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Everything posted by pokemoneinstein

  1. It isn't "fresh" enough to pass on OCR, but it's very enjoyable, and a lot of fun. Great work! Though I feel I must ask... No Sunshine? No handheld?
  2. I can't help but notice that "Smiles and Tears" isn't listed in the section for EarthBound, and I can't think of any other name it may have. I also can't help but wonder if there are other songs from the game that I'm not familiar with that aren't included. Anyway, if there isn't just something I'm missing, it should be fixed.
  3. It needs to be officially approved as an OCR project before you can do that. Right now it's just your thing.
  4. Yeah, the bass is definitely too loud. I turned it up to check the reverb, but I forgot to turn it back down. I definitely will add more of the source melody. Some other motifs from EarthBound, too. This is just what I have so far. Anyone else have any tips or advice to offer? I'd really appreciate it.
  5. I don't like not being very good at making music. I never know what to fix in production, and when i do know what to change, I don't know how, or I don't have a better sample, and I don't like having to find a way around that. I also really don't like trying to figure out where changeups should come in my song. These are all things that will get better with time, I'm sure, but for now it's very frustrating. I also hate writing lyrics. I'm a terrible lyricist.
  6. Hey there! Trying something totally new, going for a sort of indie-rock style. I didn't have time to record the lyrics, so the piano that kicks in at 0:08 is just a placeholder for the vocals and I didn't put much effort into making it sound nice. It's clearly got some reverb and EQ issues. The thing is, I feel like the style I've got going is exactly what I want so far, but the instruments (mostly the guitar, bass, and keyboard) just aren't quite the way I'd like them so sound, and I was hoping some of you guys would be able to help me out in getting the sound I'm going for. I'm thinking about collabing with someone/s who can actually play real instruments and get a live recording for the instruments. That would be nice. The introduction is inspired by "Her Smile in Every Summer," so maybe someone here could help me with some production techniques to make that bit sound a bit more polished. The percussion in particular bothers me, but I'm not sure what to change. As for the bass, I'm looking for a cleaner sound with a bit more personality. Logic has so many amp customizations to choose that I have no idea where to begin. Maybe someone with Logic reading this could give me some tips on what instruments and amps might be what I'm looking for. And as for the acoustic guitar, I just don't like the sample I have. Hopefully someone could help me with how I might get it to sound better, but I think a live recording is the only real solution for that. I really appreciate any comments or help anyone's willing to offer, be they on the issues I raised or any other issues. Thanks guys! Link: http://www.box.com/s/351a854b49005ab491ea Original (Onett): I haven't incorporated Smiles and Tears yet, so no linkity. Sorry.
  7. I have no idea why you included thunder and a howl... Ditch them. That's where the instruments should kick in as the mix picks up.
  8. A reminder to all the the first check-in is just over a month away! I hope you're all working hard or planning to start soon!
  9. I don't have any pre-done work, but send me some lyrics and/or sheet music for the vocals, and I'll get going right away.
  10. i don't know what the colors mean in the character list, but I'd love to be the Happy Mask Salesman if it isn't taken. And on the subject of the opera, I saw that too. I was wondering it myself, but that seems to be much more professional and much farther in development.
  11. Alright, everybody, the first deadline is May 5, 2012. By this point, everyone who has signed up to remix must have a rough version of their remix completed.
  12. Alright, thanks for all of your advice! Now when you suggest bringing up the bass in the bridge, are you talking about an octave or just a few keys?
  13. I've added Version 1.3. I'm starting to work on a bridge, but there's something lacking. I'm thinking of keeping the strings and vibes there, but I wanted to go back to just pure piano. But if feels like there's something lacking or just not right, and I'm not sure what. Anyone got any ideas to help me out?
  14. Thank you so much for that. I've always been bothered by the bass, but I couldn't put my finger on it. And the other criticisms are very helpful, as well!
  15. Inspired mostly by "Skyward," I decided to take a crack at remixing the Ballad of the Windfish. I think it's coming along nicely so far, though it certainly has its flaws. But I'd like to get opinions on how you all think the first minute or so is sounding, since I'm still relatively new at this. Thoughts, anyone? Original: Link (v1): http://www.box.com/s/2pct4mf99bq7huqqjafx Version 1.2: http://www.box.com/s/tvupkmb0gmkilkqli8dh Version 1.3: http://www.box.com/s/73e69713c17dd0f8bac7 Version 2: https://www.box.com/s/626be9cf23480b131969 Version 3: https://www.box.com/s/878392f48680e0edc6fb Version 1.2 changes: Essentially took most, if not all of Jean Of mArc's suggestions Version 1.3 changes: Started to work on the bridge Version 2 changes: First version of the completed song; added cameo themes: Kakariko Village, Great Sea, Clock Town, Mabe Village, Island in the Sky, Outset Island, Hyrule Market
  16. We're still waiting until 15 tracks have been claimed to make the first deadline, but I'll say if another week or two passes, we'll set one anyway.
  17. Doubt it. You'd run into trouble with the whole "massive training" thing, and the game would be a breeze. What I'm really interested to see is if they can pull off a "get a new starter and have no Pokémon" thing without just making you a whole new character. I'd love to continue as the player from the originals.
  18. Maybe later. I've got too much on my plate right now.

  19. Those of you who saw it may remember my reorchestration of a song called Spat's Theme a while ago. This is in the same vein as that. it's not really a remix, so I don't intend on submitting it, but I'd still love feedback to see what people like/dislike, and see if anyone thinks there are any correctible flaws. It's pretty much finished, so something like "Change the volume here," or "add this instrument in this part" is the type of criticism I'm looking for. No huge overhauls. The percussion in the middle is pretty minimalist, and I'm thinking of adding counters to the end bit where it gets very intense. I'm also thinking of turning down the master volume at that point, but I'm not sure. Opinions on these issues are very welcome. I'm also pretty sure it's in a different key than the original, which sucks. But it's too late for that. Anyone wanna check that out for me, I'm not too good at theory stuff? Original: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v8WN_4lk6GA My version: http://www.box.com/s/0ixdudchm46322qontfg What do you think?
  20. I am, but unfortunately I'm not going to be using vocals. Sorry :/

  21. That's strange, it never notified me of these new posts. I'll put you down, and the medley is a good idea. In fact, a medley of all of the menu themes would be a great song to have, if you can do it. The original menu songs by themselves aren't really too substantial, save for the version in Wii/7, and the fewer tracks the better. And so everybody knows, chimpazilla has dropped out, which frees up Maple Treeway. Anybody who was thinking about remixing it is now free to do so. We still need a few more members to sign on before we make the first deadline.
  22. Come on guys, there are still a ton of songs left to choose from! Has anybody gotten working on their remixes, yet?
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