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  1. Like
    Troyificus reacted to Garpocalypse in Mega Man: The Grand Robot Master Remix Battle 2018   
    @Trism. Should be a good matchup! Cant wait to see what you come up with for these sources. 
    I'm excited to have the saturn version of the tengu source. Going to try out something new with it. 
  2. Like
    Troyificus got a reaction from Garpocalypse in Mega Man: The Grand Robot Master Remix Battle 2018   
    As a big fan of @Garpocalypse's work I am suitably hype about my matchup. 
  3. Like
    Troyificus reacted to Gario in Mega Man: The Grand Robot Master Remix Battle 2018   
    Eh, it happens to the best of us; I've had one or two submissions to these things where I only had about 50 seconds of music finished. One week to make a mix can be a brutal limitation, and it's one hell of a hardcore way to get back into arranging music off a coldspell of 3+ years.
  4. Like
    Troyificus reacted to Supercoolmike in Mega Man: The Grand Robot Master Remix Battle 2018   
    all right, I submitted my wip since you guys still wanted it. It's not much but it was the only idea that went as far as it did. sorry for the letdown.
  5. Like
    Troyificus reacted to Arceace in Mega Man: The Grand Robot Master Remix Battle 2018   
    I submitted my track! I'm actually pretty happy with how this one turned out.

  6. Like
    Troyificus reacted to Mak Eightman in Mega Man: The Grand Robot Master Remix Battle 2018   
    Looks like I'm not the only one who didn't do anything musical last 3 years. And my track also short and silly. Submit your wip Supercoolmike!
  7. Like
    Troyificus reacted to SuperiorX in Mega Man: The Grand Robot Master Remix Battle 2018   
    Oh no! That's a bummer! I'd encourage you to still turn something in please. Believe me, I'm right there with ya:  it's literally been 3 years since I've made any music so this round was a struggle for me too. My song isn't very long either, so even if you only submit a WIP, it's still better than nothing! 
  8. Like
    Troyificus got a reaction from Garpocalypse in Mega Man: The Grand Robot Master Remix Battle 2018   
    Hey @DarkeSword, are we getting signatures this year?
  9. Like
    Troyificus reacted to Esperado in Mega Man: The Grand Robot Master Remix Battle 2018   
    thanks, i think this will help immensely! 
  10. Like
    Troyificus got a reaction from orlouge82 in Mega Man: The Grand Robot Master Remix Battle 2018   
    Same here! I went through the video that @orlouge82 shared and picked something from there.
  11. Like
    Troyificus got a reaction from orlouge82 in Mega Man: The Grand Robot Master Remix Battle 2018   
    I've not made anything for a fair old while (and my history with these compos usually see's me going out in the first round anyway) but I'll chuck my hat into the ring:
    1) Top Man (MM3)
    2) Elec Man (MM1)
    3) Flash Man (MM2)

  12. Like
    Troyificus got a reaction from HoboKa in Mega Man: The Grand Robot Master Remix Battle 2018   
    I've not made anything for a fair old while (and my history with these compos usually see's me going out in the first round anyway) but I'll chuck my hat into the ring:
    1) Top Man (MM3)
    2) Elec Man (MM1)
    3) Flash Man (MM2)

  13. Like
    Troyificus got a reaction from Tex in Mega Man: The Grand Robot Master Remix Battle 2018   
    I've not made anything for a fair old while (and my history with these compos usually see's me going out in the first round anyway) but I'll chuck my hat into the ring:
    1) Top Man (MM3)
    2) Elec Man (MM1)
    3) Flash Man (MM2)

  14. Like
    Troyificus reacted to Dextastic in PRC378 - Music Is More Than Words (Breath of Fire II)   
    "Bundeslang must enter himself instead of letting HoboKa save the contest each time."

    By the way my vote included "I want easy sources as well, please scrap the rule that sources with OC Remixes aren't allowed," but it's not about wanting easy sources so much as wanting inspiring sources.
  15. Like
    Troyificus got a reaction from HoboKa in MnP 93: Zelda (Nes) - Labyrinth/Dungeon   
    I thought this as well! I have a track all finished! GAH!
    *Edit* I'm damned pleased with this track so it must be heard! Uploaded to my Soundcloud here!
  16. Like
    Troyificus reacted to HoboKa in MnP 93: Zelda (Nes) - Labyrinth/Dungeon   
    I'll see if compothasauce behaves and lets me add this in as a bonus lol.
    The Mod-Edit** webform is all blank (meaning all is white and the text is white too lmfao, so it's a hell to navigate T_T) for editing stuff.  So that's dandy.  Looks like SoundCloud where it shall reside unfortunately Trism.  Editing has become a bit of a pain with this new setup.  Hopefully that will be shored up soon hehe.
  17. Like
    Troyificus got a reaction from Dextastic in MnP 93: Zelda (Nes) - Labyrinth/Dungeon   
    I thought this as well! I have a track all finished! GAH!
    *Edit* I'm damned pleased with this track so it must be heard! Uploaded to my Soundcloud here!
  18. Thanks
    Troyificus got a reaction from HoboKa in MnP 93: Zelda (Nes) - Labyrinth/Dungeon   
    Oooooooh I'm on this one! Like white on rice!
  19. Thanks
    Troyificus got a reaction from HoboKa in PRC373 - Time to Thunder (Final Fantasy X)   
    Voted! What a cool turnout! I was working on something for this last minute but apparently left it too last minute as the voting has already started. C'est la vie, eh?
  20. Like
    Troyificus got a reaction from HoboKa in PRC374 - Nobody Is A Failure (Bloodborne)   
    Holy crap, that is not going to be easy to mix. Certainly worth a go, though.
  21. Like
    Troyificus got a reaction from HoboKa in MnP 86: Super Paper Mario - Woah Zone   
    I'm lucky enough to have access to a pretty extensive Kontakt library, in this case it was the Scarbee Rickenbacker Bass along with Superior Drummer 2.0
    I liked your entry, by the way! Very dark and moody, an excellent take on the source.
    And @Silverpool; I liked the 16-bit take on the tune, though the opening was a bit busy with the bitcrushed cymbals overriding a lot of the soundscape. The track did suffer a little from repetition as there weren't many variations between the different 'sections' of the song. A cool bonus entry though.
  22. Thanks
    Troyificus reacted to Zorrakh in MnP 86: Super Paper Mario - Woah Zone   
    Ah crud, I thought the vote ended today. XD Sorry about that, I got wrapped up in work. Good round, Trism and Silverpool, I really enjoyed your interpretations. Trism, what'd you use for the drums and bass? The tone and groove sound real nice and tight.
  23. Like
    Troyificus got a reaction from HoboKa in Royd Rage   
    So last year I submitted this track to the tender mercies of The Judges and it was summarily rejected (sob, wail etc). I've finally decided to revisit the track and would appreciate any help and suggestions on how to improve it. 
  24. Thanks
    Troyificus got a reaction from HoboKa in MnP 86: Super Paper Mario - Woah Zone   
  25. Like
    Troyificus got a reaction from Bundeslang in PRC354 - In The Battle Area (Zelda 2)   
    Good lord this brings back some memories! I remember playing Zelda II before I had even learned to read! In retrospect that might explain why I never got very far into the game, it being an RPG and all...
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