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Everything posted by eilios

  1. Comment stream, in no particular order. Left panned snare is a bit annoying. It sounds like there be some clipping in this awesome intro! The electro-house melody is cool, and I like the piano you got going on there. The actual melody is a bakesale, too. The bowser "rawawrawrawr" touches are nice. The UNCE TSCHE is a beat I have used too many times, but it's a little bit too apparent here. The arpeggios are nice, but 2step doesn't really seem like an all out party here. The second half of the song doesn't really seem to have that much connection to the first half. Nice use of gating! Way too short.
  2. I'm in, this looks like a fun bake sale!!!!!!!
  3. Dooblay posting to say that there's a new version out! Not that much is changed, and this is still in the <0.1 stages, meaning it doesn't get a Tindeck release, but there are now subtle changes in instrumentation and stereo to the instruments! I've also toned down the faux-choir synth.
  4. As someone who has both musical training/lessons and someone who almost solely composes on FL, I can say that this is silly()!!! Time signature and key signature are both present in FL's piano roll as well, they're just invisible. If you write in a key, it's got that key in it! You're not specifying it. You could argue that you could write outside of the key and just full out be a rebel, but that exists in sheet music too as accidentals! Writing in sheet music and writing in piano roll isn't all that different, the process is more or less the same(you can't write in velocities in sheet music) as far as how it's supposed to be done. Saying that piano roll is better than sheet music because sheet music has to be interpreted is an . I do agree that learning the piano roll is a goodgreatfun idea, but that doesn't mean that sheet music has absolutely no place outside of live performances. When I have trouble trying to get a rhythm I have on my head into the piano roll, I usually write it down in sheet music to compare and contrast until I figure it out! @swamp For pickups, make a copy of the pattern you want in the pickup with the pickup note written in(making it about 1 note longer) and shift the entire track 1 note to the right. For syncopation, write in syncopation as you would! Piano rolls don't say you have to adhere to certain demands, and you don't have to make a piano roll follow a distinct measure pattern every time. You can go over the measure if you want! For tuplets, again, just keep subdividing, and for grace notes, use really teeny-tiny notes(scaled as you wish).
  5. eilios


  6. If you think of a piano roll in sheet music everything makes a buttload of sense. 4 notes in 1 measure in 4/4 time is the same as quarter notes, and adjusting the length lets you change how staccato/legato they are.
  7. eilios


    It looks like the lemur on the left is rocket jumping!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. Whether you have an absolute all-out no holds barred PARTY with the vocals or not is irrelevant, because as soon as you put them there, they're part of the production. If you didn't want them there because they were bad and jokey, you shouldn't have put them there. Like it or not, as soon as you put the vocals up in this kitchen, you can't take them out and they will affect your mix. And once you have the mix up there, you can't just turn them off and just go to town with the backing instrumentation like you can with the project file or whatever the cat planet it is.
  9. Has the group behind all these shenanigans ever actually accomplished anything? I'm almost certain(99%, not 100% though!) that this bill will totally fall short, but I'm actually curious as to what they hope to accomplish with this. Teehee!
  10. Panning everything to the middle makes compositions feel kinda bleh. Panning everything hard-left/hard-right can make compositions feel really bleh. In moderation, you can use panning to widen a mix and make everything sound fippy sippy pippy. The trick is to have a balance even when you use panning, so even though one instrument may be a deal more on the right side, the left side doesn't feel like it's empty.
  11. I usually write a song in around 3-4 days. It's because I get pretty nitpicky with small things and go all OCD-crusade on every little thing I dislike. Everyone has their own process, though, and in the past I used to write songs in one day. They felt really repetitive, so I spent more time on arrangement, and I think my music improved for it. This isn't to say it's the right way to do it, it's just to say this is how I do it.
  12. I don't like it when people claim that they're doing music "just as a joke" when they get called out for things. It happens all of the time, you tell people that they're not as good rappers as they claim to be in their extremely stupid 4 minute braggadocio snorefest(not talking about you, just in general) and they say it was "just for fun" and that you shouldn't rate it so seriously. In the future, if someone says the vocals are bad, take it as is instead of trying to excuse the bad vocals on some other factor. Or if any other thing is bad, really. It's a little bit of a pet peeve for me, but I'm sure others think the same thing.
  13. Basically this. I can't really add anything at all to this.
  14. this is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen
  15. This is the most anti-Microsoft statement I've ever heard, and I use Linux.
  16. Even more probably, both. In that order.
  17. inb4lulzsecishatedbyeveryone owait Seriously, though, what the hell? At this point, they've made it perfectly clear that they're just doing this because they're assholes. I don't even think the most violent of Sony-bashers can back them up at this point.
  18. This is pretty cool, and since I don't listen to Bossa Nova at all I can offer no critique besides "this is pretty cool".
  19. The PSVITA price is better than the 3DS. The PSVITA has better battery life than the 3DS. The PSVITA has some great second-party titles that sell systems. Got nuthin' on this. The PSVITA has all sorts of Third Party Support.
  20. Heh, that was pretty tongue in cheek of me. I am interested in seeing what happens when they go home, but I'm just worried in what they'll do to keep the sequel fresh. You can't go back to fighting the Covenant after you've defeated Gravemind and still make it seem as dangerous, so they'll have to find some way to keep the intensity there. There are plenty of different ways to do it, but they all end in some sort of silliness or shenanigans which I wouldn't appreciate.
  21. Wow, a DrumUltimA mix with no posts? I'm surprised . That said, the piano at the beginning is pretty nice, but when the strings kick in it really picks up. The drum loop that follows really adds intensity to the mix. The high resonant synths are cool, but get a little bit boring after awhile(I think that may be why they were dropped out). I like the bass hits throughout. This has a nice sense of dynamics and motion, and I definitely like the progressive nature of it. It feels a little bit right heavy at the beginning, though you do fix it, and as I've said before, the high resonance synths are a cool idea, but they're pretty quiet and they either get dropped or drowned out. A great start, especially for being outside of your comfort zone! I like the direction it's going in, too, and I can't wait for the finished version.
  22. The problem here is your mixing. That synth is too loud and overbearing, quiet it down, EQ out some of the bass frequencies. Crash cymbals can actually be a hell of a lot quieter than you think and still be powerful, so don't even worry about that and just mix it down a bit.
  23. Part of the reason the Wii sold so insanely well was because it was cheap, so this could be good for Sony. Plus, with all of the lackluster 3DS responses based on the mediocre launch lineup and the weak battery, combined with PSVITA's awesome launch lineup, they might actually be able to break into the handheld market.
  24. LSC in 3 minutes! People, get moving if you want in on this!
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