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Everything posted by starla

  1. Hey all!! I'm moderating a Carole and Tuesday project and would love to present the opportunity to join to the OCR community! For music we are looking for remixes, arrangements and general love for the outstanding and diverse OST showcased in the anime. We're also seeking artists and writers if that's more your thing! In order to participate you must submit an application by July 31st. You can back out so I would recommend applying if you're interested at all!! Tumblr: https://caroleandtuesdayzine.tumblr.com/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/candtzine Musician Applications: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeuTlrf0OIQPrpVs5wEqZN6pvqNiyv5JcZbrqh4sLR50IArcA/viewform I'd love to see you guys there!! starla aka Mod Roddy
  2. Back on January 31st 2008, I had no idea OHC would still be running five hundred rounds later. Many of us had joined in several compos over various websites and IRC servers, it was sometimes disappointing to find that you had missed the latest compo or difficult to find out when the next one was. Using ThaSauce's platform, we were able to create OHC - a constant meeting time and place, providing us with that much needed stability. Not only can community members find a constant weekly compo with challenging themes and an instant audience, but others could join in without having to know someone beforehand to "get in," thus removing the exclusivity from such a beneficial exercise. If you've ever seen me talk at a ThaSauce panel, you know the passion I feel for OHC brings me to tears. The music we've created together, the memes we've conquered, the interpretations and albums we've seen brought to light has been a journey, to say the least. And to see us reaching the five hundredth iteration is beyond expectations. For those of you who aren't familiar, OHC is for newbies and veterans alike. It's a place for us all to focus and create for an hour (and twenty minutes), share our creations, learn and grow. I'd love to see faces, old and new, join me in this challenge that is One Hour Compo Round 500 this Thursday, May 10th at 6 PST / 9 EST. Are you up for the challenge? http://compo.thasauce.net/compos/view/OHC Join us for discussion in #thasauce on irc.esper.net Love, ~starla
  3. Hello there. I am picky. I do like saving the world, and Trenthian. Hmu if you dare.
  4. I logged in for this shit
  5. I think this thread disappeared because we all know where to go Thursdays now.... bump for great justice and introducing more to the passion that is OHC <3
  6. As promised... First, I make-a the design-a. Then, I get a transparency printed at FedEx Kinkos (thanks to Fusion2004 I have lost the game) Next, photo emulsion is poured to prepare the screen. The screen is covered and placed into the Yudu fan compartment to dry in the dark. Any light hitting it at this point will cause it to cook the emulsion, so this must be done in the dark. Next, the transparency is placed under the screen and flooded with light. The emulsion is exposed for a time. after this point I remove the screen and wash it, only the covered letters and design wash off leaving the screen as a stencil ready to be used for screenprinting. The finished screen is now flooded with paint and pressed down against a shirt. After pressing the paint through, a shirt is completed. Many completed shirts! Send me a PM with shirt color/ink color preferences. I can do up to XL for $15 no shipping in the US, larger will be more as I'll have to order or find a good vendor. Each screen is not cheap and takes time to create, working full time I'm not doing custom shirt design requests at this time, especially not for a single shirt.
  7. Xarnax42 I fixed your entry, it was 1 character too long and works now without the parentheses, unless you want me to rename it a different way. If you have a late entry or WIP please send it to FBRC@thasauce.net and I will post them.
  8. Sorry, with getting sick, nerdapalooza and having a million guests over I hadn't been internetting much. Rerolls have gone out. Dave the Rave we did get both of your requests.
  9. Banning all non-US listeners aside, this is pretty cool. I've been idling most of the day in it and participating here and there, and have found a couple songs that I love enough to seek out. Fun
  10. We need to hear back from 3 people: Gario Suzumebachi LuketheXjesse I can't do rerolls till we get an email back from these 3. The following have accepted: Amphibious - Final Fantasy 3 - The Boundless Ocean Requested by: Gario BlackPanther - Space Station Silicon Valley - Snow Joke Requested by: JH Sounds Bundeslang - Gremlins 2 - Level 1 Requested by: Brandon Strader Chernabogue - King's Quest VII - In The Clouds Requested by: The Mac Attack Cyril the Wolf - Legacy of the Wizard - Any (Recommend: Worzen Family, Preparations, and Warrior's Theme) Requested by: Xarnax42 DJ SymBiotiX - Jazz Jackrabbit - Diamondus Requested by: Sockpuppet Eilios - Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Gumshoe's Theme Requested by: The Mac Attack Jacob Diaz - Warlocked - Intro Requested by: Moseph jmr - Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin - The Gears Go Awry Requested by: Chernabogue ladyWildfire - Blast Corps - Cromlech Court Requested by: JH Sounds MetalMan - Crash Bandicoot: Warped - Skull Route Requested by: Rexy Moseph - Terranigma - Elle Requested by: Suzumebachi mv - SaGa Frontier II - Feldschlacht I Requested by: ProjectSpam Neblix - Beatmania IIDX 7th Style - Zero-One Requested by: DJ SymBiotiX prophetik - Super Smash Tv - Circuit 1 Requested by: BlackPanther Rexy - Final Fantasy 10 - Besaid island Requested by: Joseph Wells Sockpuppet - Shin Bokura no Taiyou - Gyakushuu no Sabata - Vanargand Requested by: Taylor Brown Xarnax42 - Golden Sun - Normal Battle Requested by: metalsnakejuice
