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Posts posted by Ramaniscence

  1. @ Filodemo


    The whole ending seemed really fitting to me. The game really could ONLY end with Big Boss. And the fact that Snake has his accelerated aging, really gives you a sense of this "This guy needs a break already." I played through the whole game HOPING Snake would die because the guy really just couldn't take anymore. After everyone, for his entire life, tell Snake there is nothing for him but the battlefield, that he was born there, that he lives there, and he will die there, it was REALLY cool to see Big Boss come and tell him to live the rest of his life...that he's earned it. To stop fighting.

    end spoilers


    If spoilers are going to be this serious of an issue, OCR needs a spoilers tag already.

  2. Okay, question -- in case anyone has gone through this before.

    Get in today, finally have internet again. Bout to get on with some friends when I get a login error.

    Account is gone. Deleted. Poof. Kaput. Not there anymore.

    As I mentioned before, I had gotten hacked last week. Emailed them. Next day, I get back form work and see that Blizz had responded to the email I sent them declaring my innocence in the affair (spamming).

    I get my account back, everything is cleared up. For good measure, I changed my password. Never bothered to check the verification emails about the password change. Kept playing for two more days, no problems. Took a trip to girlfriend's for the weekend, who has no internet, but I wasn't even thinking about it.

    Get back today, and poof! Gone. Not even locked, but gone.

    My email account had a number of Blizzard emails, a number of which were about password change verification. The last one was about "Account retrieval instructions" which had an attached PDF that instructed me to mail or fax a form asking for ID info -- including a copy of an ID card (Government or School ID)

    The email came from an account management email account at Blizzard, but it seems rather suspect to go through that much hassle to retrieve my account. Honestly, I could give less than two shits about my characters, I"m more interested in playing the damn game. I could just skip it and get a new account, but that of course is fifty some odd dollars.

    Anyway, question: is this a scam? I'm naturally not going to trust an email that says "Send us a copy of your ID", but I wonder if anyone had gone through this before.

    Not a scam. If for whatever reason you can't remember your password AND your security question, you have to fax them a valid ID (and some kind of form iirc) in order to get it back. A friend of mine had to do it not too long ago.

    Also: rumor my foot.

  3. Game is designed to reward the players who invest more time into it, essentially.

    Define reward?

    I've done nearly everything short of hardcore raiding, and I wouldn't call myself at ALL addicted, if anything I'm struggling just to find something to do IN WoW when I'm not just helping other people level their characters.

    I'm WAY to lazy to level a new character myself. It's a miracle that I even got MINE to 70 over the course of...what? 3 or 4 years or something.

  4. I don't think that anyone should make a movie about Zelda. Zelda is a very personal thing to me, and I take it very seriously, so I'd rather not see one my favorite franchises get raped on the big screen. On the other hand, it could work. IGN's April fools trailer was actually pretty cool, despite how Ganon looked, and I think a guy like the one they used would make a good Link. Not too pretty, not too ugly. Someone with an innocent and good-willed look who can turn into serious business with the blink of an eye.

    And, if it were to be done, then it should be split into a trilogy. There are too many dungeons and subplots going on for a single two hour movie.

    Also, to hell with idea of making Link japanese. Link is Link, and whichever actor, regardless of race, who portrays Link the best should be the one to play him. Link isn't Japanese, he's Hylian, and the assumption that he should be Japenese because his creators are is an asinine demonstration of bad logic. I'm not saying that the above poster is saying that, but I just wanted to get that across before it is assumed.

    So, yes, I would go watch it, and I would probably enjoy it because I usually try to lower my standards before I experience things.

    Zelda could be made into a fine movie, even for fanboys. You could cry about there not being enough temples, or whatever else, but key elements are all the movie would need:

    A) Link being a boy in a town blah blah, going off and discovering he's DA HERO OF TIME

    B) Getting the master sword

    C) Zelda

    D) Ganon.

    E) Tri Force

    F) Optionally, Goddesses. They're becoming a big thing now a days, if even just mentioned.

    Fill in the in betweens however you'd like. LOOK at the Zelda's. Some of them have similiarities, but all of them are different. The plot follows a structure, fills in some key elements, and that's it.

    Sure we'd like to see a fire time, and a water temple, and a temple of time, and yadda yadda blah blah blah. But where were those in a Link to the Past? Where were they in Game Boy Renditions? Hell, look at Link's Awakening. It hardly followed anything you'd see in most Zeldas, but it's considered a Zelda title and a GOOD ONE at that.

    They could do a trilogy if they wanted to milk it, but I don't think there's a real need to. I think they could EASILY get the point across, with a little back story, and the key elements in 2.5 to 3 hours. The ONLY thing they'd need to do is STICK to those key elements verbatim. No trying to make it overly realistic, no trying to make it EXACTLY like the video game to where things like the Spinner from Twilight Princess exist. Just find a calm medium, and run with it.

