youtube versions.    Anyway, I'm very happy with my playing on these recordings and I hope you all enjoy. Special Thanks to everybody who made it to either stream, can't wait to see you all again on Friday/Sunday coming up.  
  23. Like
    timaeus222 got a reaction from Nostalvania in Zelda: Wind Waker + Link's Awakening - Aryll's theme, Mabe Village (Solo Piano)   
    The rubato sounds intentional to me, and the harmonies are definitely in the vein of DAT SMOOTH JAZZ~. I'm confident that this is an easy pass. The piano tone is quite good too.
    Some of the harmonies did sound weird to me, but they sounded good once I heard this more than once. Yeah, I don't think you'd have anything to worry about. It sounded cohesive IMO, and it's only two source tunes and one cameo anyways, so there's not really much 'danger' in this sounding like a medley.
    Knocked it out of the park... again!
  24. Like
    timaeus222 reacted to Liontamer in Final Fantasy IX: Worlds Apart - History   
    Re: the art for future album projects, we'll make sure formatting preference are made clear before anyone gets started. That said, Game-Art-HQ's community really came through with good work, so we're looking forward to including all their great artwork in the album bundle, and hopefully working with GBK666 and G-A-HQ in the future.

    Re: the album not being out yet, sorry, but this isn't a speedrun, so folks are just going to have to wait. Everyone's doing this in their spare time for 0 compensation, juggling real life and other responsibilities. Sometimes that means the final 15% takes practically forever. Much like any album that takes years to release, when the album's out, it's out. We'll get there.

    See you in July (MAYBE).
  25. Like
    timaeus222 reacted to Chimpazilla in *NO* Pokémon Sapphire Version 'Thunderstorm in the Tropics'   
    This is a pretty unique mix! I love music box sounds mixed with electronica elements.
    The bass isn't balanced well, often bass patches have one note that is too loud and needs to be tamed with eq prior to any compression, and I hear that problem here. The bass needs to be tamed in its lowest regions too, and in the mud zone (200-300ish Hz). I'm hearing a lot of rumble in addition to the random too-loud notes, and not a lot of clean impact. There is some very good bass writing here, though, like 3:47-4:02.
    You've got some things hard panned (like the synth at 0:30, and the section starting at 3:17), I'm not a fan of one-sided hard panning but that's my opinion. Some of the higher sounds in the mix are piercy and too up-front, and too dry, giving the mix a crispy and resonant effect that is a bit overpowering as well as feeling not quite cohesive sonically. Some of the more dancey synths sound somewhat generic but there are good effects used. Good sidechaining.
    In the breakdown, the guitar sounds fake and the piano is very rigid. Loud bass notes are very evident here. That whole sections needs to be humanized better.
    The bigger issue here is source use. Even with your provided breakdown (thank you!) I can't make it all out. You've obscured a lot of it with effects, which sounds cool but unfortunately makes it VERY hard to hear. If I give you credit for what you've laid out in your breakdown, even with a lot of lenience, I'm only getting to about 42% source use, and that is really stretching it. I just don't think it's enough source for OCR. If other J's find more source than I'm hearing, I'm open to revisiting my vote on the source aspect.
    There are some very cool writing and effects ideas here and I hope you'll fix this up for us, give us some more recognizable source and fix the eq/balance issues, because this is really cool.
    NO (resubmit)
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