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Everything posted by AngelCityOutlaw

  1. For this particular project, I don't think so. The bosses of this project are quite specific in what they want. Vocals hasn't come up. I do have another, bigger video game that I've got all the music written for and it needs a female singer. Fear not though, I have a whole pile of other projects on the horizon that would require a dude singer. Think you might be able to sing "eye of the tiger"? As for the mixing thing. I've talked to Mak (congrats on getting a mix in the "to be posted" section!) about it and we'll see how it goes with him.
  2. No problem. Still though, I love the hell out of your Metroid remix on youtube the most. and holy crap. Check that shit out! I've apparently reached "Ryu Hayabusa" level now. Makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside to know that I've posted 701 times...
  3. Like hell. You could so do it. Anyway, I think it is great. I'm no final fantasy fan, but the music is good. I really like the drums in this remix of yours. Overall the song has a soothing feel. There are some nice subtle details peppered throughout and that makes it worth listening to several times..in a row. Keep em' comin'
  4. I am in dire need of a good dynamic microphone for recording my guitar amp cabinet(s). I know that the Sm57 is basically the standard, but I also recently saw a video where this guitar player also recommends the Audix i-5. Both sound great to my ears, but I am not sure which is the better buy and unfortunately, I have no way of just testing them out with my own amp(s). For guitar cabinets, which of the two would you recommend and why?
  5. I think it's awesome. Great work! Really, that's all I can say.
  6. I just meant that those are the usual criticisms on this site. I'm no producer/mixer/sound engineer so I can't help ya there. I just listen for the song itself. Which I thoroughly enjoy.
  7. Alrighty, I know there has been a wave of composers and all that in the forums here lookin' for something to do, but this is not one of those posts. So, I am tasked with writing music for an indie game. It is a sort of 3D Sci-Fi puzzle/adventure game. The music I've been writing for it is an electronic/ambient style. Think along the lines of Portal and Mirror's Edge. However, while I can certainly write and play some damn catchy tunes, I am no master of music mixing and mastering. Usually, for projects with some sort of budget, I would get a local studio to professionally mix and master it and even hire other session musicians. Which brings me to my next point. This particular game is just a fun project and if successful, could be some good exposure for us all! So therefore, I'm not able to offer any money. We can give you a spot in the credits of the game and it's website, however. So basically, I'm looking for a reliable and fairly experienced mixer (one I haven't collaborated with yet) to mix and master my songs for the game. Maybe even replace and/or upgrade some synths and samples. I compose...you mix. Perhaps you could even teach me some of your own tricks and beliefs with mixing and mastering so that I may improve in that area as well. I won't post videos, pictures and links here, but If you want to know more and think you'd be up for a fun little project. Send me a PM and I'll share all I know with you.
  8. Yes. More of that. I love the transition from epic gladiator entrance to a sort of Street Fighter Alpha funky feel. Love the synthy brass. The composition is killer! I do foresee people complaining about "sample" quality, humanization and all that jazz, but whatever.
  9. I suppose. The problem with that was that it got boring kinda quick. I hope the new game is built to last.
  10. ""Nintendo" is a registered trademark of Nintendo of America Inc. Nintendo owns extensive intellectual property rights in all of its products, including video game systems, game titles, characters, game software, graphics, artwork, and screen shots. Nintendo also retains rights in content on Nintendo's web sites, including articles, artwork, screen shots and other files. Trademarks and copyrights for third-party games and characters are owned by the companies that market or license those products. While we are grateful for all the requests for permission to use Nintendo properties, we are not able to grant such requests. We receive thousands of requests and we do not have adequate staffing to review them all. Therefore, our general policy is to decline requests for permission for the use of Nintendo properties. Although we are not able to grant permission, use of Nintendo's properties without formal permission by Nintendo may still be allowed under the relevant laws of the particular jurisdiction involved. Thus, we encourage you to seek your own legal counsel if you have any questions about whether your particular proposed use is permitted without Nintendo's authorization. Nintendo cannot provide legal advice. We appreciate your support. That's on their site. I have a feeling I'll be hearing nothing back. Oh well, I tried. Good luck with the music though.