    Also: Totally CG would be pretty much ideal, but I think IGN's trailer is a good example that, if done live action with the right productions team and a good enough ammount of resources, could be pulled off so long as the actors looked a bit more accurate (and Ganondorf wasn't LITERALLY green).

  5. I'm interested in seeing how this game goes, but I'm really iffy about it. I hardly think it's the zomg WoW killer that everyone expect it to be...to me it's not even the same type of game. HOWEVER the fact that it's on XBOX360 and has bar fights, amongst other things, makes me rather iffy about the demographic that's gonna pick it up at first.

    WE SHALL SEE what transpires.

  6. Courses in Computer Science (or others, but Computer Science mostly) which relate to multimedia.

    More specifically, I'd like to hear how said multimedia courses tie in to the broader concepts that computer science tries to teach. Basically, I need as much justification for these courses as possible.

    Which totally wouldn't include PHP, Java, HTML, and CSS for web development or MEL script which is based on Python scripting for coding tools in Maya or setting up console command scripts for advanced rendering or Shake script and Unix base for general compositing, huh?

    Or XML, or XHTML...oh what I'm I saying. Nothing I learn in school is relevant to anything. I should just burn my money right now.

  7. Well he didn't claim he MADE those, but he didn't credit the original artists either.

  8. To be more specific, it was #ocremix.

    The videos themselves were made by TLF, Aetherius did the sound, and the voices in, but are not limited to, Antonio Pizza, Suzumebachi, Maridia, CotMM, and other channel regulars.

    Almost none of these people still come around with the exception of Suzu. AP and TLF drop in every once and awhile for a short time. My guess is that TLF either just lost interest or doesn't have the time anymore as they were pretty major productions for him and took a longgggg time to make.

  9. I haven't read anything yet except for the Wikipedia entry on orphaned works and the full texts of bills S.2913 and H.R.5889, but I haven't seen anything that indicates this statement is accurate. Am I misunderstanding the purpose of the pictorial/graphical/sculptural works database?

    EDIT: What I understand the bills to do is (1) limit the damages that can be awarded when someone infringes a copyrighted work for which the copyright holder cannot be found and (2) establish a database to make it easier to find copyright holders -- and this database is NOT the only thing that the bill requires to be consulted when looking for a copyright holder. From what I can tell, it doesn't change any other aspect of copyright law.

    Generally from what I understand of the situation from what I read is as follows:

    Orphaned works are works that are copyrighted but to which the copyright owner can not be found. The databases create would be used to register artwork so it can be searched and found and the owner can be contacted so that it could be used commercially or otherwise. The CONCERN is that most artists won't have the time to register every work they've ever done, or even the one's they deem most important. With that, what protects a company from claiming they've searched the database, and used "sufficient ammounts of research" to locate the copyright owner, decide they couldn't find them, and use it commercially with "limited remedies" to the infringement. Which, even then, would likely create a costly legal battle for the artist to maybe get some compensation IF the court decides that the offender DIDN'T conduct a sufficient search, and the work in question wasn't registered in the database.

  10. If this belongs in the PPR forum then, by all means, move it, however I'm posting this HERE because, essentially this effects a lot of the people who post here.

    (I searched and I didn't find anything about this here yet, either).

    ESSENTIALLY, and I know it DOES apply to traditional and digital artwork posted on the internet, whether it also applies to music, I'm not sure as I haven't read the entire act, however either way it's a really important issue.

    Essentially the act would change the way the orphan works laws work to where every art piece you make would HAVE to be registered with at least 3 companies as copywritten and on record, otherwise anyone else can come along and use your work for profit. Here's the large posted from CGTalk:


    UPDATE! (thanks Tatiana):

    The short version: If you oppose Orphan Works legislation, you need to email the House Judiciary Committee now.

    From the Illustrators Partnership:

    "H.R. 5889 (the Orphan Works bill in the House) unanimously sailed through the House IP Subcommittee yesterday"




    The information below is from 5/7/08:


    I don't know where this image came from; therefore, it's mine.



    The Illustrators Partnership, the Artists' Rights group which has been working to oppose the Orphan Works 2008 legislation, has made it easy for people to email Congress voicing opposition to the bills that are currently before the U.S. Congress.

    It can't be easier to voice opposition to Orphan Works 2008 legislation. You can voice opposition even if you do not live in the U.S. (see below). If you oppose this legislation, then express it by selecting a sample letter and sending it to Congress - it's exceedingly easy.

