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Everything posted by pokemoneinstein

  1. Beyond listening to them while I'm making them, and listening after I'm done for minor edits, I tend to listen to them for my own pleasure every now and then for a couple weeks. But after that, I pretty much ignore them.
  2. I must say, the Main Theme from Fire Emblem is really under-appreciated. has got to be my favorite.The is also unite beautiful.
  3. While the search by game feature is a decent substitute, it would be great to have a search by song option. That way, when songs are redone game-by-game, you can get a list of every remixed arrangement. The Super Mario Bros. theme, for example, is everywhere. It's got official remixes that are then remixed. Search by Game isn't much help there.
  4. Congratulations to all three of you! You're going to do this site terrific justice.
  5. So glad to see it's finally been listed on the site. This is still perhaps my favorite remix of all time.
  6. My most played are "Shades of Red" and "Drowning Blue." "Thunderstruck" is quickly making its way up there, too.
  7. 1) pretty much everything everyone else said. Attention, improvement, etc. Often to prove to themselves or others that they can get accepted. 2) I've only done it once, and that was to get a piece of music that I love more attention, because it deserves it. I plan on submitting things in the future, but mostly as songs that I want to make, and when they're done, there isn't much point in not trying. The most important thing to me when making music is perfection, so there isn't really any downside to submitting, because either way, I get tips and criticisms.
  8. Can't wait to see what you come up with EDIT: Now that I think about it, those orchestra hits might be perfect for the introduction.
  9. Thank you Jordanrooben, and everyone else for that matter, for the support! In any case, i've updated the first post with the YouTube link if it interests anybody.
  10. Absolutely, try picking it up again. That would be great!
  11. Not true, it depends on how conservative you are. In order to be a ReMix, all you need is a clear influence from the original. You can vary as much as you want, as long as it's identifiable as the source. What can make melodies difficult is the composition, not the platform they're on. Sure, the more advanced the console, the more advanced the whole song can be, but the melody is only one aspect of it. It's all the backing, effects, and percussion that makes most simple songs complex, and if you include them in a remix the way they are in an original, it's deemed too conservative.
  12. The harpsichord-like instrument is very audible around 1:10, and the xylophone-like one is clear at 1:57
  13. Fellow noob here. I love this song. Now as for your version: The arrangement is great, I'm really liking this a lot. The problem is, it seems far wetter than you want, and it sounds to me like it's mostly reverb. Take some of that off of everything, especially the drums. And speaking of the drums, the kick could be made both clearer and louder. The lead can also be EQed a bit. I'd say it should be brightened up a good amount. And as for some of the synth choices, I wouldn't use those orchestra hits. If I were you, I'd use some other sort of synth, possibly chiptunes, even. And there are some instruments that sound almost like harpsichords and xylophones. I'd suggest changing those, too, this ReMix sounds too synthy for those to work well as-is. I'm sure it can be done, but I'm no help in suggesting how, so if I were you I'd just change them. Don't regard anything I say as anything more than opinion and possibility, though. I'm also just learning. But in fact, I'm trying to get interest going in a Mario Kart remix project. Maybe you could keep working on this as a remix for the album.
  14. My intention was for the whole series, I'm pretty dedicated to getting songs from every game on the album. If anything, we should leave them out of it. SMK has 4 accepted remixes and MK64 has 5. DS has one, and none of the others have any at all. Essentially, I'm against leaving any games off, but I'm VERY strongly opposed to just making it focus on SNES and N64. Frankly, in my opinion, the best of the series' music isn't on either of them, besides Mario Circuit and the two Rainbow Road songs.
  15. I have exactly the opposite problem
  16. Well, I don't know if it will be. Fingers crossed! Thanks for the confidence nonetheless
  17. Yeah, the funny thing is that I don't care as much about getting accepted as an artist. I care about Mario and Luigi music getting some OCR-accepted remixes XD Thanks everybody for the comments, etc, and especially to you, Rozo. I'll fix some stuff up and submit it when I can!
  18. I can't speak for anybody else, but I knew.
  19. I agree that best recordings is a better choice. Best songs to be played by an orchestra is so broad and incredibly hard to judge, especially considering that a source and its orchestral arrangement can be something else entirely.
  20. The separate discs idea was what I was thinking of. Thanks! But no, I think we should do a project for the series as a whole, and I think each disc should just be a collection of themes from across the various games. Though I suppose if we did discs rather than volumes, it wouldn't matter quite as much. Maybe Disc 1 could be all the title themes, and all the main series themes, Disc 2 could be for SNES-GCN, and Disc 3 could be for DS-7, and the bonus tracks. Rivalry mixes I don't support for this project. Maybe another time, but we've got so many songs to do as it is, and I'd like to give each (or most) some proper individual attention.
  21. Woah, woah, wait. No Toad Town remix? Is it too late to change that? I have a lot that I'm working on, so I can't. I'd love to do it, but I can't. I just want to point that out in case somehow nobody noticed that yet.
  22. I'll be quoting Tuberz because I agree with most of what he said. My thoughts are in bold. As I've said before, it does sound pretty good, and good luck getting accepted when the time comes.
  23. That's certainly strange. I'm pretty sure it's the default, but I could be wrong. But I think the linear layout is the standard for vBulletin, this place is the only forum on which I've seen it any different.
  24. I'm not sure exactly how soon the process will start, but if it's unclaimed by the time you get your stuff back, consider it yours! Besides, there'll be plenty of chance to do it for Volume 2. But there's still a question of whether or not we want it in separate volumes, as opposed to one single release. Is anyone opposed to either idea? I know the FFIV album released with a TON of songs in a single album.
  25. Nothing to be done yet, but your opinions on all of the posed questions would be nice.
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