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Everything posted by AngelCityOutlaw

  1. The judges agree with you! Indeed, the next version of this will hopefully blow everyone's freakin' tits off with astonishment! I hope... In that main piano line, I've been experimenting with having the piano play the little motif once, then harmonized guitars echoing it back.
  2. 200 bpm sixteenth notes? What am I? John Petrucci? Nah seriously though, cool idea! Thanks for posting it!
  3. Any of my fellow comic nerds out there? Today is Stan Lee's birthday! Without him there would be no X-Men, Spider Man, Iron Man and less geeks who have never felt a woman's touch!
  4. Well, if you checked the judges decisions, she got "NO (resub)'d" So, I'm working on a version that improves upon every aspect. Sadly, till I get a new recording interface to go with my killer new microphone, guitar recording has come to a stand still once more. I still remember the solo I played in this song, even though I made it up on the spot.
  5. With nearly every film Hans Zimmer does, there is a little doc. on his music for it. Showing his studio and then recording live performances etc. So youtube those. On the subject of games....I can't think of one. Though Playstation underground had a great interview with Stewart Copeland creating the Sypro the dragon soundtrack.
  6. Keep the music comin' I've listened to this several times and it's still just awesome. I still like your metroid remix the most though.
  7. Great song! Really, I'm having trouble thinking of anything in the composition itself that I don't like...but If I had one complaint, it would be the metronome type sound. I know you said it isn't, but it sure sounds like one because of how it clicks EVERY beat. I think it would benefit from changing up that click sound's rhythm. For musicians, it probably wouldn't, but I imagine for a player the game could actually get a bit annoying if they had to be on that screen/level for too long.
  8. Your username is Sodom, yet you didn't mention that german thrash metal band "sodom" lol. Not that I actually like that band.
  9. Don't know much about Nightwish, but Annette's collaboration with Brother Firetribe was straight up awesome.
  10. What Dan said and what Meteo said about not being Zircon. Though if he does get bored of being Zircon, I would be willing to switch places. Ever since I saw "change up", I've wanted to try pissing in a magical fountain at the same time as someone else to see if it really works.
  11. Some GREAT lists in here so far. Andromeda was brought up a couple times. A few years ago I was simply addicted to that band. Thanks for bringing them up again! I'll have to check out the stuff they've released since. Germany's Brainstorm is awesome as well. Can't forget Norway's too The other day I gave "Enigmatic: Calling" by Pagan's mind another spin. Anyone out there pick up PM's newest album? I've only heard a couple songs off it and it seems good.
  12. The singer in my band is obsessed with Michael Kiske. Personally I like Deris in Helloween better. Kiske owns in Place Vendome though!
  13. The only time I thought that North America truly had the best bands on the block was in the hair metal era. Of which I am a huge fan (as if you couldn't tell). Other than that though, it's all about Europe. South America rocks hard too with bands like Angra, Sepultura, Watchmen, Andre Matos etc. For the most part though, I just can't get enough of Europe's metal. Like this stuff http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=atxbx3qpDNM http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c_K_NeMB-zU http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_HP6UzVwXLc v=aVoLnSv7mjs'>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aVoLnSv7mjs Like...damn! There's obviously countless more, Helloween, Gamma Ray, etc. Scandinavia especially is a breeding ground for awesome shit. While we do have Kamelot, Symphony X, Iced Earth and such here in North America. Most "metal" now is just brutal death metal oriented stuff. What do you think of Europe's metal scene? What are some of your favorite bands? Which have you saw live? CDs you own etc?
  14. Thanks for the feeback as always RoeTaKa! You're a badass you know that? Indeed on the chord changes. Haven't worked on this tune for a bit. I should get back on that. It seems guitar is the way to go. Think I'm gonna hold off on the guitar till I get a superior microphone though. One that's meant for instruments like guitars...
  15. Also, as I told some other people here on the forums today..."hunting down" people usually never works. At least, for me it didn't. Your story may be different. This year, I got to write music for 5 different games. 2 of which died during development, 3 of which come out next year. All of those projects found me, not the other way around. Usually asking around gets you nowhere because most of the time, game developers big and small know what they want and are well aware of composers they would like to score their game. In most cases, they already have musicians. I mean think of it this way, you can sit and sift through the hundreds of emails from people wanting to write music for you. Or, when you start up the company and/or project, you can fire up the internet yourself and pull up the portfolios of countless composers professional and independent. All of various styles. I almost never see anyone advertising for composers because they usually already have them. Musicians though, they advertise their services everywhere. Again, just my own experience with it. It might not be true for even the majority of people.
  16. Satin & Lace by "The Magnificent". Michael Eriksen and Torsti Spoof's newest band. Absolutely phenomenal shit. Sounds kinda like Journey and Europe.
  17. I just pick up my guitar and jam. Don't really think about it. I experiment with different scales, chords, whatever on the fly. Improvise. Eventually I'll come up with a melody or rhythm that sticks out and start building off it from there.
  18. You Americans really confuse me with the whole Republican/Democrat thing.
  19. I didn't find it actually. It found me. As a matter of fact, 2011 is the year I started writing music for whatever needs it. Been writing for years though. I got the jobs (both freebies and paid ones) just by starting up a soundcloud and loading it up with demos, create a webpage of some sort, and advertise yourself on game development forums etc. Never under-estimate indie game design forums. As I learned, you never know just what companies and industry veterans actually DO pay attention to these sites. Another thing I did was get in touch with professional composers and listen to their advice about how to get into writing music for games. Mikko Tarmia (Amnesia: Dark Descent composer) gave me some great advice. He said that most game companies, independent or big name, do not advertise jobs for composing music. The reason is because they either "A: Already have composers or B: They use agencies." Most video game producers and companies already know what they're looking for music-wise in the games early stages. So it's often much easier to bring the work to you. "Doing hobby projects with no pay is how most people get into this business." and he's damn right. Basically, search around for sites like devmasters or other independent game design forums and offer your music services for free. Try to get into a "no profit" project. Which is easy enough. Nothing says those indie games will be good or even survive development, but if they do, you'll have something to add to your portfolio and keep building it up. The more projects you have done, the more attention you will attract. Even if you're not the best mixer or even a super highly educated and insanely skilled musician, there are certainly people out there who are looking for what you offer. Just make sure to let them know that you won't always be free. Oh and one more thing, never, ever, EVER sign a contract unless you have a lawyer look it over first. Because usually if some random "game designer" is waving a contract at you, it means he doesn't know WTF he is doing.
  20. Thanks for the help guys! As for "cab budget"? Already have several different cabinets and amps to use!
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