  11. Chernabogue: TheMacAttack requested your song, if you want to ask them for clarification.
  12. Challenges are being sent out NOW. Please don't be quick to reroll. Some really great challenges were made this year, at least give them a try before straight out requesting another
  13. Regular compos definitely should have a stickied thread. There are a lot of regularly occuring compos hosted on thasauce's system that don't get a lot of people joining but when people find out about them they're interested. I find that people don't really like to participate in compos unless they have an audience they can discuss their tracks with, or even an audience they can discuss their track with while they're making it. #thasauce on irc.esper.net is always there, available for listening parties and discussion. It's fun to see the way it explodes for OHC on Thursday nights, but it's important to note the number of people who linger and stay and discuss other stuff. The community sustains it and the more people participate, the more people want to join in. Having a compo with no place to discuss it beyond an informative forum post sucks. I propose you move the end of every PRC consistently to Saturday afternoon and have a listening party in #thasauce, if i'm around i'm more than happy to host it. Many times the OHC listening parties are hosted by a musician who participated rather than the compo organizer. An informative thread describing the compo being stickied in the Competitions section would help as well. Rama will be working on the compo front page to more informatively display what ongoing compos there are currently, but regular compos like PRC should have more people participating if they just knew it was going on. PRC is a great idea but no one ever seems to know about it.
  14. I feel like there's usually some extra festivities after for a couple days with all the people still in town. There is also usually a pre-party the day before the event. I'm still pretty new to Orlando so I keep seeing cool things to do in the downtown area. We'll probably have to organize some sort of Disney World event for those who are interested too.
  15. I'm excited for tonights compo! http://compo.thasauce.net/rounds/view/OHC126 Don't forget to post theme ideas in the OHC thread over at thasauce <3 http://forums.thasauce.net/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=1664 See you there!
  16. Pretty bad, good production, her song jam was way worse Are there music videos yet? I expect the videos will be better than her songs.
  17. Albeit with less details and curiously not the day of, which happens to be today
  18. Sorry about the late reply, I'm always on IRC but I never forum. Dyne is now hosting his 2 hour Dynamic Compo (2DC) every Saturday, 8 PST /11 EST. These are themed compos with discussion and listening parties hosted in #thasauce on irc.esper.net. http://compo.thasauce.net/compos/view/2DC
  19. The Talon remix was removed, you can find it at http://www.doulifee.com/Storage/OC_Removed/ and there's an extended version at http://remix.thasauce.net/song/RTS0109/ - No worries, I've come a long way since making those :)

  20. Due to OHC and Thanksgiving always falling on a Thursday, there will not be an OHC this week. Instead, enjoy a Doubles Dash Compo tonight. See you next week!
  21. Esper used to be a joke and would split almost daily. ETG has not improved whereas Esper has become significantly more stable - ETG has had several splits of its own recently that essentially disable the chat room. I've been banned for bullshit "security" reasons as well. One thing ETG uses to pre-emptively ban people is the CBL database, which specifically states in its TOS that it should NOT be used for IRC, just mass email spammers. http://cbl.abuseat.org/tandc.html CBL lists just about EVERY cell phone IP, so forget trying to connect to ETG on a mobile device. Ashamee has had to reconnect several times and restart her phone just to get a cleared IP. The other thing I've seen people get banned with (Obtuse specifically) was through SORBS. http://www.dnsbl.sorbs.net/ When he was banned he was linked to this site (Cached version - their "DONATE" $50 TO GET YOUR NAME REMOVED FROM THE SPAM DB LIST OMFG WHAT???? was removed - http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:KJu6jirI3DcJ:https://www.dnsbl.au.sorbs.net/faq/spamdb.shtml+sorbs+donate&cd=2&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us )... he was seriously told you have to PAY MONEY to get delisted. ETG is using these databases for what is not their intended purpose and have been causing problems for honest people trying to connect. Esper has been solid for a couple years now, and I see #thasauce moving there too if #ocremix moves. I don't really care about nickserv but I would use it when on esper. Another thing ETG does that is terrible is bans you for having too many people on one IP. If you have 2 people at your house, and your internet hiccups and both reconnect you now have *4* active connections and GUESS WHAT YOU JUST EARNED A K-LINE. Anyway, I'm all for a move. I'm really happy to see that the admins here aren't too hesitant about it. #ocremix is the largest channel on ETG and it might be worth asking them if they would be willing to change their policies before outright moving.
  22. qfe qfe qfe
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