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Everything posted by erineclipse

  1. http://www.fileden.com/files/2010/4/3/2815300//ShedOneTear.mp3 Need crit.
  2. Lot of atonality going on here. Lots of incorrect notes as well. I don't really know where to begin, but I like the song. Sounds sort of Smash brothers-y.
  3. Probably just a bunch of eight year old's getting their kicks.
  4. Rebooting - Good start but it's my personal taste to get rid of those off key chords/notes (I know their intentional, but it makes the track sound a little too military. Just a personal preference.) The drums fit in well though. Boss Fight - Rather weak, but I'm used to epic boss fight music ala Metroid Prime. Your track, although a nice listen, would be far better suited as a title screen of some sort. I suppose you could modify it, but you'd need to add in some darker chords, some sharper drums, and harder hitting instruments.
  5. Or so. This is an ORIGINAL TRACK it just sounds plagiarized...which is pure coincidence...anyway I am wondering what I should do to make the sound more interesting, the melody sounds good and I like the instruments, but the sound is very quiet and there should be more going on. Need all the help I can get, I should probably learn this stuff before I continue forward... http://www.fileden.com/files/2010/4/3/2815300//song1.wav
  6. Glad I could help. I'm sure your next song will be just as interesting.
  7. 2.05/5.00? C'mon, I didn't know Newgrounds had THAT big of a stick up their (well...
  8. Great song but I found the metronome intrusive and their seemed to be some sort of clicking sound in the background. Also, how did you learn to compose music?
  9. I wrote another song, it's supposed to be a racing song. Please critique it. I will give virtual smileys. http://www.mixpod.com/playlist/75229273 http://mp3upload.ca/music/download/35862
  10. Yes you have too many phrases that run into each other.
  11. Interesting that it would appear on khinsider, I thought they only host game mp3's there. Sweet.
  12. Rather melancholic I'd say, a little bit on the repetitive side but in this case I think that works in your favor.
  13. Well, on Ash's Quest some of the movements you had didn't seem to produce much of a story when they were added together. Also, it seemed too sequenced, lots of gaps inbetween melodies and it didn't seem to flow well. The melodies themselves were alright but when added together as a song it didn't seem to form much of a direction. The trance song was good although some parts seemed too drag on a little too long (but it's trance, so go figure.) The rap song started off pretty well, the synths weren't bad but could have been slightly better. The other 2 songs I didn't remember too well, I couldn't find anything wrong with them but I didn't listen all the way through either.
  14. I can't seem to find the soundtrack for the Pokemon Anime anywhere on Youtube. Does anyone know where I can find it?
  15. You have some very good music although some of the transitions are a bit blocky. Also, some of the ideas carry on too long or don't really mesh well together, although they sound good individually.
  16. What you have here is good but you need to add more rests and embellishments so it can breathe imbetween melodies. And if I'm not mistaken there seems to be a midi lag going on, maybe you are using midi and non-midi at the same time?
  17. Wonderful composition but gets rather boring after a few mins. Maybe some drums or bass would help. Not sure about that though.
  18. Other M had a soundtrack? Why wasn't I informed?The only soundtrack I can remember were the end credits. Oh and while you're at it can you remix Sanctuary Fortress? I love that song.
  19. I liked the piano arp, the rest was ok but I suggest making a new song starting with the piano arp, the song as it is didn't really have much of a form musically. Also, I don't know if it was my speakers but the second note had a lot of distortion. I don't know too much theory myself but it might help if you knew some theory so you could add more structure to your song.
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