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Everything posted by erineclipse

  1. Music without video. The question we must ask ourselves...is music without video lonely?
  2. Well yes, that's the thing, videogame music is really unique, so if you learn a class about baroque music it may not help you with certain games. also, the -__- thing...basically melodies with purely quarter notes get boring and don't really have any structure. you might want to add 3/8 notes and 1/8 notes to make it more interesting. variation is also good throughout the song, changing the drum beats and arps here and there too.
  3. Neat idea, but my mouse kind of sucks and i don't know much music theory so i probably won't make anything good in that short of time.
  4. I forgot to mention, on the ratometer (value range 0-10) a song must have an average of at least 5 in facet quantity or else technically it does not qualify as facet containing.
  5. Have you figured out how to get rid of tempo lag? For example there's a delay went FL studio tries to change tempo from automation clips.
  6. Yep it was checked. Everything is working now though.
  7. yes a lot does, but some does not, especially the "older" classical music that came around before the famous people, that noone listens to. also, when I say japanese dissonance, i don't mean "traditional" japanese instruments. Here's what im talking about:
  8. i believe the didgeridoo-ish synth can be found in zeta3 but i forgot what preset. you also might have to apply a vocoder im not sure. the ice rain can be found in Native Instrument's Carbon 2 (free version.)
  9. i think at 0:16 the melody should start. also the low strings were kind of boring imo. if you changed nothing it still would be pretty good though.
  10. i like dissonance, my speakers aren't very good but it just didn't sound right to me for some reason.
  11. bump because soundcloud is fudged and original link did not work.
  12. yeah but the blocks on the automation clips are 4 times bigger so that's 4 times more scrolling. Also with the patterns you don't have to manually change it every time you want to place a different pattern. Also its a good way to organize effects vs. music. Also, I think it's a good techno song, if that's what you want it to be. If you don't want it to be a techno song, then it's pretty bad then. Though, the melodies aren't the best, they dont really flow well with each other. Also, try something like __-__-"""-___ instead of _--""--_ where all the notes are the same length. PS: Are there any music classes that would help with contemporary videogame music?
  13. Bump because soundcloud is fudged and did not direct people to the right song.
  14. tryed to ignore the fact that my ears were bleeding from that reed thingy, but finally gave up on it. i thought music school was supposed to teach you how to compose good music...i might as well stick with my lack of theory for now...lol
  15. Oh, isn't that the same as the Clone function? I thought it was function I never heard of that automatically detected key and melody and assigned a variation automatically. sounded too good to be true anyway lol, i admit I was skeptical at best.
  16. there's a Make Unique function? are you sure it does what you think?
  17. Pop music, and ice cream truck music, some house music, some dance, electronica and techno, some forms of rock and roll, and classical.
  18. I guess I like some structure, just not structure that seems like structure. even songs with a verse and choruses that repeat seems repetitive to me, but at the same time i like it. its like im stuck in the middle of the crossroads and i dont know where to go. also never said i was really an electronica fan lol.
  19. its a Presario SR5500F. Wav files are bigger. I'll try 16 and see what happens. EDIT: FL studio is fudgeware. I exported as 16 bit and at the end my speakers played a continous sine wave noise like my soundcard was broken (no not my onboard sound, my actual speakers.) I had to close FL for it to stop. Anyway I played the mp3 and there are notes that keep playing much after there duration has stopped. Fudgeware. (using fl 9 producer ed. xxl btw.) EDIT 2: Tried it again and no errors this time. Also the drums are better now. Thanks
  20. yes of course. most videogame music does not have all of these facets, but the key is that videogame music without at least one or two of these facets will suck.
  21. yes i know, but i wanted to limit it to videogame music in case there was an obscure genre ive never heard of that does not have these facets. i referenced pop music as an example that not all genres have 7 facets. for example, britney spears music has a facet of sexual arousal, as an actual feature of the music, when you hear her voice. im not sure if *most* videogame music has that quality, probably a couple of songs for a few people, but normally no. also im pretty sure ragtime does not have "japanese dissonance."at first i actually wanted to say "music" but at the last minute changed it to "videogame music."
  22. compaq a few years old, vista 3 gb ram onboard sound card. installed asio 4 all. used basic settings on export, mp3, max bitrate, 32 bit depth, everything on left enabled but did not enable dithering. everything on right side disabled except delay compensation. used 6 point hermite since 512 would take all day. looping mode cut remainder.
  23. yes but some of us want to break free...even the stuff on the radio sounds like this, my ears have become accustomed to it and i try to escape from it (and fail.)
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