    From the site set up by the Illustrators Partnership:

    The Illustrators Partnership sent out this latest email to its subscribers:

    Related Links:

    Orphan Works - Wikipedia Article (thanks Segvoia):


    The Berne Convention (thanks Segvoia):http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Berne_..._Artistic_Works

    To read more about how Orphan Works legislation affects artists, read these pages provided by the Illustrators Partnership:

    The Orphan Works Act of 2008 - Bill # H.R.5889

    The Shawn Bentley Orphan Works Act of 2008 - Bill # S.2913

    You can keep track of the bills progress via these links: (thanks Howitzer)

    S. 2913

    H.R. 5889

    Discussion threads (the most recent is first):

    2008 Orphan Works Bill Introduced to US House & Senate (Artist Copyrights)

    Artist's Rights in Jeopardy MOD EDIT: (Orphan Works Bill)

    Mind Your Business: You Will Lose All The Rights to Your Own Art

    Article and Video by Lawrence Lessig (this video was created before the Orphan Works 2008 legislation was released):

    Copyright Policy: Orphan Works Reform


    Stay abreast of developments in Orphan Works legislation by subscribing to the Illustrators Partnership email list:


    Facebook Group (spread the word):

    Oppose Orphan Works 2008 Legislation - Protect Your Rights as an Artist!

    Contact Traditional Media and News Outlets:



    The long and short of it:


    >>>http://capwiz.com/illustratorspartnership/home/<<< IF YOU ARE AN ARTIST OUTSIDE THE U.S. YOU ARE ENCOURAGED TO OPPOSE ORPHAN WORKS:


    *Please note that simply clicking on these links does not automatically voice support. These links will take you to form letters which you can select and fill out with your information, then send via email, fax, or snail mail. (Fax is preferred as snail mail may be delayed).

    Reading these form letters is a way to understand some of the concerns that we as U.S. and International artists may have regarding Orphan Works legislation.


    Incidentally, it should be noted that you don't have to send Congress a form email or fax. You can of course write your own email or fax and send that as well. The Illustrators Partnership has provided the link to find your local representative in Congress here:



    This message reflects my individual views and are not representative of the CGSociety.

  11. He's submitted to OCR several times before (the last time being early '07 where he got 2Y/5N), but there's certainly no problem with him trying again. But just clarifying that he knows of OCR.

    We should draft this guy into RTS mixing.

    apparently from what i have seen the Zelda movie purplecowadoom is talking about is not the same thing that was seen on IGN. A fan movie is being made http://www.legendofzeldaseries.com/main.php?page=fanmovie.html

    Fans need to quit ruining my life.

  12. Man, I got the Nintendo Channel this morning and used it to download the Ninja Gaiden demo. The demo itself is no longer than the Metroid Prime: Hunters one, but man was that game cool for the 5-10 mins I got to play it on Normal difficulty (I unlocked a harder one, but I had to leave for school)

    Getting a chance to actually DOWNLOAD DS demos makes me a very happy boy.

  13. So then, no, since only a handful of them are mandatory.

    4.2.1 TPA Part of a set ALWAYS = Exact ReMixID assigned by djpretzel at time of posting E.G. = OCR00541

    That confuses me though, what IS that? It's mandatory yet I dont' know if I've seen it. And if that's mandatory, why can't

    4.2.1 TRK Track number/Position in set

    be that way and just be 00541 (in the example given)

    You don't SEE it because you're not using a good enough ID3 tagging program, but it's there. I do a similiar thing with the RTS mixes using the catalog number instead of the track number.

    Why? Because most people CAN'T find it, and thus can't change it. Back in the day Prot made a program called OCRecollections that would crawl the site and check your OCReMix library up against an XML file that's generated by the server and download the songs you didn't have. Problem was if you changed any of the days or the file name it didn't really have a way to find it. With this, hidden, tag in the files there's a way for the song to be identified even if someone has changed all the visible tags and renamed it, so it'll still show up in soemthing like this AND won't be anything noticeable.

    Why would you particularly want all the OCReMixes sorted by track number? I really don't care what order they were posted on the site short of something for the backend. I'm just lookin' for game, artist, and song titles.

    The only REAL changes I could see making are making putting write-ups into the comments tags, lyrics into the lyrics tags, album art, and album artists.

    Anyway, you'd probably have to download Helium to see a lot of these tags. I've never used it, but I've seen it and the tagging on that thing is pretty extensive. What I would do, because I have it, is just load everything into Tag&Rename to check for overall consistency, which I'm pretty sure for the most part is OK, and then crawl the files individually through Helium to make sure ALL the required fields are filled in.

  14. ThaSauce is a good community site! go visit it more!

    BTW: One of the mixes page (and front page thingy) is all Fuxxored.

    You're gonna have to be a bit more specific? lol

    Unless you mean the Tales of Symphonia mix not having a screenshot, because I haven't found one I like for it yet.

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