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  • Collaboration Status
    2. Maybe; Depends on Circumstances
  • Software - Digital Audio Workstation (DAW)
  • Composition & Production Skills
    Arrangement & Orchestration
    Drum Programming
  • Instrumental & Vocal Skills (List)
    Saxophone: Alto
    Saxophone: Soprano
    Saxophone: Tenor
  • Instrumental & Vocal Skills (Other)

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  1. I'll be performing with The OneUps this time. Swing on by if you want!
  2. Tell PAX I said hey
  3. It looks like we (Stargate) are playing Friday night. Not sure what time yet. It's an all new trio (plus some guests on some songs!), all never-before-heard arrangements in a variety of styles. Maybe even something from 3rd strike Labs is the only thing we've planned on doing thus far so this might be a once in a lifetime thing. If you can make it, please do! I love you either way tho... :EDIT: 10PM Friday
  4. Here's a lil thing I did a few months ago from Klonoa. Soprano and tenor saxophones.
  5. That's... the highest praise a video game could receive honestly. I keep hearing good things about it but now I'm even more hype. HYPER if you will
  6. BLASPHEMY Still, I can't wait to get in depth with SFV once I own Windows or PS4. I got to play Rashid for a brief couple of minutes in beta, but not for enough time to really know what I was doing. The lack of modes in a competitive fighting game isn't an issue if the engine itself plays well. As long there's a versus mode and training mode, we gravy.
  7. Next year I'm going to make it a point to rally the crew for some gaming
  8. You'll be missed Gar. I'll be in touch after
  9. I'm not familiar with this soundtrack at all, but I might play sax on something if needed, and if I'm available. Y'all know where to find me
  10. This cat can shred. There're some interesting altered harmonies in the arrangement that I liked as well.
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