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Everything posted by pokemoneinstein

  1. I didn't think I would. Should I? I mean it isn't exactly a full-on remix, but I guess I did compose the bass, chords, and stuff all by my self, and repeated things a couple of times. But it's still following the basic structure of the original. I guess submitting it wouldn't hurt. I really don't expect it'd be accepted, though.
  2. Well yes, I love it. XD EDIT: Updated with a new version. All I really did was strengthen the percussion and add some countermelodies, but it really makes a big difference.
  3. Agreed, but I think it really fits exactly the feeling I was going for. Do you think I should change it?
  4. Well what I mean by "potential" is in its current form. I've listed it as finished because I only plan to make very small changes to it if any at this point. But thank you for your input!
  5. Source: Remix: http://www.box.com/s/2bxnzpyl7oo6u4r6klfb Remix (New Version): http://www.box.com/s/dfl5br5dsx1gvxghsgob As you can see, the source is mostly just a lead and a little bit of percussion, with two or three bass notes in the entire thing. But regardless, my remix is still pretty conservative, so I don't intend on submitting it unless you all think it has potential to be accepted anyway. But I am posting to get your guys' critiques and opinions. What do you all think?
  6. There are plenty of tracks left to claim, everyone! Come get them while you can! Once 15 have been taken, I'll be posting the first WIP deadline.
  7. Yeah. Well, on the bright side, I know for the future.
  8. Well it says to update PLAY after installing the libraries. Thanks for your help, but I think I'm just doing something with the installation wrong.
  9. Where would I find that? It's not on the first installation disc, and shouldn't that just naturally be the first disc you install? Do I find it online?
  10. This is just a quick question. I was trying to install it, but it said the installation failed. The manual says to click on the package that has the word "installer" in the title, but there are two. It contains the installer for the Silver edition and that for the Gold edition. I tried doing it for the Gold edition. Do I need to install Silver first and then do Gold, or is this just some fluke and I should try again the same way I did before? EDIT: I'm sure it would also help you to know I'm on a Mac
  11. I see I'm not the only one who works out to OC Remix. XD
  12. Actually, he claims and seems to have used the overworld theme. All the level themes in Super Mario World are remixes of that one main theme. The context of this song just makes it sound more like the castle's version than the regular one.
  13. It sounds good, I like it! One thing that really sticks out though is the piano/cello bass. The notes hold for too long, I suggest switching them to staccato if you can, or else just maximizing their attack speed, and making their sustain very fast.
  14. Of course this sale happens 2 weeks after I buy my samples...
  15. How do you get the content otherwise? Am I overlooking some huge download link somewhere?
  16. I actually have a quick question I feel doesn't deserve its own thread. Since the original has been answered, I feel it's fine to jump on this one. Anyway, for the additional mic stands, what's the difference between buying a bundle, and buying the bundle license? Everything on their site is listed once for each.
  17. No deadline, yet, not enough tracks have been claimed. How about this: You can remix Delfino Square. If you've finished that and you want to remix a second track on the album, you can go right ahead on Banshee Boardwalk. Sound like a plan?
  18. My new rule for additional tracks is that you need to show a WIP to either myself, Electrolisystem, or Brushfire before we add you. Since they're not the ones that determine that the project is finished, but they still count towards the total track count, we need to make sure that they're exceptional.
  19. Bowser's Castle for GBA is in E Minor, but I'm doing that one. I suppose if you really want to, there can be two versions of the song, but I'd try to find another way, first.
  20. Oh, alright, I missed that. Thanks!

  21. I'd love to try my hand at designing the album art, if you guys are willing to let me.
  22. Hey there, I submitted a remix a few weeks ago called "Land of the Beans." I got the confirmation email on January 8th, long before the latest update of the Judging Process thread, but it's not listed in the thread itself. The thread says if this happens to send the submission info directly to a judge, but I wanted to double-check to make sure you guys didn't get it first. So would you know if it fell through?

  23. Platinum isn't ALL that much better, and you can always upgrade. But if they're selling it for the same price as gold, you should go for it!
  24. Well AlmightyArceus is very good at deciphering what keys songs are in. I suggest finding a couple of songs you'd like to do, and asking AlmightyArceus which one/s are in a minor key. I'm sure he'd be happy to help.
  25. Wow, the chip tune sounds are great! The slides and things you've done with the lead sound nice, but I think I prefer the old synth. Overall, the leads seem like they should be less gritty in this mix. The harpsichord thing sounds much better, and this is coming along very nicely. There are other things that need fixing, but unfortunately, I'm not so good at reviewing yet. I can't put my finger on it, so someone who's more experienced would be better help here.
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