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Posts posted by Ramaniscence

  1. Well since there is no track number, how do I easily see what is post 1650?

    What is the tagging standard now so I can compare?

    The only changes I suggested where the album art (only as an additional file in the torrents), the track number, and the possibility of linking it to one of those online databases.

    * 4.19 BUF Recommended buffer size

    * 4.17 CNT Play counter

    * 4.11 COM Comments

    * 4.21 CRA Audio encryption

    * 4.20 CRM Encrypted meta frame

    * 4.6 ETC Event timing codes

    * 4.13 EQU Equalization

    * 4.16 GEO General encapsulated object

    * 4.4 IPL Involved people list

    * 4.22 LNK Linked information

    * 4.5 MCI Music CD Identifier

    * 4.7 MLL MPEG location lookup table

    * 4.15 PIC Attached picture

    * 4.18 POP Popularimeter

    * 4.14 REV Reverb

    * 4.12 RVA Relative volume adjustment

    * 4.10 SLT Synchronized lyric/text

    * 4.8 STC Synced tempo codes

    * 4.2.1 TAL Album/Movie/Show title ALWAYS = http://www.ocremix.org

    * 4.2.1 TBP BPM (Beats Per Minute)

    * 4.2.1 TCM Composer ALWAYS = Exact Original Game Music Composer(s) E.G. = Yuzo Koshiro

    * 4.2.1 TCO Content type ALWAYS = Game

    * 4.2.1 TCR Copyright message ALWAYS = Exact Game Publisher E.G. = Enix

    * 4.2.1 TDA Date

    * 4.2.1 TDY Playlist delay

    * 4.2.1 TEN Encoded by

    * 4.2.1 TFT File type

    * 4.2.1 TIM Time

    * 4.2.1 TKE Initial key

    * 4.2.1 TLA Language(s)

    * 4.2.1 TLE Length

    * 4.2.1 TMT Media type

    * 4.2.1 TOA Original artist(s)/performer(s) ALWAYS = Exact System/Platform of Game ReMixed E.G. = SNES

    * 4.2.1 TOF Original filename

    * 4.2.1 TOL Original Lyricist(s)/text writer(s)

    * 4.2.1 TOR Original release year

    * 4.2.1 TOT Original album/Movie/Show title ALWAYS = Exact Name of Game E.G. = Actraiser

    * 4.2.1 TP1 Lead artist(s)/Lead performer(s)/Soloist(s)/Performing group ALWAYS = Exact ReMixer Name E.G. = djpretzel

    * 4.2.1 TP2 Band/Orchestra/Accompaniment

    * 4.2.1 TP3 Conductor/Performer refinement

    * 4.2.1 TP4 Interpreted, remixed, or otherwise modified by

    * 4.2.1 TPA Part of a set ALWAYS = Exact ReMixID assigned by djpretzel at time of posting E.G. = OCR00541

    * 4.2.1 TPB Publisher

    * 4.2.1 TRC ISRC (International Standard Recording Code)

    * 4.2.1 TRD Recording dates

    * 4.2.1 TRK Track number/Position in set

    * 4.2.1 TSI Size

    * 4.2.1 TSS Software/hardware and settings used for encoding

    * 4.2.1 TT1 Content group description

    * 4.2.1 TT2 Title/Songname/Content description ALWAYS = Exact name of Game [space] Exact name of ReMix [space] OC ReMix E.G. Actraiser Fillmore Funk OC ReMix

    * 4.2.1 TT3 Subtitle/Description refinement

    * 4.2.1 TXT Lyricist/text writer

    * 4.2.2 TXX User defined text information frame

    * 4.2.1 TYE Year ALWAYS = Exact Year ReMix Posted on OCR E.G. = 2002

    * 4.1 UFI Unique file identifier

    * 4.9 ULT Unsychronized lyric/text transcription

    * 4.3.1 WAF Official audio file webpage

    * 4.3.1 WAR Official artist/performer webpage

    * 4.3.1 WAS Official audio source webpage

    * 4.3.1 WCM Commercial information

    * 4.3.1 WCP Copyright/Legal information

    * 4.3.1 WPB Publishers official webpage

    * 4.3.2 WXX User defined URL link frame

    Retrieved from "

  2. logoTEST2.png

    It's hard to believe on this day 3 years ago a little brainstorm of mind became a reality. Looking back on it now, I'd have to say that ThaSauce has, in different respects, both fallen short of my expections and greatly exceeded them. Our userbase is constantly growing, we're poised to make 1,000,000 hits within the next few month, but still there's a lot of room for improvement and a LOT of work to be done.

