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Everything posted by pokemoneinstein

  1. It should be easy to edit in your profile. Profile > User CP > Settings & Options (under "Edit Options"). Scroll way down, and under "Thread Display mode," choose "Linear (Oldest First)"
  2. I would say the overall goal is to give under-loved music the credit it deserves, meaning rather than seeing it as a driven album, seeing the project as individual remixes assembled into a group. I'll talk to Brushfire, and maybe you, he, and myself can co-run the thing. I was thinking it wouldn't start for at least a little while, though. As for now, we should discuss names, which songs we think should be on the first volume of the project, and which songs we should add to the track list of the project as a whole. My initial thoughts are that there are about 3 or four songs per game on that list. Volume one could be one course song from each game, every listed title theme (which happens to be every one but DS), and the Awards Ceremony. That would be 12 songs. Then we could include just a couple of extras, probably one extra Wii song, and one extra Double Dash song (just going by which has the most tracks listed). Volume 2 would then be the rest of them. And if both go over well, we could think about a Volume 3. I do have a couple of thoughts, though. First is for Moo Moo Farms. I think whoever does it should do a "Hillbilly Remix." It would be interesting to see what they would do if djpretzel wasn't the only one with one of those accepted, anymore. My other idea is that we could include a lot of shorter bonus tracks, which are made without the intention of getting accepted to the site. I'd be happy to make a couple of those. And lastly, for my own personal benefit, I'd like to try my hand at the GBA Bowser's Castle theme. But if there's someone who desperately wants it, I'd gladly hand it over. I'm not officially claiming it now, because I think claiming songs should come after we've decided what's actually going to be ON the first volume, but we'll see. Maybe we could decide what's going to be on it based on which tracks are claimed first.
  3. Well nobody really seems interested. I've updated the first post with a potential list of tracks to be done, and hopefully some more discussions will brew up. I'm a lot more confident that I want this project to happen, and I'd love to head it up. So please, everybody who's interested, just say you are at the very least. I plan on updating the track list with links to the songs tomorrow, but tonight I don't have time.
  4. Honestly, I think you could take those voice clip changes and drum changes even farther. I think the drums still need more oomph, and the voices should be a bit more in the back. But all-in-all, it's a pretty good remix. The soundscape you have going is really nice, and save for the drums, the EQ is really good, I think.
  5. I can't tell the difference in realism, but then again, I'm not the best at production. I can hear what you mean about the "clean environment." I would say you should go back to the ones you used in the first mix, but you might want to wait to hear from someone who's a lot better at critiquing than I am.
  6. I'd like to point out that " " would make a nice addition to this list.
  7. I've done first little bit of my remix, entitled "But One of the Legends." It's going to start out like this, and include an oral retelling of the opening story. The second round of the chorus is going to be more fully orchestral, and I'm keeping this part as folk-like as I can without it sounding too underdone. After the legend is told out loud (which will essentially be one loop of the song, just as in the intro to the game), it will pick up into a more remixed version. But unfortunately, due to the long, conservative intro, I'm not too confident it will get accepted. But we'll see where it goes.
  8. I see... Interesting...

  9. I'm requesting the Brawl version because it's a combination of the themes from each of the first two games that fits amazingly well. It's a fantastic song, and I'd love to hear someone do a remix of it. Or anything from Pikmin, really. This site has an incredible lack of Pikmin songs, and that series has amazing music. Pretty much every track is fantastic, and part of the beauty is that there are only a small handful of songs in each game. I would do it myself, but I've got a lot of other music to focus on. Anyway, if anyone wants to take my suggestion, that'd be great, and I think you'd have a lot of fun working on it.
  10. Great collection there.
  11. Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't see that. The second reason is good, though the genre tagging system would fix the problem with the first. if a song has elements of multiple genres, it would be tagged with them. I still think searching by genre would be a great feature, but I understand the decision not to include it. There isn't much way around the second point, save for the fact that if someone who likes, say, dubstep, listens to a song that has jazz elements, and decides from there to check out songs that are more heavily influenced by jazz, and then discovers one with orchestral elements, and thing goes on to listen to more orchestral songs, then discovers orchestral rock, then regular rock, and blah blah blah, I'm sure you all get it.
  12. Why, exactly, does the site not have this feature? Remixes could be tagged with genre tags, like rock, chiptune, orchestral, jazz, and people could search for a certain genre, and everything with that tag would pop up. It would be an incredible task to add genres to all the songs, but I think it would probably be worth it. And then, of course for future submissions, genre tags could be a requirement.
  13. I have a question. Is submitting a remix for a second Mod Review discouraged, or is it acceptable? The first post doesn't mention the option to do it, but it also doesn't suggest not to.
  14. You know, now that I think about it, you're totally right! XD
  15. I wouldn't call it a nightclub mix, I'd say it's more just typical dance. But a name is a name, not the song itself. Very nice work, I really enjoyed it!
  16. Is it too late to sign up? If it is, I'll go for Volume 3, but if you're open to extra tracks, I'd love to do Fawful's Theme from M&L3, or Cackletta's theme from the first game. I also have a great idea for Spat's Theme, from Hamtaro: Ham-Ham Heartbreak (He's still a villain... right?). Or better than any of the above, I want to remix Team Rocket's Motto, from the Pokémon TV Series. But since that's from the show, maybe it wouldn't be fit for OCR. Or if you're open to new ReMixers but not new tracks, I'd love to take a crack at a Bowser theme, like suggested in the first post. Maybe even a medley.
  17. I brought it up an octave, and I think it helped. This bridge, though, is based on the bridge from the original song. Is it hard to tell that it's form the source? I could make the notes a little more similar to the original of you think I should. And thanks for the tip about the piano solo, by the way. Oh, please, I want to make it onto the site. You were quite kind in what you said, and I very much appreciate that. Thank you. Though even when someone does tear my work apart, as long as it’s constructive, all I feel towards them is gratitude. Sometimes I get a bit disheartened on top of it, but I know that people often aren’t critical for the sake of making someone feel bad, but rather for the sake of making someone get better.
  18. Here's a VST set that would be great for the folk style: http://www.soundsonline.com/Gypsy Unfortunately, only the people here with pretty sizable wallets, or a lot of Christmas cash to spend can get it :/
  19. The Wii U is my big gaming joy. But as for games of 2012, these are the ones I can't wait for: Pikmin 3 Luigi's Mansion 2 Paper Mario 4 Fire Emblem 13 (I REALLY hope they release this one in the US) I also look forward to Xenoblade Chronicles, but not so much as to save up to buy it on the first day. If I already have the money for it, great. If not, I won't bother until I get it.
  20. Updated yet again. This time, the remix is finished off. From my point of view, anyway. It's clear the most of your guys have no interest, and those of you who had any already gave me your suggestions. So I guess I'm ready for Mod Review.
  21. Thanks! I wanted to make sure they could be heard without overpowering the music itself. I'm happy it worked.
  22. I've updated the first post with the newest version of the remix. I've finished it off time-wise, and I'd love some more feedback.
  23. Don't forget all the other great music! Especially from Super Circuit, the most underrated Mario Kart game out there.
  24. It sounds very cool! I like it a lot. You definitely need a kick in the percussion in the beginning, though. I also think you may have overused the Navi clips. Maybe switch some of them out for some voices from some other characters, besides Ganondorf's laugh. I'm not the best at feedback, but I hope I helped a little.
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