  11. of course not I'm not THAT stupid. I just wanna see if they say anything. You wanna know if and how you can use the FX right? Basically I just asked if there was a person wanting to use their oldschool sound effects in the artist's original music, what is required to do so? They have a specific email section where you can ask these copyright kinds of questions.
  12. Well, I just shot an email off to Nintendo about the subject. I'll let you know if I get any answers.
  13. Sitting here practising my tune with the metronome in FL a clickin' away. I was wondering if there was any way I could just export the click track's audio as a .wav or something so I can load it into different software or put it on an ipod? I have this feeling like it isn't doable. If not...fine, but it would make life easier if there is a way. EDIT: Ah shit...there's an FL studio section.
  14. The best thing you can do I would think is to phone and/or email the companies who own the sounds. Ask them.
  15. Most likely this. I highly doubt anyone at all would care about you using chiptune sound effects. This thread is more or less a reason for the legal buffs to come out of the woodwork and throw around all the lingo when all you want is a simple yes or no answer. The oldschool chiptune sound fx have been used in remixes, some songs on the radio and have even been available for download on countless sites for over a decade...notice that Nintendo etc. doesn't seem to care? Go to youtube (or even here) and you will find countless covers, remixes, dances and such of VGM. If Nintendo, Sega etc. are willing to let things like OCR and youtube carry on using their music, something far more important, what makes anyone think they give two shits about 20 year old sound effects that serve them almost no purpose today? EDIT: I realize this sounds kinda hostile in a way. Not supposed to be hostile, just the way I see it. Edit 2: Another question is..are you famous enough for them to even notice?
  16. I'd say Itagaki was just a curse lol. The new game looks impressive so far even though it's real early. I like how in the demo Ryu throws a ball of light. Reminds me of some other game....
  17. Felt the need to bring this bastard back from the grave since there has been more news and video of course. http://shoryuken.com/2011/12/10/dead-or-alive-5-will-have-a-simultaneous-worldwide-release/ I wasn't really...excited or anything in the beginning, but I think this baby could be awesome. The other day, I popped in DOA4 for the first time in freakin' ages and me and a friend played Tag Team. Loads of fun. What you guys thinking? Apparently the game's only like, 15% complete. Still though. Could be epic after all.
  18. Personally, I'm likin' it so far. I like the piano better now too. The intro feels a little....empty. Maybe try throwing in a counter melody to the bell? Perhaps a sort of call and response with another instrument? I know this seems like a weird idea, but have you considered throwing in some subtle guitar scratching with wah? When listening I just kinda hear in my head some funky guitar scratches every now and then. Nothing substantial, just some sixteenth notes here and there. Anyway, just some more thoughts. She's comin' along.
  19. Yeah, but most of your post seems to refer to production. Not composition as much. Anyhow, there isn't much in the way of melody here. Definitely look at adding in some more melodies, maybe some arpeggios etc. Also, increase the songs length. Perhaps even try adding in another Mario and Luigi song to the mix? On the subject of realistic piano the only way to get TRULY convincing results is with real piano. Not just velocity edits. However, if you want to make that piano sound more realistic, vary up the velocities, but also screw with the timing. For example, in this song, it sounds like the piano just plays chords. All the notes in your chords are hitting at the exact same time it seems. Real musicians don't make every note in the chord begin and end at the same time. So try making the chords "fall" together. Make one note start ever so slightly before/after another note in the chord. Just don't go too nuts and throw the piano out of time with the song.
  20. Thanks Mak! Some good suggestions in there for sure! I'll keep on workin' on this.
  21. Been trying my hand at more Trance music. http://soundcloud.com/angelcityoutlaw/spellbound-wip I'm lookin' for ideas on how to expand it and keep it hypnotic. I was thinking of adding in some guitar section and maybe vocals. Any thoughts?
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