    The first thing I'd like to give you guys today is 3 new mixes up on ReMix:ThaSauce. They are 'Escape into Twilight' from NiGHTs by Skrypnyk, 'In Search of Light' from Mega Man X4 by long-time OverClocked ReMixer and Judge DarkeSword, and 'Pixelated Tales' from Tales of Symphonia by newcomer Showroom Dummy. I'm extremely pleased in how far R:TS has come, and we will continue to bring you guys excellent works from artist around the community that don't quite fit into OCReMix's guidelines for whatever reason.

    You will, however notice that R:TS has been rather stagnant. That's partly to blame on my part, but it's largely because we simply don't have the submissions coming in. As of today we've barely recieved ANY submissions, save ones we've asked people for personally, all year. If you visit and enjoy ReMix:ThaSauce spread the word! The only way we can continue to provide you guys with music is if we have music to provide, and the only way we're going to get more is if more people know. So if you know someone who's remix can't get on OCR for whatever reason and has never heard of R:TS, be sure to send them are way as we'd be MORE than happy to have them.

    Another thing I wanna mention is shirts. The initial run of shirts sold out a LOT quicker than I had ever anticipated. Since then I've been working on ways to get enough money for a second run AND working feverishly on a new design (a work in progress of which is displayed above). I'm glad to announce that as of today I'm am working toward the step of completing the logo and readying the order. This means that I NEED TO KNOW what sizes to order. If you want one of the shirts, please reply with the size you want. And remeber the bigger the order is for me, the cheaper the shirts are for everyone.

    I plan on updating this post throughout the day, so be sure to check back later.

    And thanks to everyone for their continued support. I really couldn't do any of this without you guys.


    Doug :o














  3. TO be entirely honest, if I downloaded a full OCR mirror again (my old one was lost in a dead hard drive) I could PROBABLY fix all inconsistencies in a little under a day. Maybe even a matter of hours. Picking out things that're blatantly wrong is easy, and mass editting everything is even easier.

    But like Larry said, you're all ignoring the BIGGEST issuere, imho.


    ^ AlbumArt tag TOTALLY fucks up media libraries.

    Even though a search of "OverClocked ReMix" in any search engine yields http://www.ocremix.org as the first result?

    I'm going to defend DJP in this, as I've done the same thing on ReMix:ThaSauce.

    In this day and age EVERYTHING has to be entirely intuitive and idiot proofed. You can't assume the average internet user who downloads an OCReMix off of LimeWire is going to think to open up Google or Yahoo! or something and search for it. You have to assume that the second they have to put actual effort forth on their part and do some sort of "Sherlock Holmes" investigating, that they're going to lose interest pretty fast and decide not to pursue it any further. Putting the URL right in the album's field ensure that it'll be clearly displayed in most, if not all, major media players by default (meaning it'll display SOMEWHERE when just playing the song, and not behind the scenes under some "More info" button, thusly hand feeding the listener the information.

    On R:TS I even go as far as to fill in the URL and "Buy this CD" links so that it makes it even more idiot proof.

    Oh, and AlbumArt, too. But apparently no one wants to help with that effort...

  4. Half that is being very generous.

    I don't think I've EVER killed my G5 iPod.

    In fact, I watched all of the first 2 seasons of House over the course of 2 of my classes. My classes are generally 3-4 hours long, with breaks. I arguably finished 2-3 episodes each class.

    I actually watched all of Harry Potter and the Order of the Pheonix on my iPod one day during an animation class. Same goes for Pirates of Silicon Valley and Office Space. So battery life can't be THAT much of a problem.

  5. If you update his design... then he stops being classic Sonic. This is a classic Sonic game. To the vast majority of Sonic fans (i.e. the ones working on this project), something like that matters a ton. We're talking different proportions, different colors, a different character design entirely.

    What you are proposing is almost like saying that if Megaman 2 was remade in HD, it should use the Megaman Battle Network designs. The Sonic fandom is split up in to specific groups of people who like the different interpretations of Sonic over the years, from Classic Sonic (Sonic 1-3), New Sonic (Sonic Adventure), not to mention the different interpretations of Sonic displayed in the three cartoon series (and each one of them has a different personality and tone), the Sonic X anime, the Sonic OVA (aka Sonic the Hedgehog the Movie).

    There are a lot of different ways to portray Sonic and getting it right for the time period is extremely important (especially when you consider there are hundreds, maybe even thousands of people who prefer 1992 Sonic over today's incarnation), otherwise you might as well not even remake Sonic 2 in HD at all - you might as well just make an original Sonic game.

    I would say that even Sonic 3 Sonic is lightyears beyond Sonic 2 sonic in means of animations and general design. Just making the Sonic 2 design less jagged, when it's already been improved upon tenfold, seems like a step backward to me, but that's your prerogative so whatever.

    What you are proposing is almost like saying that if Megaman 2

    To be more accurate, what I'm proposing is using Mega Man 7 Megaman.

  6. There must be something wrong with you.

    Why? Because I think the character design now a days is more interesting than a circle with eyes?


    You vectorized old Sonic, big whoop. He still looks like 1992 design, just prettied.


    To me, this Sonic looks WAY less shitty.

    I'm not saying Sega's gameplay mechanics have taken huge strides forward, because they haven't. But there's nothing wrong with the up-to-date character designs of him.

  7. Odd... Some of the files don't seem to work.


    Hmmm, they SHOULD all work. I mean, that's the directory listing for the directory they're in...

    Alsoo: That's all the tracks I had up to...November '07. It still hasn't 'officially' released...so your (or anyone) track can be added whenever I'm less lazy than I am right now =P

  8. What's interesting is that we're only hearing about this now, and from a development perspective, 7 isn't all that far away... if they're really going to throw the baby out with the bathwater and start from a clean slate designing what amounts to a new OS, you'd think they'd want more time... unless they've been working with this idea in mind for far longer than we know.

    This is pretty much the most important thing I get from Windows 7. "We're rebuilding in OS from the ground up in no time flat!"

    Given how long it took them to make Vista, and how well that went, and how long it's been for them to decide that Vista isn't going to work out and they have to build a new OS from scratch, how much will they actually have at the time of release? What's to say it's not going to be horrible? Does no one remember all those awesome things about Vista that were going to change computing that never made it out of Alpha?

  9. The point was, small boobs doesn't nessacarily constitute "realistic proportions" and even in the case that it DID tan's don't nessacarily have realistic proportions as it is. If anything there proportions are exaggerated in many cases.

    And, honestly, what's everyone's problems with bigger boobs? No one's saying she needs a D cup, they're simply suggesting that a girl of her size might look better with slightly larger breast. All of a sudden everyone gets up in arms about boobs.

  10. Uh, you're assuming she's an adult. I'd say the size is pretty approriate for someone 14-15 years of age. Besides, the previous version had even smaller boobs, and nobody complained about that. :/

    I don't even know where you're getting this distinction between "mascot" and "-tan". Not all -tans have big boobs.

    Tell that to her child bearing hips.

  11. Her boobs bother me a lot more than her legs. Most girls I know have bigger ones, and, well, someone mentioned "realistic proportions". With thighs like that, the boobs... are a little small. I've seen plenty of pretty skinny chicks with C cups, and OCR-tan... doesn't look like anyone I've seen irl. And I don't mean her face.

    I was thinkin' the same thing, tbh. He boobs are unrealistically small, but I suppose ocr is looking for a less risque version or something.

    As if any other "tan" has ever had realistic proportions, anyway. I mean shit, look at XP-tan.

    I think at this point ocr-tan is less ocr-tan and more along the lines of ocr mascot. At least in blackmyst's version.

  12. what the hell? since when does hardware = love?

    @gt - i'm up for hand delivering stuff for whoever, as long as it's reasonable. however, up to this point i have mailed almost everything i've built. so, yeah, i'll ship to cali...but don't expect me to drive three days just to hold your hand while you plug in some USBs =)

    Well ya'know, because I asked for it. 'Cause I NEED one, ya'see?

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